Need advice with medical marijuana

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May 21, 2012
Hello! I was diagnosed with early onset Crohns about 15 months ago. I really resist the drug therapy the doctor wants me to go on which is pred and then Imuran. Both meds made me feel awful and scare me. Generally I avoid medications and doctors whenever possible. Unfortunately, my gut hurts a lot and often. I would just like some relief and am interested in MM as an alternative to big gun drugs. What type of marijuana is suggested for Crohns patients? MM is not legal in my state and I am not looking for a high. I am nearly 48 years old, have 2 young daughters and I just need to calm my gut so that I am not constantly hurting. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.
As you're not in a MMJ state, I would say whatever you can get your hands on is a good start.

Some on this forum claim edibles/tinctures work best (look up cannabutter and/or Green Dragon) ...while others say smoking strains high in CBD (usually the second-highest cannabinoid found in cannabis) are effective. As an added bonus, you don't get as much of the cerebral effects in these CBD-rich strains - but it could be hard getting hold of this in a non-MMJ state.

But a study just came out from Israel (where, due to a more lenient regulation, a lot of MMJ research is currently being done) a study was found users who smoked two joints a day with cannabis high in THC, drastically reduced their symptoms - even putting some into remission, according to the Crohn's Disease Activity Index.

With most of the options, though, getting high is kind of inevitable. But know that if you dose appropriately, you do eventually build a tolerance.
CBD is the real answer, but it's rare if you aren't in a medical state. THC can help a LOT but CBD will actually fix the problem.

Since I've been gone i've had access to lots of strains with moderate amounts of CBD and very high amounts of THC...i've been in "semi" remission and feeling pretty good. Definitely not 100% normal but I'm only having 1-2 soft but formed bowel movements per day which is pretty good if you're an IBD'er!

I had a bit of trouble in April since I was tapering clonazepam (horrible drug!) but other then that cannabis has kept me healthy and active.

There is some scientific proof that a lot of the negative effects of cannabis go away with tolerance. Some people think it has to do with THC's main metabolite, 11-COOH-THC. The metabolite (which builds up in fat cells) also has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects too. Unlike other drugs, the buildup of metabolites from cannabis can actually reduce the negative effects of the drug and provide pain/inflammation relief.

From Wiki

While 11-COOH-THC does not have any psychoactive effects in its own right, it may still have a role in the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of cannabis,[10][11] and has also been shown to moderate the effects of THC itself which may help explain the difference in subjective effects seen between occasional and regular users of cannabis.[12][13]

Okay I'm done with my rant :)
I learned a lot from your rant! Thanks for the information. I think I will try to locate some type of marijuana and try it. Lets hope they legalize it everywhere soon!
As a Crohnie with a young son, I understand your need for discretion also. Vaporizers are expensive, but better for your health, and the vapor exhaled is very very much less than the smoke exhaled from normal smoking. You could potentially use small amounts throughout the day or as needed. I go above my garage to vaporize and my husband makes sure my son is never nearby. It works really well stopping cramping and nausea. Good luck.
Thank you so much for your reply. As much as my girls would understand, I am not comfortable with them knowing at their age. I will look into the vaporizers and the cost. Thank you and my other responders...I just wish this wasn't so hard.

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