Anyone help with suggestions, is this normal treatment? I have a small attack five years ago, dianognosed Crohns, went through treatment(asacol and supposititories), four months later got a second opionon(Mayo) and was undiagnosed Crohns.
Ok, for five years. Just IBS type stuff. Then three weeks I have a bad flare, massive cramps, dianogsed Crohns, 5 day stay in hospital, and I am out.
I have been on a steriod the whole time, (injections in hospital and preg after I left 40 mg a day.) I am also taking asacol 3 X 3. Its been two full weeks of treatment and next week will start 35mg of preg, ad 3 X 2 of asacol, and then start Imuran. Then plan is to get of preg, start with Imuran, and then cut back on asacol.
Is this a normal treatment line. Any feedback would help, I know everyone is different. Thanks.
Ok, for five years. Just IBS type stuff. Then three weeks I have a bad flare, massive cramps, dianogsed Crohns, 5 day stay in hospital, and I am out.
I have been on a steriod the whole time, (injections in hospital and preg after I left 40 mg a day.) I am also taking asacol 3 X 3. Its been two full weeks of treatment and next week will start 35mg of preg, ad 3 X 2 of asacol, and then start Imuran. Then plan is to get of preg, start with Imuran, and then cut back on asacol.
Is this a normal treatment line. Any feedback would help, I know everyone is different. Thanks.