Need to talk(Ostomy advice)

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Can you guys look at the area to the right on the first pic and the area on the left on the second pic to tell me what ya'll think. I'm nervous I may have an infection or that the sutures fell out to soon. My skin is just laying on top of my intestine in that area and there is some white "tissue" on there. I'm emailing my surgeon now and calling tomorrow.

Please look at pics at the bottom of page 10
It doesn't look infected to me from what I can see. The type of thing you should be looking for is - unusual pain, inflammation, hot to touch, offensive smell and discharge. It could be one or a combination of these. Keep in mind that old blood on wounds can also become a bit whiffy and as you have said add sweat and skin prep into the mix and it can make quite a cocktail. You will most likely find that when the steristrips are removed the old blood and dried discharge will come off with them. Of course if you have any concerns it's best to have it checked out.
Thanks DustyKat, I'm just worried I guess. My doctor is 1.5 hours away so it's not like I can just call him and head over and I don't trust any of the docs where I live. Ugh, tonight wasn't very good. I just can't sleep. After all the commotion at 12:30 and pooping out of my butt again. I feel like I have to poop again from my butt but nothing wants to come out. Then I had to change my bag. I've done more work tonight then I did all day when it comes to my ostomy. It's just annoying. It's 5am and I'm not tired and I feel like I need to poop and all I want to do is GO TO SLEEP!!!!!
Jeff, I don't know anything about ostomies etc. but I have read much of this thread. Can you bathe the area w/ hydrogen peroxide?

This may sound very uninformed but ,in the pics, is that where the ostomy connects?
Don't use hydrogen peroxide.

If you wish to clean the area and wounds, and don't want to get them soaking wet (shower), just use a gauze swab, not cotton wool, and some warm/tepid salty water.
Sorry Jeff. Dusty, glad you got my back. Like I say, I know nothing about it but surely your docx and nurses gave you advice for dressing and cleaning?
Oh, I hope I didn't sound dismissive Dexky, that wasn't my intention. Suffice it to say that I have an advantage, I deal with wounds just about everyday.
No way Dusty, I just never saw hp even mentioned and that's what we use to clean all our wounds.

Why is it a no no?
When diluted, at least 3 parts water to 1 part hydrogen peroxide, some people still use it as an initial cleansing agent but by and large the majority moved away from hydrogen peroxide many years ago as the process of wound healing was better understood.

Many may remember years ago when dressings were changed every 4 hours, well it was realised that each time you change a dressing you disturb the wound bed and thus the healing process. Now days some dressing products can remain insitu for up to a week improving healing times significantly.

Hydrogen peroxide is one of those cleansing agents that has a tendency to compromise the integrity of the wound bed, it not only destroys bad tissue but good as well.

Hmmm........well that was a bit long winded for a simple question. Hope it makes sense.
Thanks DustyKat, I'm just worried I guess. My doctor is 1.5 hours away so it's not like I can just call him and head over and I don't trust any of the docs where I live. Ugh, tonight wasn't very good. I just can't sleep. After all the commotion at 12:30 and pooping out of my butt again. I feel like I have to poop again from my butt but nothing wants to come out. Then I had to change my bag. I've done more work tonight then I did all day when it comes to my ostomy. It's just annoying. It's 5am and I'm not tired and I feel like I need to poop and all I want to do is GO TO SLEEP!!!!!

Hey Jeff, The stoma looks ok, but you should check it out to put your mind at ease. If the area is red, warm to touch and smells bad it might be worth the trip.
Regarding the sleep, there are so many sleeping meds out there to just help you calm and fall asleep while adjusting.
Are you still on pain meds?
regarding STILL going to the bathroom and having the stoma, I thought that you had a proctocolectomy so I must of missed some of the thread regarding your surgery.
You are always so positive and helpfull and you will be better very soon
best wishes
The top pic is too blurry to really tell. And did you take one in a mirror? In the top pic, the ostomy is to the left of the incision, and in the bottom pic, it's on the right.

In the bottom pic, the ostomy and skin around it look pretty good to me. (but again not that clear - and what the heck do I know!) The steri strips look kinda dirty. Looks like there's been some discharge under the strips. Maybe that is causing the smell.

Can you find a local WOC Nurse to check things out?

It would be so good for you to find a local Ostomy nurse so you don't need to travel 1.5 hours.
Finally got here to look at this!! It looks fine to me. I had whitish stuff around mine when it was healing and my nurse told me not to worry about it. It eventually went away. Reni is soooo small! He's gonna be cute when he's all healed up. Oscar seems like a monster compared to yours and

Try not to worry too much. Just keep the area clean with regular old soap and water and you should be fine.
hi Jeff.. i enlarged your pics again & again to try and get a good look at what you're worried about. i can't see anything untoward, but then again the pics are a bit blurry, especially magnified. that little dark red blob at the base of your stoma - is that where one of the stitches were?

i can't see any obvious infection, or anything to be concerned about - and i remember going home with my stoma when it was first done and being extra worried about every little thing. that said, i got my reassurance from being able to revisit my ward anytime, and i did this a few times - either the nursing staff or one of the docs would have a look and put my mind at rest - so, if that's what it's going to take to reassure you, then get yourself to either a nurse or doctor, & ask them to have a look at the stoma and the incisions.

regarding the smell.. i would think it's more to do with the incision site and the dressings than anything else - how long is it since your surgery now? i would think it should be fine to take a bath now, and gently swill some soapy water over the whole area. i'm sure you'd feel a lot better after, and it should alleviate that smell. it might be that it won't completely disappear until the dressings are gone, though.
Thanks everyone for your help and aid. I talked to the ostomy nurse on the phone and sent her the pics as well and she said I may be having a bit of my skin coming off but to add the powder to the area and seal it in. Then just put the flange on top of the exposed section so that my skin will heal flat rather than have a little mountain range on that side.

Last night I cleaned my stomach with soap before I added the appliance and today I don't have that wretched BO smell so I hope it was just for surgery. I still have it faintly but I also don't think I cleaned my entire stomach so it may just be leaching from that area.

You guys are great. I think last night after seeing a white blob on my stoma I just freaked out so thanks for the support and help. You guys are the best.

Ugh, my back from being hunched over kills so bad that percocet does nothing for it. I haven't slept yet. I'm getting a bit angry that I can't sleep, I mean really it's annoying. I've been awake for what 21 hours. Once 9ish comes in I would have been awake 24 hours. Just ranting a little and I don't feel like starting a new post. I just need my back pain to go away. I really hope it's not osteoporosis as a few months ago I was diagnosed with osteopenia so it's really possible that now osteoporosis has set in. I'll get back but it's going to be a few weeks until I can get my body back in order.
I'm praying my mom can get in touch with my doctor so I can get a muscle relaxer. I just took two percocets and they did nothing
Jeff have you tried putting a heat source directly on your back, like a heated pad or a hot water bottle? this really helps me when i have bad back pain, particularly if it's muscular in origin.
Yeah, I've had a heating pad on my back pretty much the whole night. It's done nothing. It helps the area while it's on but as soon as it's off I have immediate pain and the pain goes from right above my butt all the way up to my neck. The doctor called and told me to take an anti-inflammatory for the next few days or if that doesn't work he wants me to go to the ER. My pain is so bad right now that it hurts just to touch it. I just want to scream. My mom is off to go pick me up the anti-inflammatory and I really hope it works, if not ER here I come.
oh hell you poor thing! sounds like a really bad spasm :( i guess it could actually be due to the surgery, being moved around when you were anesthetised, or maybe from lying in bed after the op..

i hope the meds help you quickly, Jeff, & that you manage to get some sleep!
Yeah, it seems because I still can't stand up straight that there has been a lot of damage done to my back. Along with that is I have to sit most of the day due to the back pain. To be honest sitting on the couch feels better than lying in my bed. I can't lay down flat as it feels like the skin around my stoma is being ripped off and laying flat makes my back feel okay but to make my stoma feel okay I need to sit up and that makes my back kill. It's like I can never win. Now after taking two percocets I'm beginning to get tired but I can't sleep because my back hurts so much.
Jeff, ask your doc about taking something to help you sleep which will help with healing your back pain and relax your muscles. Think of it in a way that your body went through a rigorous exercise during surgery and it takes time for the muscles to repair themselves.
You have the best attitude and everything will be fine.
Did you do your entire surgery laparoscopically?

Best wishes
Ask for ativan...I was on it in the hospital to help with my back spasms and to put me to sleep. It was's addictive though, so watch out for that.
Thanks guys. I may end up going to my local GP for the back pain. I'm not paying for the ER as it costs way more than seeing the GP. I'll just see what they say but I'll have some suggestions for them and I'll definitely tell them about the pain medication.

Thanks for the advice guys. My back is still hurting pretty horribly. I just hope I can get this feeling right.
Quick question, for the past week I've had pretty gooey stools coming out of my bag. Tonight my bag if filling up, this is the third time, very fast with a much more liquid consistency. It's still pretty thick so I'm not worried about an obstruction but I don't know what's going on do ya'll have any advice for me. Thanks
the stomas have a mind of thier own and can get active when ever they feel like it!! my "fred" usally gets active about a hour after i have eaten. the poo is alot more liquard than a normal poo as well.

if your comfortable sitting in the couch, why you try and sleep there?
I think the only time you really need to worry is if you're not having any output at all. I usually have very hard, or sticky poo...yesterday I had D...for no apparent reason. But it's all good!!
Jeff, what kind of food/diet are you on? have you changed your eating/drinking habbits?
I hope you got some sleep last night.
I added a cookie that I got from a cookie tree which I got sent after my surgery. Other than that I haven't really changed my diet much.
if i drink fizzy drinks or cows cheese i get diarrhoea.
have you eaten any of the food that you couldnt eat before your op? doesnt it taste lovely?
I haven't eaten anything but a cookie that may have had the possibilty of having a pecan in it. Today I was eating a cookie and it had one pecan in it so I didn't eat it. I really hope the other one I ate didn't have any pecans in it. I'm kind of worried it may have given me a slight blockage. I'm still eating low residue so I'm not sure why I'm blocking up. I'm chewing really well. This morning I woke up and had D as soon as I sat up so I took an immodium and since then I haven't had much output but what I have had has been kind of like D. It's really annoying. My stomach is kind of feeling heavy and it's gurgling a lot without anything coming out and I'm not farting much at all right now. It's weird. I'm thinking about using a Qtip to insert into my stoma to see if anything is blocking the way. I won't stick it in far, just inside the opening. What do ya'll think of that idea.

Jeff, it's really not advisable to insert anything into your stoma, honestly i wouldn't try this ever!

the only way i'd let that happen would be if my consultant thought it necessary, ie there were signs that there was a little blockage directly behind the stoma, and i'd let him do it, not tackle it myself.

if you think you're blocked, stay off solids for 24 hours, drink plenty, and try and massage your stomach.. if after 24 hours you still think you're blocked, talk to your doc.

let us know how it's going.
jeff dont do that.

i dont think you have a blockage, one pecan wont cause blockage either. our poo is always more liquard.
Jeff, I would not stick anything into the stoma. You had an output this morning so drink lots and lots of fluids. It will take your bowels some time to adjudst to the new situation. Are you having pain?
Best wishes
Thanks guys, I'm not going to do that anymore. I'm drinking a ton and I'm having a bit of pain. It just feels like everything gets stuck somewhere and then just gurgles. Well, today I changed my pouch and there was a red ring around the portion of skin that fell off last week. Hopefully one of the ostomy nurses gets in touch with me tomorrow and possibly can see me tomorrow as well.

Thanks guys
Another update: I just had excruciating pain in my stomach and in my lower back. I'm not really sure what to do right now. I just took a percocet so hopefully that helps me a little bit. I'm going to drink some hot black tea with honey in a little bit to soothe my stomach but I don't think I can handle anything in me right now.
hmm.. you shouldn't be getting excrutiating pain in your stomach now... post op pain should have subsided a lot. Jeff keep an eye on your temperature, & make a conscious note of how you're feeling bodily not just pain-wise - if the temp rises and/or you don't feel well, you must tell someone asap.

sometimes we can get little kinks in the bowel, and adhesions after surgery - with rest from food and taking fluids these problems can subside on their own.. but we don't know for sure what's causing your symptoms so if i were you, i'd probably err on the side of caution and see or telephone the consultant.
Yeah, I'm going to try and talk to the ostomy nurse tomorrow. My stomach has only been getting the excruciating pain after I eat. I layed down after I ate and all of a sudden I was in a heap of pain. Now I'm sitting up on the couch with a percocet in my system and I'm honestly feeling much better. I was hoping I would be able to go to a meeting tonight but I'm not sure right now if I'll be able to. We'll see how I do.
glad you're feeling better just now :)

just a suggestion.. when you eat, try to have little things often, rather than a meal-sized portion of food 3 times a day - at least for the time being, and see if the pain after eating subsides.
Yeah, I've been trying to do that. I didn't think a toasted peanut butter sandwich would be too much or a cookie. Niether would have ever bothered me in the past. I only used smooth peanut butter and in the past it was one of the only things I could actually eat. These things are sooo annoying. Thanks for the help.
Awe, I feel like junk right now. I haven't slept yet and my back hurts and my stomach keeps cramping up and stuff. I can't wait for tomorrow so that I hopefully can see an ostomy nurse. I really need to get this all fixed. I'm sick of feeling like junk. At the moment I feel worse than I did pre-surgery. At least pre-surgery I didn't have constant pain, it was just a constant annoyance. Just ranting right now but I'm really struggling right now. I want to sleep and I want to feel good. I haven't had much output at all since this afternoon when I changed appliances. I even drank some hot tea just in case to get things moving and all I have right now is a stomach that feels completely stuck. It's like usual, I'm stuck, I'm stuck then I'll have D for a while and I'll go back to being stuck again.
:( sorry to hear you're still struggling, Jeff. i think maybe the stoma nurse will refer you to a doctor, as this is probably out of her area.

i hope it settles down soon - i'm hoping it's just a stubborn kink which will right itself if you rest your digestion from food and just stay on fluids for a while. good luck - please keep us posted!
jeff why are you taking imodium? people with stomas dont need to take this. we have very runny poo. the part of the bowel that absorbs liquard has been removed, so we are left with runny poo. you need to drink more because of this as well.
I'm going to Vanderbuilt Medical Center 80 minutes away to get assessed and possible treatment. I hope to see you guys back in a little bit.
aww jeff sorry you feel like such **** =/

from your pics, i dont really see anything wrong. but mind you, i dont really have a good judge on things, i dont really know what a normal stoma looks like. i mean i do, but eh its hard for me to judge that.
im hoping it is not infected for you. but IF it is, jeff you will feel 54928340 times better when they release the infection. its amazing, if your pain is related to that, then it will disappear right away.

ALSO perc can massively slow down your system! any narcs can. i have never really had this problem with them but im sure it differs from person to person.
you might be in a bit of a vicious cycle, pain, narcs, slow down your system making mopre pain, you see?

as far as having to poo from your butt, this still happens to me quite a bit. it is SO much better than pre-surgery or even right after surgery, but i DO still get cramps just as if my colon was pushing poo around.
do you have a lot of mucous coming out?

hahah cindy, the reason your stomie is huge compared to ours is cause you have a colo! right? dont worry, youre not a mutant :)

jeff i hope they figure something out for you at vandy!
Sharon raised a really good point, Jeff... Immodium isn't really good for us ileostomists, unless it's given on direction from a doctor, and you're suffering really bad fluid loss which is definitely not caused by a partial blockage or narrowing... i'd say the only time it would be necessary to take it would be if we have a bad stomach infection like gastroenteritis and we're at danger of getting severe dehydration. apart from that kind of situation, i'd say steer clear of any meds which are designed to bulk up your output or slow it down.
My doctor even told me not to take anything like Immodium or Pepto...very bad for people with stomas! The fortunate thing for me is that if I do have D, it only lasts for an hour max, and that's pretty manageable.
Thanks guys. I have an obstruction so I was given an aweful barium enema. I was in so much pain after that that morphine, percocet, and dilauded didn't stop my pain. It wasn't until I got into my room where they gave me a very large amount of dilaudid which helped a lot with the pain and it knocked me out for a while.

I took the immodium under doctors orders.
awwww jeff :( im so so sorry.

what caused the obstruction, do they know? how did they dx it? did it seem to clear after the enema?
wow i am suprised that you never threw up. i mean i know that that can happen, that you dont throw upm and can stuill have an obstuction but it just seems unusual.

aw buddy that sucks, its been like a week and u already got one. i STIIL havent expereinced the horror of an obstruction yet. lots of love and good vibes coming your way!
are you being kept in hospital, Jeff?

really sorry to hear this - i hope the obstruction has cleared by now, or at least begun to.

keep us posted when you can, i'll be thinking of you & sending get better wishes your way.
when my fred was new , a sliced mushroom blocked me up. when that cleared i farted for days!!!

i love the fact that you can take your pc into hospital. i cant imagine that ever happening over here.

hope you slept better
I'm in the hospital right now. The obstruction is very painful. I passed a little of it this morning but I haven't passed anymore.
I hope all goes well and the obstroction is resolved soon and they find the cause so you dont have to deal with it again.
Best wishes
Thanks guys. The blockage is still bothering me. I see a little bit of stuff inside my stoma so hopefully it comes out soon and possibly with a lot of other stuff as well. Has anyone used the bag with a spiget at the end? It feels so weird, I'll just let the imagination do the talking. I also went down a size today in the flange department.
sounds like the blockage is making it's way down & out now... thank goodness.

i think those appliances with the spigot on are for urostomies - not sure why you've got one on, but i can imagine it will get impossible to drain once the solid output starts appearing in the appliance!
Hope you're feeling better today Jeff and that the obstruction has moved its way out.
Thanks guys. I'm starting to have more of the blockage come out. I have to say this has got to be the most painful experience of my life. It feels like I'm trying to pass a bowling ball out of my tiny stoma. I'm just glad it's finally coming out. The spigot is actually very oversized and is supposedly made for obstuction situations because apparently when the obstruction passes I will have a lot of liquid stool come out and will happen very quickly. Thanks for the thoughts guys
The spigot is actually very oversized and is supposedly made for obstuction situations because apparently when the obstruction passes I will have a lot of liquid stool come out and will happen very quickly.

ah yeah, that makes complete sense. and it's true, with or just after a blockage, there is often a rush of diarrhea-like liquid coming out. watch out for dehydration at this point, Jeff.. tell the nurses if you start to feel headachey or dizzy.

keeping you in my thoughts... let us know how things are going.
Sorry I couldn't update yesterday but I felt aweful and I slept most of the day. The night before I was given an ng tube which constantly hurt and this morning it got to the point where I told them either they can take it out or I will take it out. I haven't needed pain med since I got the tube out so that's good. Things are getting better finally and hopefully I will feel better soon.
sorry it's proving to be a long & uncomfortable process, Jeff :( i hope you're past the worst now and will be home very soon.
Thanks, I'm finally home and I feel much better. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers. I hope I can sleep off the rest of the pain meds soon.haha You guys are awesome!
Hey Jeff,
Glad to hear you are home. Im sorry you have been going through such a rough time. Do you have someone at home to help you with daily stuff for awhile?
My thoughts are with you.
aw i'm so happy to read that you're home :D

now behave yourself, get lots of sleep, lot of chilling out, and step away from the popcorn! ;)
Jeff, glad to hear you are getting along better with your new friend. Hope all is well.
Thanks guys for everything! Being home I'm still seeming to have a lot of trouble, well I may be getting better after this morning but I'll talk about that later. My stomach has still been crampy, I've been having a ton of gurgling right behind my stoma where nothing comes out, and when I'm crampy and have the gurgling I end up with a little pain but not enough to take pain meds. I've also spent one whole day and hopefully all day today without pain meds. Last night I slept one hour, woke up at like 1ish to my stoma for the first time having a bit of stuff coming out and it was nice and chunky.haha Then I was up until sometime around 8ish fell asleep and woke up to my bag filled up. I was a bit freaked out at first but after I didn't have so much stomach problems. I still had a bit of gurgling and tightness behind my stoma but I'm hoping most of that has past. Has anyone had anything similar? How long does it take for my stomach to get back to working order? This is pissing me off because there are so many things I want to eat that I can't eat at the moment. I want that spicy chicken sandwich, pizza, and buffalo wings. I just hope I can eat them soon. When I was in the hospital they believe that pizza may have caused the hospital visit even though I was having trouble before I ate the pizza they think the pizza may have added to the bulk. Anyways, I'm ranting/rambling and I'm sick of that, haha, so I'll be off.

Sorry, I haven't been around much but my computer had some weird screen pop up for my mom but hopefully it'll be back today or by the end of the week. Thanks for everything guys, you all are great and the best support group ever.
I get pressure behind my stoma all the time...that's the warning that something's coming...either a fart or a poop :) And as for the gurgling, yep...get that too. As long as things keep moving, I wouldn't worry about it too much. When I feel the tightness (I call it pressure) I sometimes massage around my stoma and press on my stomach and that makes things move.

I found that after about 6 weeks I could eat whatever I wanted.

Glad you're home and feeling better!
Thanks Keona and Cindy.

Cindy: I do the same thing but sometimes nothing wants to come out and then I just start getting annoyed. I really can't wait until I can eat whatever I want again as I'm totally sick of eating bland foods and I'm totally ready for some good eating. I'm from Cajun country and I can't wait until I can eat some Cajun and Creole foods with some snowballs. Did I say I'm missing New Orleans so much right now? I'm ready to go out to town instead of sitting in my house all day. I just can't wait to be better again.haha I'm not sad or anything just excited about getting on with life. Oooh, I wish there was a Dunkin Donuts was around here! I could definitely go for some DD.haha
Jeff, you're 21 and your idea of getting on with life is a trip to Dunkin Doughnuts!! I wish that's what I was thinking about at your age:). I know you're gonna be fine just don't go crazy and start eating a bunch of crap that would make anyone sick.
hi Jeff :) i'm flitting in and out of the house and the forum today, so it's a quickie post... just wanted to say - when i first had my surgery and got home, i was extra-aware of every little feeling, gurgle & activity within my abdomen, and very watchful of my stoma's behaviour.. i think maybe this is partly what's happening with you? some of it, for me, was to do with all the strange & different workings going on in there following surgery - it takes some time for everything to really settle down after being mauled around - and also it was partly my worry and being over-sensitive to physical feelings.

similarly, when i've had a blockage or partial blockage, the bowel and stoma can play up for a while before 'normal service' is resumed.

i'd advise to try and not worry too much about how things feel and what comes out, unless you're really feeling discomfort and/or pain, or begin to feel nauseous.

& by the way, i can now eat donuts no problem.. don't really like them tho lol
Hey Jeff, so sorry I havent been supporting you in your time of need. I cannot help you with the stoma thingy but I can send you lots of hugs and hope you get back to normal soon. You are a great asset to this forum and we need you so get better and get a new computer!

Btw I too am having computer problems but waiting for the hubby to come home and decide either on a new computer or hard drive, I hate changing to new systems by the time I learn it , time to buy a new one LOL.
Hey everyone, thanks for the advice, thoughts, and hugs.

Mark: I really can't wait until I can play my electric guitar standing up again, it's too heavy right now too lift, and I also can't wait to ride my bike again. I was never into the whole drinking scene but I guess a nice glass of wine every now and then wouldn't hurt.haha

Sue: I'm not sure I understand what you mean but I've been very confused today so I'll have to read back later.

Pen: Thanks for the hugs and you have always been so supportive of me. I'm praying for you and I hope you feel well again soon.

This morning I had another blockage but this time it was sue to using the hollister adapter thing. It started growing last night and by this morning it became too tight on my stoma constricting it so I had a ton of pain this morning but I took off the flange and it started putting out so that was good. I don't know if I like the adapter ring, not only did it cut off my stoma but it also took a chunk of skin with it when I peeled off my flange, even with using the adhesive remover so I think I'll stick with the glue.


I never use those rings...Coloplast makes a paste-thing (sorry, I can't remember what it's called...but it comes in strips that you just mold around your stoma) that works well (it's kind of like play-doh and you mold it around your stoma and then put the flange on). And there's always the standard paste, and since you use a 2 piece appliance you can always 'patch' the paste if you need to (just take a q-tip and put more paste where it's worn off). I don't use the adhesive remover either, I found it irritated my skin. I just soak in a hot tub and the flange just peels right off, and keeps all my skin

Glad you're doing better...hope it keeps going in this direction for you!! In no time you'll be playing your guitar and riding your bike. No worries :) Take care!!
hey Jeff - So Glad to hear that you are back home building up your energy. I am sure in no time you will be playing your guitar sipping of a glass of good wine.
I send you earlier this week an article about stem cell research which I know its a subject you were interested in.
Thanks Cindy, I have some of those but they make me nervous after my problem with the rings. I think I'll just stick to the paste for now and maybe try other things later when things normalize.

Thanks Dan, I don't have my computer right now so I'm not on the internet much but when I get my computer back I'll take a look at it then. Thanks for the link.
@Dan...yes I did...they sent them to me for free, so I gave them a shot. I liked them much better than the paste, but I no longer use either of them. My stool is so hard that I don't need to use anything other than the flange (I'm lucky that way!!!).
Just wanted to add an update. Last night I woke up at 3am to my stomach gurgling. As the night wore on i would turn on my right side and you could hear the water going down my intestine to the left side smacking against something and cause pain, the same thing would as I turned on my left side and when I layed flat on my back my stomach would feel like it seized up. I woke up this morning to D and since then I've had several outs of D. I'm a little concerned that I may have a blockage again as I had D last week a few days before I went to the ER for an obstruction. I'm trying not to worry too much and I think i feel a bit better than I did yesterday so now I'll need to see what happens throughout the rest of the day. Thanks guys for all the support.
I don't know why Jeff has, but I keep getting them too. I just spent the last few days in the hospital for another one. Hope you are feeling better Jeff.
Thanks guys.

Jer's, I hope you feel better soon. I'm not sure why I'm getting so many blockages. I think I still have a lot of inflammation from surgery or something. I'm' chewing everything well and sticking to the diet so I'm not sure what's up.

Dan, thank you for that link.
Hey Jeff, havent you been through enough? I am surprised you haven't had any relief yet. Cant be scar tissue, too soon for that. Maybe a kink? I dunno much about your type of surgery, sorry you are still in discomfort! Big hugs for ya!
Hi Jeff,

Thinking about you. Hope more than anything it's starting to settle down for you.

((((((BIG HUGS)))))) Dusty.
Thanks Penny and DustyKat, today I had to take two percocets and I really don't know what's going on. I wish someone could just tell me what happened. Maybe they can do an endoscopy on me to check and see if things are in the right spot as apparently the CT scans and X-rays aren't doing it for me. I just want to feel well again. I feel much worse than I did before I had the surgery and right now I'm not even having very much output. I'm getting angry, sad, and upset about this as I feel I can't do anything but sit in pain all day. When I drink I hurt, when I eat I hurt, when I move into a different position I hurt. I'm glad tomorrow I'm going to see my doctors, maybe they can tell me what's wrong. Thanks for all the support and God bless you all
Ah Jeff...I feel so badly for have really had a rough go of it.
Just know I'm thinking about you...
sending positive thoughts and prayers your way.

Healing Hugs~Nancy
So today I went to my doctors and I came home with a new buddy. My new buddy for Reni is Bob the red catheter. It wasn't fun getting it put in at first as I was suffering a panic attack but eventually I had it done and I had a lot of stool come out all over, a little bit went on my shorts so the ostomy nurse cleaned me up a little. Now I have a 20 inch long cath sticking out of Reni and I feel so badly for him. It just feels weird having Bob in there. The ostomy nurse said the catheter should come out on it's own and if my stomach stops gurgling then I can take it out. I hope my stomach stops gurgling soon so I can get Bob out and I can get back to feeling well. Thanks for all of the support everyone!
Omg...I can't even imagine that! Oscar just cringed (I haven't told him about the colonoscopy that's coming I hope it clears things up and you get to feeling fantastic! Honestly, life with a stoma can be great....