Need some immediate suggestions

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Aug 7, 2011
Hey guys, I woke up feeling fine this morning but now I suddenly got this horrible cramping pain in my lower abdomen and pain behind my stoma. I am having limited output in my bag and I've eaten and drank tons of water all ready today so my bag should have output. Also I am throwing up constantly. I felt nauseous and then couldnt stop throwing up and it was all like an indigestion feeling. I worked out at the gym about three days ago and have been going non stop this whole weekend, but today I feel like shit! I also am warm to the touch but freezing!
I'd be calling hte doc ASAP!.....hoping you don't have a blockage - but it sounds like there may be one....hopefully someone else will chimne in soon. Feel better!
I agree with pasobuff..sounds like a blockage. Call the doctor or go to the emergency room. There are things you can try like a warm bath, a heating pad or even by rocking to help clear obstructions, but if you are warm and yet freezing, you need to be seen by someone.
Yeah I was told a heating pad, warm bath, massaging the area of your stoma and lying down on your side with your knees to your chest. You should call the doc too. My docs also said if you have a blockage with a stoma not to force more water down, but I've also heard sipping warm/hot water helps.

Edit: My little brochure they sent me home with says if the pain and blockage doesn't pass in a couple hours to get medical attention.
Went to the ER and ended up going home after a few hours with percocet and antibiotics for a UTI and advice to come back if it didnt get better. Ended up back at the ER three hours later with a flare up in my colon. Hospitalized for three days and finally sent home with antibiotics and diladid because apparently you become tolerant of percocet after being on it for two years! Had a GI dr see me while I was there but its not the doctor I normally see which was actually kinda annoying. He didnt know anything about my history or anything which really made me appreciate my GI. This dr saw some inflammation and sent me home after lots of IV fluid and iv antibiotics.
Are you going to be seeing your GI soon (I hope)? How are you feeling now? Sorry to hear about the hospital stay and the big scare. None of that is any fun. I've never understood the antibiotics given when someone has inflammation. Its great for bacterial infections but if not, I just don't see the point. I mean you may have gotten one but how is that going to help the inflammation after the antibiotics leave your system? Keep us posted on how you're doing.
I'm with Crabby, please be seen by your normal GI ASAP. Antibiotics wont do a thing for inflammation.
Me too. Go see your GI. He knows your history and you trust him. I never feel very confident when someone else tries to manage a flare, I am always unsure until my own GI has seen me.

Hope you are feeling a bit better.

My GI said they give out Flagyl not only as an antibiotic, but that it helps with pain. I confuses me too.
I agree, the one antibiotic was given prior to the hospital stay due to a UTI I was diagnosed with during the ER visit. I get to see my normal GI in a couple weeks for a colonoscopy to determine the status of how my healing is going since the ileostomy. I'm feeling better now since the hospital visit but they also gave me diladid so that may be the reason lol. I've decided I seriously need to watch what I eat and exercise some more and hopefully I will feel better. I never really listened when they tell you to watch what you eat even after the surgery. A very bad downfall of mine. Plus I am supposed to be taking my 6MP every night and I havent been because I have been feeling better and that is my biggest issue! Anyone have any ideas for remembering to take meds?
I suggest you take your meds at the same time every day so you get into the routine of doing it. For example, take them in the morning when you brush your teeth and wash your face.
The 6MP is a maintenance drug and you need to be taking that every day. Try a 7 day pill box. With AM/PM on it. That is the only thing that gets me to take them!

I take my 6MP at nightime so I dont experience the nausea.

6MP takes awhile to get to an effective level. And you should also be getting regular blood tests while you are on it to make sure it's at the right level, and not causing any problems. Does your GI or Dr make sure you are getting your blood tested monthly?
Yeah my GI is really good about getting on my case about my blood work. I live about 2 1/2 hours from her so she always has her nurse mail me my orders and submit a copy to the local agency I use to draw blood.
I take my meds at the same time everyday. I always take them before bed. I take them with my birth control (something I know I will regret not taking in the short term (obviously one may regret not taking long term meds but you get the idea)). When I was a kid first starting out with meds my mom brought them to me every night before bed (guess that got me into the habit of doing it before bed :p). When I moved away on my own my mom would call me at night and ask if I had taken my meds. Having someone else remind you is helpful when you're first starting out.

Humira is different though. I don't take it everyday so the system I use is I have a calendar up in the hallway (its always somewhere I'll see it before bed, so every time I move to a new place, its one of the first things to get hung on the wall). I use the calendar as sort of a to do list that day (for really important things like doctors appointments etc, not like a grocery list :p). I always check the calendar at night so I know what time I have to get up the next day or if I'm supposed to have my shot that day etc. Every night I cross off the things I was supposed to do and cross out the day (so I know what day it is when I stare at the calendar, you forget the date and sometimes what day it is when you're not working or going to school :p).

Also if those don't work for you my sister has an alarm set on her phone everyday so she remembers to take her birth control. Maybe that might help you.
I don't know enough to give any advice , but I'm thinking about you and will be watching for an update. Hugs coming your way.