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Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 30, 2010
Hello Everyone!
My name is Jessica. I am from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and am currently a student at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario. I was recently diagnosed with Crohns and was extremely happy to come across this site!
I have been reading some of your stories and mine is not nearly as hard as some… I had struggled for about a year seeing all sorts of different doctors and having all sorts of different tests. Initially, I had blood tests and stool tests and Crohns was actually ruled out. Many months and blood tests later, it was seen that I had some levels of inflammation in my blood and was off to have a colonoscopy! I didn't find it all too bad… The prep didn't seem as bad as everyone tells you it is going to be… maybe because that is how I felt regularly? Worst part for me was the IV… I'm not a big fan of needles!! Right away my gastro knew is was Crohns. I was extremely relieved to find out what it was that had been bothering me for at least a year, but at the same time it was not the best news to find out! I just had a MRI today and meet with my Gastro next week again. At that point we will know how much of my intestine is affected!
I would like to thank everyone for your stories, experiences, and advice! I cannot wait to read and contribute more and am so happy to have found this forum!
Hello Jessica! Welcome to the forum. You are probably one of the lucky ones who have it mild, and hopefully it stays that way. It is hard enough without being in University and stressing out. My daughter went to Carleton U first year and then left to go to Lakehead U, and has a few friends in Western. She wants to become a doctor, and she is in a lot of stress, even though she loves University, she says it is stressful and that is something we Crohnies need to avoid, it can trigger and aggrivate the gut. Ha, not to mention the food in REZ.

I see you braved an MRI, I have had Crohns symptoms mostly all my life and I still havent had and MRI, and never want to...yep chicken. Needles don't bother me, I prefer them to taking meds, harder on my gut.

Glad you found us, let us know how your GI appt turns out next week, lots of young people here your age group, hope you enjoy it here and learn. You'll get lots of support here! Welcome.:bigwave:
hi Jessica & welcome :)

glad to hear things aren't too bad.. i hope the results of your tests are good ones, and that your Crohn's continues to behave itself.

i also chickened out of having an MRI recently and opted for a CT scan instead.

looking forward to seeing you around the forum, if you need any help, just shout :)
Hi Jess
and welcome
my 18 yr old is called Jess too!

glad you're feeling good at the moment, it must be terrible for Uni students to study with this disease.
see you around the forum, enjoy it!
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Thank you!!

Residence food did not help the cause at all that is for sure! I do have my own house next year which is a huge relief!!

When I went for the MRI... I did not expect it to be bad at all! I have had one done on my shoulder in the past.. but this was not the same experience! I had to drink barium sulphate prior to it, and than had some stuff injected during! One of the side effects was blurred vision and I could not see after! It was a weird experience for sure! But if you need to have one... it is not that bad at all! I would say colonoscopy's are worse, so be BRAVE :).

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