Let me first say that I just recently came across this forum, and have been searching around and reading....seems like a great forum with some great people.
I'm posting on here I guess out of nerves, and curiosity. I've had stomach problems since i'd say high school, mainly with a lot of diaherra (I find especially in the mornings) I always thought it was due to me drinking so much pop (I used to drink 4-6 pops (sodas for you American folk
), so just recently I stopped drinking pop entirely, and switched to Gatorade/Powerade at first it seemed to really work and I was having normal BM's on a pretty consistant basis, needless to say I was pretty happy. Fast-foward to the last month or so and i've been feeling really crappy to go along with a lack of appetite (nothing seems appealing, this is especially true when I first wake), been having quite frequent diarrhea/stomach cramps along with the diaherra, and when i'm not having the diarrhea i've been having thinner stools than normal (which has really scared me, due to that being a symptom of colon cancer :S), i've also lost 4-5lbs over the past few weeks which has frightened me also. Another thing i'd like to add is...over the past year + i've been smoking marijuana on a regular basis (3-10 bongs per day) and lately I haven't been smoking as much at all (1-2 bongs a day, sometimes not at all). I guess i'm just wondering if this sounds like Crohns? I just went to my Dr. today and she took a blood sample and I have a take home FOBT (occult blood test), which i'm supposed to get the results from in 2 weeks. I'd like to also mention that i'd consider myself a constant worrier (especially with health issues) so this is really tough for me, and it gets my anxiety going like crazy, especially thinking about having colon cancer (i've cried probably 5-8 times over the past few days :S). I'm not quite sure if Crohns is a genetic disease, but if it helps...my aunt has Crohns, but she was diagnosed at a later age (i'm only 23 years old). Any comments are welcome really....Thanks for your time, and sorry for the long post.
Let me first say that I just recently came across this forum, and have been searching around and reading....seems like a great forum with some great people.
I'm posting on here I guess out of nerves, and curiosity. I've had stomach problems since i'd say high school, mainly with a lot of diaherra (I find especially in the mornings) I always thought it was due to me drinking so much pop (I used to drink 4-6 pops (sodas for you American folk