Need some advice

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 18, 2010
I want to say this forum is better than any doctor I have seen. You all know more than anyone. So I need some advice. I am soo sick of being tired with this disease. Before I found out what I had I worked out all the time, stayed up late went out with friends, now I am so tired all I want to do is sleep. I eat healthy take B-12 shots once a month stopped drinking any alcohol. I have no insurance so I go to a clinic. I like the doctor I see, however he is not a GI specialist and really does not know much about chrons, however he listens and trys to try different things that might work. Is there anything out there that has given anyone more energy? Any advice would be much appreciated :) I feel depressed however I think im depressed because im so tired of feeling tired??? I take sulfazalizen, Garden of life vitamins, B-12 shot and Vitamin D.
Try to get some sun and drink lots of water but meds and your body and mind is the biggest factor. Just think positive it really helps me.
Hey Awbrey - The exhaustion is one of the worst part of Crohn's IMO. Sounds like you are doing as much as you can. Is your iron level okay?

Just rest, rest, rest and do what you can, when you can.

- Amy
Like Amy said, this is one of the side effects that we have to deal with. You are already taking vitamins so there's really not much else you could do as far as that. However iron will help tremendously. Sometimes when I get extremely exhausted I'll take a B12 shot every two weeks for about a month and a half. I am not a Dr so be sure to ask your Dr first (mine is always ok with it).
Can you not get medicaid or anything? What type of clinic do you go to? We have clinics here in Alabama that people can go to but the Dr's are really good and really informed. The best advice I can give you on that is do as much research as possible so that you can discuss them with the Dr. you are seeing.
Best of Luck to you!
I here you Awbrey. For me, the nausea and exhaustion are the worst parts of the disease. I agree that you should have your iron checked. I found out that I had some problems with depression, and that it is fairly common with CD and other chronic illnesses or pains. When you have chronic pain, your seratonin levels can get messed up, causing depression. Fatigue is very common with depression. I am taking Zoloft, and that really made a world of difference for me. My energy level and attitude have both increased. I still get tired, especially when I'm flaring up, but I do feel better. I think all the advice is terrific, experiment and see what works for you. :)
I know going to a regular Dr and not a GI isnt great. But could you have them do a full blood workup on you? All your vitamins, Iron especially, and check if you need something? Maybe check your CRP while at it, just in case.

I wish there were a magic pill....I'd be all over that!!


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