Need to get this off my chest

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Apr 30, 2010
Nottingham, UK
I know that this is going to sound really harsh, but I have to let it out somewhere!

I know someone who had a gastric bypass. I made a comment the other day about how I went out for a meal and had to leave half. "at least you can go out for a meal" she says "I can only manage about 5 mushrooms"

Yes dear, but you chose to have an operation that would leave you with a stomach the size of an eggcup. You choose to eat mushrooms even though you are meant to be on a low residue type diet.

She does struggle to eat properly without being sick but I just can't find any sympathy at the moment. Especially cos she had the op to lose weight, and whenever I see her she's eating biscuits!
I agree with you Rebecca - I've had a similar conversation with an extended family member in the same situation... I wasn't so nice to keep my comments to myself though! LOL
I am with you two. I am probably a mean person but I just can't see why anyone would "need" that surgery. Is it just impossible to eat less/eat healthier, and exercise? I can't see how anyone could get to the point where the only option is to have major surgery because they "can't" lose weight on their own. It just sounds really lazy to me! Again, sorry if I sound mean, maybe I am just not understanding something as I've never been obese, but it just makes no sense to me.
Rebecca - Yes, that is frustrating and annoying! I ususally respond to dumb remarks like that with, "Wanna trade?" That usually shuts people up b/c NO ONE would ever choose to have Crohn's if they could avoid it.

I also don't understand how someone can get to the point of needing gastric bypass or lap band surgery. I guess at some point they just give up and then it gets worse from there.

Try not to spend too much energy being annoyed by uneducated people. You've got your own fish to fry and it sounds like she's got food anger issues she is taking out on anyone that can eat more than she can.
Thanks guys, ames I think you hit the nail on the head with the 'food anger issues'. And that's probably why she still isn't happy now she's losing the weight. Anyway, now I got it off my chest I can go back to ignoring her (if you can't say anything nice then say nothing at all!). Normally I do tell people what I think, but it would cause me more stress and it's just not worth it!

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