New: Could It Be Crohns?...

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 4, 2009

Let me first say that I just recently came across this forum, and have been searching around and reading....seems like a great forum with some great people.

I'm posting on here I guess out of nerves, and curiosity. I've had stomach problems since i'd say high school, mainly with a lot of diaherra (I find especially in the mornings) I always thought it was due to me drinking so much pop (I used to drink 4-6 pops (sodas for you American folk :)), so just recently I stopped drinking pop entirely, and switched to Gatorade/Powerade at first it seemed to really work and I was having normal BM's on a pretty consistant basis, needless to say I was pretty happy. Fast-foward to the last month or so and i've been feeling really crappy to go along with a lack of appetite (nothing seems appealing, this is especially true when I first wake), been having quite frequent diarrhea/stomach cramps along with the diaherra, and when i'm not having the diarrhea i've been having thinner stools than normal (which has really scared me, due to that being a symptom of colon cancer :S), i've also lost 4-5lbs over the past few weeks which has frightened me also. Another thing i'd like to add is...over the past year + i've been smoking marijuana on a regular basis (3-10 bongs per day) and lately I haven't been smoking as much at all (1-2 bongs a day, sometimes not at all). I guess i'm just wondering if this sounds like Crohns? I just went to my Dr. today and she took a blood sample and I have a take home FOBT (occult blood test), which i'm supposed to get the results from in 2 weeks. I'd like to also mention that i'd consider myself a constant worrier (especially with health issues) so this is really tough for me, and it gets my anxiety going like crazy, especially thinking about having colon cancer (i've cried probably 5-8 times over the past few days :S). I'm not quite sure if Crohns is a genetic disease, but if it aunt has Crohns, but she was diagnosed at a later age (i'm only 23 years old). Any comments are welcome really....Thanks for your time, and sorry for the long post.
I'd like to also add that I believe I have acid reflux, but it's never been diagnosed. I'll sometimes feel naseated, especially at night or i'll feel some puke come up to to the back of the throat, but nothing ever comes up.
I'm sorry you are having such a rough time right now. Your symptoms do sound likes Crohn's/UC....Have you seen a GI doctor yet, or is your primary care physician doing the occult blood test? It can take a few months to get a proper diagnosis. In the mean time I would look over some of the Diet/nu triton threads. You maybe able to cut out some foods that are causing you trouble. (Not that food causes Crohn's, but certain high fiber foods can be harder for IBD patients to process). Since you are young, your chances of having colon cancer are pretty slim. So, does the pot smoking help you??? Is that why you mentioned it?
I'm glad you found the forum. There is a lot of great info here, and the members are really supportive. Keep us posted on how things go.
I guess Marijuana does help me, but all of this is so scary (especially the thin stool and lack of appetite/weight loss) so i'm not sure what to think. Yes my GP is taking care of the occult blood test, and no I haven't spoken to a GI just yet.
Have you gone for GI tests, colonoscopies, upper GI tests, blood and stool tests? I strongly suggest you do especially with having family history of crohn's, they don't know how it passes genetically only that it certainly can and does. Gatoraid isn't the best thing to drink either cuz it has lots of sugar and junky stuff in it that can exacerbate crohn's symptoms...there's also a chance the ulcerative colitis could be the culprit, which is another inflammatory bowel disease similar to crohn's, and even though your aunt has crohn's that doesn't mean you or another family member(s) couldn't get UC, my mom has UC and I have crohn's...age isn't always a factor either, my mom didn't get sick with her UC until she was in her mid 60's, after I was already sick with CD (which happend to me in my early 20's...23 just going on 24 a little over a yr after having my first baby). So the irony is, no one in my family had an IBD but me until my mom got sick with it after me. It's just a matter of when it's triggered for a person.

I really think you should see a GI and have the routine tests done, the sooner the better...also, with IBD you can have skinny poops as well, not just with cancer, sooner you see a GI, sooner that he can rule out cancer too.

Good luck :)
Thanks for the response PB4. I'm getting on everything now...i'm going to see a GI as soon as possible, but my GP is taking care of the blood and stool test and i'm just waiting on the results (I just went today!). Obviously Cancer is the worst possible scenerio for me, hence why I am fearing it so much, but I guess I have to remember that a lot of different intestinal diseased cause a lot of similar symptoms, but right now it's just so hard because i'm sitting here waiting and thinking about what's wrong with me.

Edit-I've also noticed lately that my stomach has been making loud gurgling noises, especially at night when i'm ready to goto sleep, and i've been experiencing some night sweats (could be because my hair is longer than I normally have it...most of the sweating is on my neck)
hi blahman, welcome to the forum :)

i'm sorry you're going through so much right now, and i can completely understand the worry and tears... we all fear the big C, and until we know our diagnosis, that fear is always going to be there.

however, can i offer a little bit of reassurance? you do seem to have all the classic signs of IBD.. if i had to hazard a guess i'd say it sounds more like Crohn's than anything else - but i'm not a doctor, so this is purely my opinion based on my own, and other's experiences on here. and the fact that you can remember symptoms right back from when you were at school, makes me think it's more likely to be a condition such as Crohn's, Colitis, or IBS, than anything else.

the sweats are classic, i remember mine used to be so bad in the night that i'd wake up with a me-shaped damp patch on my sheet. yuk.

the advice to check your diet and make adjustments where you think necessary is good advice. even in the run up to you getting results and seeing a specialist (which you really should do!), it's worth changing your diet now to accommodate the symptoms you're having. have a look through the forum on diet, maybe go onto a low-residue diet for a little while, see if that helps, and avoid spicey things, acidic things, and alcohol.

diet can play a massive part in how our guts react.. some of us have food allergies (we may not know which foods until tested), some have intolerances/sensitivities, and some foods are known irritants for people with IBS, so it's often a learning curve at the beginning. a food diary is a good way to start, write down what you eat... write down how you feel after.. etc. keeping a log of symptoms like this is also useful when you first see a consultant.

good luck! let us know how things go. :)
I will definitely let you guys know how things go. I have a question though....Would symptoms such as my night sweats, lack of appetite and thinner stools start out of nowhere even though i've had troubles with Diaherra for quite sometime now? Do symptoms evolve with Crohns?

Edit: Also I must mention that I normally have BM's in the morning, food doesn't go right through me as soon as I eat I don't know if you can have Crohn's and not expierence pains/diaherra right after eating (excuse my ignorance)
well, yes, the symptoms can evolve, change, worsen, lessen... with Crohn's you can go through a flare, where everything is a lot worse, pain and other symptoms... and it can also settle - one person's 'quiet Crohn's' episode is different from another's... some people never feel fully pain-free or symptom-free, other people can feel quite normal and enjoy a pretty good diet when things are calm...

i don't know if this helps you... but for me, my symptoms started when i was very young, in primary school... unexplained tummy aches, not wanting to go to the toilet because it hurt... then in time i got painful knees (misdiagnosed with growing pains).. late teens i was tired, increasing stomach ache, constipation, paleness, sweats (again a multitude of mis-diagnoses including active imagination, anorexia).. it wasn't until i was around 20 that the symptoms got so bad i pleaded with my parents to take me to a stomach specialist. so you can see how it can change and worsen without treatment.

as much as a lot of Crohn's sufferers get diarrhea, some don't. the fact that you don't get pain straight after eating may mean that your condition isn't too advanced (hopefully!) and/or that it's further down, say in your colon, which may be affected later after eating than say if it were in your ileum.

but like i say, this is all speculation.... let's hope you get a diagnosis soon and that it's something they can give you treatment for quickly.... the good thing is that you're onto it now, and help is in sight :)
welcome to our family blahman. there are serveral threads about majhanra and crohns.
crohns can be heriditary.
like dingbat said, food plays a vital role in crohns. they are foods us cronnies cant eat.
let hope you get sorted soon.
Thanks again for the response, dingbat. I don't know if this matters but recently my eyes have kind of been bothering me, for example a week or so ago my eyes were bothered by light and watering for no reason? It's seemed to have stopped, but I just found it weird. I also see little black things in the corner of my eyes sometimes, like they move...especially when looking at lights (on coming traffic when i'm was doing it today and kind of bothering me because it's distracting).
Hi and welcome blahman!
Sorry to hear you are going through all this! It's scary not knowing what is going on! Like the others, I really doubt you have cancer at such a young age. I do hope it isn't Crohn's or Ulcerative Colitis, but if it is it will be good to get some answers ASAP so you know what you are dealing with! Looking at diet is a great thing to do. Cutting down on starch and sugar would be a good way to start.
Good luck getting sorted :)
Welcome Blahman,

You really need some answers, so lets hope you get them soon - knowledge is power but it can be a long journey to get that knowledge!

Keep your chin up and in the meantime - everyone on here is thinking of you.

Lishyloo x
Thanks again for the responses.

I'm really feeling horrible today :(. I woke up out of nowhere and had terrible stomach cramps and had to rush to the washroom, had pretty intense diarrhea, mostly watery, went back to sleep with some slight discomfort in my left abdomen. After I woke up again i've had 3 more diarrhea bm's, mostly small chunks and watery, and then something really scary....and this might be TMI, but I thought i'd share...I thought I had to fart, but when I did I felt something come out, so I rushed to the washroom...looking down in my underwear it was just a clear fluid :S I also had a small BM right after (in the toilet). I don't feel like eating, and been feeling a bit nauseous ever since I woke up. I'm pretty scared right now, and I don't know what to do since I have to wait two whole weeks to go back to the dr's....the big C word is creeping in my head again and it's haunting me :(.

You MUST try not to get too stressed and put the big C word out of your head, the stress WILL make you worse. The more you worry about pooping the more you will poop - you must have heard the expression "Scared the Sh!t out of me"...

I know it's scary - I had my head buried in the sand for two months while I was having chronic diarhoea and various awful accidents, all the time conjuring up terrible possibilities for what it might be. It took me ages and a very worried family to finally rock up at the Dr surgery...

What you have just described, while utterly awful and terribly distressing does sound very typical for a Crohnie... certainly for me anyway - a pretty typical afternoon in fact.... remember you are very young to have a diagnosis like the big C...

As Shaz says - diet is VERY important. If you have two weeks to persevere through, have you thought about giving your bowels a rest - can you get hold of some ensure shakes? My GP has encouraged me to rest my bowel with complete nutrition shakes when it gets bad - they are so gentle on your gut, and you could get some relief while you have this two week wait. Look at what you can eat that is low residue and gentle on your gut...

Make sure you keep us informed how you get on, and just be nice to your body and your mind during this crappy (scuse the pun) time.

Thinking of you.

Lishyloo x
Thanks again for the reply, I really really appreciate it. What i'm kind of worried about is...I thought with Crohn's, most usually have persistant pain in their right quadrant? I'm not really having that, just a general discomfort in my stomach and not wanting to eat, which worries me a lot. I always get stomach cramps when I have to goto the washroom, and it hurts for a bit after but then goes away so I don't know.
I get the same, most of my pain is in the RUQ, but I do also have a hernia problem there... generally though within 10 mins of eating the cramps start, then comes the D... the cramps go over my whole's like I can feel every morsel of food working it's way down from the moment it hits my stomach.

Also, and I really don't know the science behind this, but even though most of my pain tends to be on the right side, my most recent MRI showed thickening on the left side??? Apparently we don't always perceive our pain in the right place... and crohn's can be in all sorts of places, it's just most common on the right side (correct me if I am wrong everyone else)

Eating gives me general discomfort in the stomach, and I hate food these days - it's a real chore, because I know it will hurt... but you have to keep trying at the same time as being gentle with your guts...

There could be all sorts of reasons for your pain Blahman, but be careful about searching the net and plugging your symptoms into these diagnosis tools... (just in case you have) because before I finally went to the docs I had self diagnosed various cancers, and a whole host of other hideous diseases - quite frankly it was a relief after my first colonoscopy when the doc came back and said it was crohn's - I had conjured up a far worse outcome for myself...

Keep strong... thinking of you.

Lishyloo x
My name is Anthony just for future reference :).

The thing with me is...It doesn't really happen after I eat, I hardly ever feel pains after I just eat. It's almost ALWAYS in the morning, and the D has been happening for a pretty long time for (ive had bad stomach cramps to go along with BM's for years of and on). The thing that's scary this time around is the lack of appetite, i'm usually eating up a storm but lately I just can't eat....but I force myself to. Nothing seems appealing to me, and when I do eat I have a hard time getting it down, which I assume is leading to some of my weight loss, which is really scary. You hit the nail on the head....I've been on the net looking up symptoms for weeks now, and of course I fear the C word the most, mostly because my symptoms match up to a lot of the symptoms of Bowel Cancer =/.
Hi Anthony, welcome to the forum.
Your symptoms are exactly the same as mine when I first began experiancing CD. Big D, cramps, lose of appetite, weight loss. I was told I had a nervous stomach so I went a couple more years before things got worse and I ended up with an ulcer from worrying so much. About a month after getting treated for that I became obstruted and ended up back in the hospital where I was finally diagnosed with CD.
I also worried about C and that made things worse. That, I believe, is why I ended up with the ulcer.
Lishy is right about the diet. Ensure is about the best for getting nutrition. You will have to experiment with it to find a good way to help the taste. There are other threads about it in the forums. Also make sure you take vitamins. You really need them to keep yourself some what health to help fight off minor colds and flus, not to mention harder things.
If things get to bad don't be afraid to go to the ER and get things moving. Some times that's the best way to hurry things along when it comes to Drs.

Good luck.
Hi Anthony, sorry you are in quite the symptoms of IBD. Even if you think it is Cancer or Crohns or any IBD, most diseases are controlled better if you get it checked out and diagnosis. I have had crohns over 30 years and one thing I was told was to quit smoking, drinking, and stick to a bland diet. If you are narrowing you could have an obstructed bowel and you need medications to help get it under control. My best advice is to see a Gi and get a colonscopy asap, so you know what you are dealing with. Crohn's is hereditary, and can be worsened by stress and poor diet. See your doctor as soon as you can. Hope you get some relief and soon. Let us know how you make out. Welcome to the forum.
Thanks for the replies. I am almost at the point where I am going just goto the ER. Today i've felt more constipated than anything, like kinda bloated and I had pretty thin, long, broke up stools when I first woke up which has obviously scared me. I just feel like crap, don't have any motivation and even though I ate a chicken burger earlier, I could barely get it down =/. Pirate, did you have any problems with thinning of stools at all? It's kind of comforting to know that someone else has had similar symptoms to me, so I appreciate your post a lot.

I finally had enough and went to the ER tonight. They took a urine sample, 3 blood samples and did an X-ray on my stomach. All results came back normal. The Dr. gave me a take home stool test to test for parasites and Enteric Culture, and has also referred me to a GI to get a Colonscopy, which I have to wait for him to call to see when I can get in. Thanks to everyone who posted in this thread and sent me your well wishes. I will keep everyone updated as things progress, and keep sending me good vibes, I really appreciate it.
hi Anthony... well, apart from things getting so bad that you had to go to the ER, everything else to me looks like good news. clear xrays, blood results, urine result, and the fact that you now have a proper GI referral - to me, going there was a positive thing for you to do.

keep on updating us - i hope the GI appointment comes around quickly, so that you can get some professional reassurance and help towards feeling better :)
blahman20 said:

I finally had enough and went to the ER tonight. They took a urine sample, 3 blood samples and did an X-ray on my stomach. All results came back normal. The Dr. gave me a take home stool test to test for parasites and Enteric Culture, and has also referred me to a GI to get a Colonscopy, which I have to wait for him to call to see when I can get in. Thanks to everyone who posted in this thread and sent me your well wishes. I will keep everyone updated as things progress, and keep sending me good vibes, I really appreciate it.

I am glad you went to the ER, hopefully now you can get somewhere. I had a bm sample and it came back nothing, blood work the same. Colonscopies are the best way to see what is going on there. Don't let up, keep trying. They may take biopsies with the scope. Crohns is a very hard disease to detect. Hang in there, help is on the way, it was great you kept us up to date. We are all here for you!
Blahman I will not ever tell anybody oh you have Crohn's but it does sound somewhat similar to how mine started. All through early high school I always went more than other kids, often once every hour or two and I knew it wasn't stress like my mom kept saying because I do very well in school and this had never worried me. I had the diarrhea for a long ways back and then all of a sudden (I can still remember the trip, when it was and how long it took) on a drive to our family vacation which usually takes 3 hours took 7 because of all my bathroom breaks, I became very good at finding natural port-a-potys. Then the intenese stomach cramps, woresening diarrhea, loss of weight, blood in stool, mucus.....and the list goes on all started immediately following that weekend trip. I went to the clinic and hadn't really known anything about Crohn's (nobody but my aunt who is nonblood realted has anything similar) and so we never asked. After test for paracites, viruses, tape worms.......we finally arrived to the desicion to be sent to a GI doctor after 2 long and very painful months. And there is was....Crohn's disease. I would definately ask for a colonoscopy asap if you are of the worrysome type. Even if it is just to put your nerves at ease. These aren't exactly the most pleasent things but for what the benefits could be I'd say its time well spent. And as you said with your ER visit I did all of the x-rays, blood test, urine, and stool tests looking for stuff and it was all normal....only way to know for sure if the colonoscopy. No matter what happens I know you'll do fine, and youll do great you have the best support system out there right here at your finger tips and you are just starting. Took me two years to find so maybe your already on the right foot. Good luck and I wish you all the best.

p.s. Remember we listen to rants too so if your ever frusterated just let it go. I did this morning and it does feel a lot better :p

Edit: sorry one thing I'd like to add. at the begining you said you subsituted gatorade for pop. I will warn you I play ice hockey and I drank quite a few in one day as they were supplied by the tournament for free for players. I got so sick from the gatorade I almost wasn't able to play our finals game because of it. Pop is not good for most of us but in my experience gatorade is not either so if you find yourself regularly getting sick after the gatorade you may want to cut back on that too?
Canuck thanks for your kind words I really really appreciate it. I have some really good news guys! It's kind of gross but today I had no stomach cramping when I woke up and my BM was formed!!! It was still kind of soft, but from what I understand that is perfectly normal! It was pretty thick (lol sorry just happy), first time in over a month that I can remember my BM being like was a joyous event! :D.
Haha no problem but don't worry about the termanology because there is absolutely nothing you could say I haven't either personally experienced or heard/read about. Solid is a good sign and I hope its just going to be better on its own and not something like this. If it turns out to be its alright and I'm sure you'll make it no matter what. I wish you the best of luck.
Ah "poop praise" - we do that here to buddy! I'm happy you had a somewhat normal BM :O) I'm also glad you have gotten a proper GI referral. Hopefully they can figure out exactly what is going on and allay so much of your anxiety. It sounds like that might be half the battle - the worries - so if you can "know" what is going on - then your inside talk will hopefully quiet down and give your system a bit of a rest. It can be scary when you aren't sure what is going on on the inside. We have all been there an know how that feels.

Anyway - welcome - we are glad you found us!
blahman20 said:
Thanks for the replies. I am almost at the point where I am going just goto the ER. Today i've felt more constipated than anything, like kinda bloated and I had pretty thin, long, broke up stools when I first woke up which has obviously scared me. I just feel like crap, don't have any motivation and even though I ate a chicken burger earlier, I could barely get it down =/. Pirate, did you have any problems with thinning of stools at all? It's kind of comforting to know that someone else has had similar symptoms to me, so I appreciate your post a lot.

I have had the whole range of BM . The last 3 months I have went from D to pencil thin stool to no BM for a week and a half and a lot of pain.. My wife made me start the liquid diet to rest my bowels and as usual she was right. I have lately been with very little pain after eating solid food for a week and a half.
Hope you can find out what is going on inside. It took me quite sometime to find out it was CD.
Thanks for the replies again guys....i'm still elated over my BM when I woke up lol. Hopefully it continues :D. Pirate, yeah it really seems like a lot of people with Crohns have gotten tossed around from dr to dr and from test to test until they were finally diagnosed, which really sucks. Hopefully that's not that case for me...i'm starting to feel a lot better, i'm eating fine now, i haven't had any pain before my BM's for the past two days and today it was pretty formed :D. It looks like i'm on the right path, so hopefully everything works out.
I'm just wondering if anyone has ever seen little black specks in their stool? For the past few days i've been having one BM a day and they have been pretty formed other than a few loose pieces, but i've noticed, especially today that I have little black specks on the toilet paper when I wipe? I'm not sure what this could be and it's freaking me out a bit.....I've been eating more Banana's lately, not sure if that would do anything, and I had some eggs with pepper on them yesterday so i'm not sure what's going on....
Anthony welcome to the family. I'm glad I found this forum like you. There are a lot of very knowledgeable people on here who understand exactly what you are going through. I sure do. Feel good about your solid. I do, for you. I remember the first time I could stand and urinate in the toilet instead of sitting because of the D. It made me almost cry it was so good. Just a little victory, but it was my victory. After feeling like crap for so long it was mine and I owned it. The weight loss happens. I lost 95 pounds in 2 months I went from 347 pounds to 252 pounds from not eating because it hurt. You'll need to figure something you can eat that is a staple food for you. Mine are Glucerna (Ensure), scrambled eggs, string cheese, ham, pretzels (chewed very well) and SF pudding. If all else fails, I go back to them. I'm to that point now after a month of trial and error with food. It sucks but, it works for me at least for now.

My advice is ask as many questions as you want. No stupid questions here. Ask your doctors too. Research the hell out of it too. Join the CCFA. They are a great help too. If you get upset, get upset and voice it. We can all help you. You can help us. That's why I call it a family. Nobody will let anyone else down. We got your backs.
Sorry thats one of few things I haven't encountered. Have you met with the GI yet? Could be something you could even call and just ask about if its worrying you. Don't worry about being a pain calling for questions as they are part of what they are paid to do and you should have your mind at ease.

Also if you have met with your GI have you talked about colonoscopy?
What kind of spices are you using. I know when I use dill it shows up every time. Sometimes when we don't break down the food, it comes out looking the same as it went in.
The GI hasn't called me yet with that appointment, still waiting. I've been feeling pretty much normal for a few days, but these black specks kind of worry me....I haven't been using any spices other than pepper the past few days. I also had toast that was a bit charred i'd say with the eggs lastnight, so i'm not sure.
Sorry I have no idea. I'd highly highly suggest starting a list right now of all the questions you have because you'll forget a large number of them when you finally do get that appointment.

Also mike I was wondering what type diabetes do you have? I'm searching right now for it but I'm sure I came across an article while doing Nutrition class research about Crohn's and Diabetes....still looking though.
Definitely start your list now. More questions are better than none.

Crazy- I'm type 2. I appreciate any type of research on those 2 subjects. You are in BC? I used to live in Seattle. Till I got sick anyway. I am gonna move back there sometime soon, I hope.
Yep I'm just an hour-ish drive from Vancouver, about a 3 hour drive from Seattle. Been there a few times for Mariners' games. I finally found the danged article and turns out its not diabetes misread the title.....Sorry if I got your hopes up about that. I also read another thread about your insomnia, its 1 o clock here now, 4 o clock there? I hope you get some sleep tonight.
Yeah me too. Whenever I do eventually fall asleep or get tired I' ll be up a couple hours after that anyway. I figure that the best thing I can do is just give up on sleep. Its overrated anyway......right? I take a sleeping drug and I get nothing. I took my pain pills and my sleeping pill at the same time last night. Got an extra hour of sleep. Don't wanna get hooked though you know? The worst part is, I don't know what to do. Thankfully I moved back in with my parents for a little while to get better. No job has definitely been a blessing with this. Just want to make sure I will be able to work again. I'm gonna head back to school during and hopefully become a nurse.
I wish you all the luck in the world with that. I worked tonight, drank a Tim Hortons Ice Capp which I think its bascially a Canadian thing but has cream and sugar in it......what a dumb mistake during a flare....I still don't know what I was thinking but it was a long shift at work (I only do 2 a week) and am in school through the week. Hoping to be a physiotherapist when all is said and done. All this switching pills and new doctor and redoing tests along with flaring at the same time is causing me to miss a lot of class. Have an exam this weekend and 2 next week. Hope I'm better for next semester after Christmas break here. Exams are going to be tough and studying is too. I'm trying to teach myself everything I missed from textbooks.
pardon? I had my account deleted by accident for spam account but didnt know what that meant. I think I got it now.

(Sorry this was in response to something that has since been deleted)
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I'm sure yours was a total accident CC because none of your posts even looked remotely like spam buddy. Spammers are annoying! If you ever run into this on a thread you can report it by clicking on the little read triangle to the left in the post of the spammer - I always write spammer in the response line and send it.

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