Nervous about surgery today

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Nov 17, 2011
Today I am having my first surgery for Crohn's related symptoms. It is going to be an open surgery to do a partial small and large bowel resection limited to inflamed areas of Crohn's, with an appendectomy, also, as I currently have appendicitis. I'm nervous because the bowel cleanse didn't seem to do much. I asked my nurse about this and she said not to worry. I asked her to call the doctor to make sure that it is still okay, but she only talked to the charge nurse and they both told me that the doctor is extremely old fashioned so if the traditional cleanse didn't work not to worry.

I'm just worried that this could potentially lead to complications. As soon as the doctor comes to see me before surgery I am going to ask him about this, of course, but wanted to know if anyone here has experienced something similar? The cleanse did make me go to the bathroom, but the BM's were fairly normal... not loose at all as I have been pretty constipated with this last flare. I was told it should be watery...

I've never had major surgery before so I just want to be sure that this will be ok and not lead to any further complications. My surgery is just a few hours away. I hope this leads to a better quality of life... from my understanding everyone here seems pretty happy with their choice to have surgery. I just can't wait to start living again.
Hey powerless...:hug:

Both of my children have had the same surgery you are going to have and they were both open surgery.

My daughter had emergency surgery, ruptured bowel, so no cleanse, and she had no post op complications.

Then when my son had planned surgery last April the surgeon put him down as no prep, so no cleanse for him either. He had fistula's and abscesses so it wasn't straightforward going in either but he had no post op complications.

Sending you loads of luck and well wishes! Both of my kids have had wonderful outcomes and I wish the same for you...:goodluck:

Dusty. :heart:
Thank you so much for that! Makes me feel loads better :) I'm glad your kids are doing better, too... I can't wait to get there myself!
No post op cleanse for me either, emergency. But they starved me for 3 days before. (thats emergency in the L&D hospital!)

Please let us know how you are doing???
I am doing SOOO much better. The surgeon said it was very dangerous because there were stools in there, but I'm doing well. I'm also confused because he doesn't think all of this was due to Crohn's at all, despite being told by two different doctors that had done biopsies that I have Crohn's. This time I ended up getting about a foot cut out of my intestines, with micro abscesses found, appendectomy, and ileum resection done. I just passed gas yesterday and had my first two bm's today!!! So I'm so glad to be leaving tomorrow, although I am still leery of walking around a bit due to lots of gas pain.
:ghug: At least your bowels are working!!! And lets face it, the gas pains are going to get better if you walk around. Sorry. You've got to get the gas moving so it gets out I'm sorry to say!

But you are headed home! Yay!!!!!
Keep us updated on your progress! And sorry, it sounds like a bit more was taken than was expected...booo
yeah, def more taken than expected. they were thinking like 6-7 cm. Every day gets a little better. I seem to be suffering from pain where my appendix used to be... more severe than even the appendicitis that predated it was. I was told that they had to shave part of my abdomen wall off, internally, to get to my colon. This pain does NOT seem to be easing up and am worried about it being there for awhile.

Right now I am still on pain meds and am concerned about physical dependence on them. I was in the hospital for almost 2 months leading up to surgery on IV dilaudid and am now on MS contin x 8 hrs & dilaudid 2 mg x 6 hrs. I know I can't expect all my pain to be gone, but even with this regimen I still climb to a 7 at times. Yet, I don't want to get physically dependent again. I've already gone through the pain of detoxing from this stuff too many times to count. I just want to be done with it :(

I know, though, that this too shall pass...
I know that it is normal to have pain for awhile. But generally, it should go down a bit every day at this point. If it isnt, it's your body telling you something isnt right. I think you should be having your bloods done for one thing. And they need to check for infection. When are you back to the GI or surgeon for a follow up appt?