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Oct 22, 2013

Hi! My names Amy. I'm just about to turn 20 and I was diagnosed three days ago with Crohns. The same time I had my first colonoscopy. I don't know that many people, and I've primarily been on my own for a little less then a year. I don't know who to turn to ask my questions other then my doctor, but I have a week till my next appointment. My main concern at the moment is that is been a little over two days since I've had a BM. Is this normal after a colonoscopy. I'm a little concerned for two reasons. One is that I'm simply not pooping and it seems un-normal. Secondly, in less then three week I also have to go in for my small mid intestinal track by swallowing a camera I'm worried that this could delay or cause issues if Im too backed up for the camera to pass through. Im also not sure as to what I need to do before I go in for my small intestine. Will I be able to drive afterwards, can I drink (they only told me that I couldn't eat after midnight) should I take my medications that morning? Does it require any additional prep like the colonoscopy did? ......You see I have a lot of questions that Im not sure how to answer.
Private message me , i have had crohns for 14 weeks and i have had 1colonoscopy up and down, and an barium meal scan for my small intestine, please message me i will reply asap x x x
I've had two colonoscopies + endoscopies and a pillcam so I hope I can put your mind at rest with the tests :)

I would say that a couple of days is a fairly regular time for some people to not have a BM when they're well, so considering you had a cleanout beforehand I wouldn't start to worry just yet. If you're still not having any BMs in a few days, I'd call your GI - I'm not particularly sure what advice to offer there since I've never had that problem after a colonoscopy.

For the pillcam: you can drive afterwards, I'm pretty sure - there's no sedation or anything, just the camera in the pill and then you have to wear a pack with electrodes (is that what they're called?) so that the images can be transmitted and viewed. I think you can drink and take your medications, I'm pretty sure that mine did. Prep for the pillcam varies between places - I didn't have any, just no eating after a certain time, but I've heard of some people that have.

Don't worry about having loads of questions - we all do when we're beginners! That's what we're here for :) Hope you're doing well.
Hi there and welcome to the community. As the others said, what you describe isn't too concerning to me. IF you ever can't use the restroom and it is accompanied by a lot of pain, THAT warrants a trip to the ER as it could be a possible partial or full obstruction.

It has been a few days since your original post. Are you doing a bit better I hope?

Please know we're here for you. You're not alone.
The pill cam test is really easy, you don't have to worry about it. I had 3 years ago so I can't remember about the not eating before hand. Like emaaaargh said, there is no sedation. You go in, they give you a the pill cam, you swallow it, and they give you the pack thing and you just have to wear it all day. I think its in for like 8 hours and when you poop the next time it should come out. Nasty thinking about it but kind of cool seeing the flashing from the camera in the toilet. Then you're done. Best of luck to you hope everything goes well!
After a colonoscopy, it can take 2 or 3 days to poop. It's usually normal.

I did my FIRST camera pill today. (Although I have had seven colonoscopies in the past!) It was actually pretty cool to know how it works. I won't get results for 7 to 10 days, though. I went in at 7:40am to swallow the pill and returned at 3:40pm to remove the transmitter. The worse part is the prep! :(