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Nov 22, 2015
I was diagnosed with colitis about a year ago. My doctor could not decide what the inflammation was from in the colonoscopy and called it just colitis. Unlike must, I suffer from constipation...I was put on lialda, 2 tablets a day and I had a follow up colonoscopy and he said it was all clear and he stopped my medicine. about two months later it all started again. Well for the last 5 months the bleeding has returned. Fresh, bright red blood, it's so much it soaks the toilet paper and toilet with just red. I also don't even have stools, they are just floating circles with mucus. I have to be careful passing gas because sometimes mucous comes out. I have been completely exhausted lately too. I can sleep about 10 hours and still be exhausted and weak. I'm falling asleep in my classes. I made an appointment with my doctor awhile ago and my appointment is this wednesday. My doctor upped my dosage after calling him to 4 lialda a day and it has made my mucous worse. Now after suffering from constipation, it's almost like it's hard to pass stools, but when I do, it is floating and loose. Does anyone have similar symptoms? It's so hard to see so much blood and be tired all the time...I'm just looking for some support and advice on maybe foods to avoid or something. Any meds out there that could help with my blood better than lialda? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks soo much!!
Welcome to the forum. I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. You should definitely have your iron and vitamin levels checked. It's difficult to manage fatigue, I'm in remission and still suffer from it. Are you seeing a gastroenterologist? Have you lost weight? You could try a low residue diet and see if that helps. I've been on it for five years now. It's not healthy but keeps me pain free, and the plumbing works better. :ghug:
Welcome to the forum. I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. You should definitely have your iron and vitamin levels checked. It's difficult to manage fatigue, I'm in remission and still suffer from it. Are you seeing a gastroenterologist? Have you lost weight? You could try a low residue diet and see if that helps. I've been on it for five years now. It's not healthy but keeps me pain free, and the plumbing works better. :ghug:
Hello and so very sorry to hear you are suffering in this way and with continued bleeding. We all here know that what you are going through is no walk in the park at all :(

Whenever there is bleeding it should be addressed by a medical professional.
What are you taking in addition to lialda? What other treatment options has your doctor offered to you? Have you had a second opinion from a different doctor about your condition? These questions are worth looking into if you are not getting results from the treatment plan you are currently on.
Hi akarm89, welcome to the forum. I've been through a similar situation this year. I started having rectal bleeding in March and it's been on-again off-again bleeding ever since. My iron levels have slowly dropped during that time so I've had increasing exhaustion due to that. My doctor's priorities were to figure out the cause of the bleeding, and treat the iron deficiency. We figured out the cause through flexible sigmoidoscopy, and then just this month I had a series of iron infusions. I feel so much better now! I went from no energy to lots of energy, it's been great. I encourage you to figure out the cause of your bleeding, if you don't already know it, and also figure out what your deficiencies are - if you're low in iron, hemoglobin, etc, and then treat those deficiencies. Addressing both the cause and the deficiencies seems to be the best bet. Hopefully that way you can stop or minimize the bleeding, and also get feeling better. That strategy has worked very well for me. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon!

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