Hello Everyone!
My name is Jessica. I am from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and am currently a student at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario. I was recently diagnosed with Crohns and was extremely happy to come across this site!
I have been reading some of your stories and mine is not nearly as hard as some… I had struggled for about a year seeing all sorts of different doctors and having all sorts of different tests. Initially, I had blood tests and stool tests and Crohns was actually ruled out. Many months and blood tests later, it was seen that I had some levels of inflammation in my blood and was off to have a colonoscopy! I didn't find it all too bad… The prep didn't seem as bad as everyone tells you it is going to be… maybe because that is how I felt regularly? Worst part for me was the IV… I'm not a big fan of needles!! Right away my gastro knew is was Crohns. I was extremely relieved to find out what it was that had been bothering me for at least a year, but at the same time it was not the best news to find out! I just had a MRI today and meet with my Gastro next week again. At that point we will know how much of my intestine is affected!
I would like to thank everyone for your stories, experiences, and advice! I cannot wait to read and contribute more and am so happy to have found this forum!
My name is Jessica. I am from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and am currently a student at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario. I was recently diagnosed with Crohns and was extremely happy to come across this site!
I have been reading some of your stories and mine is not nearly as hard as some… I had struggled for about a year seeing all sorts of different doctors and having all sorts of different tests. Initially, I had blood tests and stool tests and Crohns was actually ruled out. Many months and blood tests later, it was seen that I had some levels of inflammation in my blood and was off to have a colonoscopy! I didn't find it all too bad… The prep didn't seem as bad as everyone tells you it is going to be… maybe because that is how I felt regularly? Worst part for me was the IV… I'm not a big fan of needles!! Right away my gastro knew is was Crohns. I was extremely relieved to find out what it was that had been bothering me for at least a year, but at the same time it was not the best news to find out! I just had a MRI today and meet with my Gastro next week again. At that point we will know how much of my intestine is affected!
I would like to thank everyone for your stories, experiences, and advice! I cannot wait to read and contribute more and am so happy to have found this forum!