New GP.

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Jan 9, 2011
Sorry I have not being for while, I have had quite run of luck so far with Crohns.

In six months, my old GP has retired so new one has taken over.
In three months, I had review of medicine so changed from 2 treatment of reflux to one but also since before Christmas I had to taken Gavin son as well.

Last month I was refuse Gavinson so go point on of sick and could mouth all up to 6-10 a days so I got some when need sick in front of GP.

But now I go to chemist this morning and get Gavin son which I ask for last month and refuse 4 that actual ask for.

Including Balsalazide for Crohns which Doctor from James Cook Hospital put on back 2007.

Hospital April 17 having minus to moderate flare.
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What do you mean by Crohn's disease is died out?

So you were on two medications for acid reflux and they are only giving you one now? Could you supplement with an over the counter acid reducer? I'm not sure where you are from, but here in the states we can by certain anti-acids over the counter. My doctor prescribes Nexium for me, but then I also get Rantididine over the counter and take in the evenings, per his instructions.
I have try over counter stuff before for about 3-4 yrs, it does not work. That way I went to GP. I am said that Crohns is lifetime disease, once to you have there no get rid of it.
Hello Josephine. From what I have read, it is possible for Crohns to burn out. Do you think it might be flaring again? Who originally prescribed the meds for the reflux? If it was your gastro doc it might be worth asking if you can see them for a review.
I know I have flare up I am trying to get control before my appt in April but GP has refuse to give me Balsalazide which GI told me take for Crohn. Last week end I was toilet for hour going and vomiting.

Reflux I think GP is different stuff so maybe I do not take lot or cost them lot. Not sure.
Vomiting is not a good sign, Josephine. If you get it again, I would go straight to A & E. You might get to see a gastro doc quicker that way, or at least something to tide you over til your appointment.
I don't know- but you should contact your hospital consultant and let them know what is going on. it might be that if you haven't been to the hospital for a checkup in a while that your consultant needs to re-authorise the prescription (sometimes there is a limit on how long the GP can prescribe the medication for, or maybe you need to get a blood test to check for side effects before they will continue prescribing).
Because normally it will say on the prescription form how many more you are allowed to order. One side of the form is what you've ordered and the box to sign, the other side has a list of the medications you are allowed to order on repeat and how many times.

If you order through a chemist rather than picking the prescription up they should tell you when you need to contact your doctor.
I have taken some sort medication for 15 yrs so I understand now order pre through the chemist and GP Surgery.

Maybe He think that because I have not order presidone for over 18 mths, I have had flare but I was told try get under control with Balasadzine for 2-3 weeks. Which to point I have manage untill now.
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