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Aug 14, 2012
Hi everyone! I am 36 yrs old and first experienced problems in 2003. I think my symptoms first started with diarrhea for 2 weeks. Then one night, I woke up with intense abdominal cramping/diarrhea/GROSSLY bloody stools. I was so sick that when my husband came to check on me, it looked like I had taken a shower. I went to ER, was admitted for inflammation in my descending colon per CT. I was scoped the next day, and was diagnosed with Ischemic colitis since I had blood clots In the arteries going to my descending colon. Was discharged from hospital and ended up having a second scope a week later and inflammation was now found in both my terminal ileum and descending colon. Biopsies were not definitive for Crohns, but it could not be ruled out. I think it was like a 20% chance.
Since that time, I have had 3 additional scopes all of which occcurred about 2 months out from a worrisome episode, and all were good.
At this time, I am constantly having mouth ulcers which can be immediately triggered by a couple bites of the wrong food. I started having these ulcers at the time of my second episode (wouldn't call it flare since no definitive diagnosis) in 2005 after the birth of my son. I have been having increased issues with my diet, my usual triggers (salads, beef, pork, raw veggies), but also foods that never bothered me before like spicy foods. I start cramping and then have to run to the bathroom. The cramping usually subsides after a BM, but not always. The other issue I have had is liquid stool leakage. It is constant these days and a couple times it was bloody. I have also noticed my stools are sometimes streaked with blood.
Does this sound like Crohns or am I crazy? GI has just kept me labeled as severe IBS. I really don't follow with my GI, because I can usually tolerate the symptoms. Was thinking about calling him. Have been relatively ok since 2009 when i had my last scope. Can I ask for thoughts? I am just worried. TIA.
Welcome! :) It certainly sounds like you have an IBD of some sort. Especially given that symptoms got worse after having children because that can make IBD go in remission or flare. Everyone is different so it's hard for me to say if you have Crohn's. I, for one, would NOT be able to function or even get in this forum if I weren't being treated with medication because I'd be in so much pain. The fact you can handle the pain, and pain goes away with bowel movements sounds like IBS. My mother has severe IBS and has more bloody bowel movements than I. She's had multiple tests done throughout the decades and she truly has IBS. Although rarely does IBS present with bleeding.

Have you had a loss of appetite? How are your vitamin/mineral levels? Particularly B12 & iron? Any weightloss recently? Do you presently have skin inflammation, joint inflammation or eye inflammation?

With the mouth sores immediately coming after eating it sounds like you have food allergies. I'm willing to bet big money uou have that and that's causing the majority of your symptoms.

You present both IBS and IBD symptoms. The best way for you to figure this out would be a upper endoscopy, colonoscopy and if that shows nothing, a pill cam. Maybe something will show up. There are so many GI conditions that mimic Crohn's it's astounding. A good GI should help you though. Take care!
Hi Hollei and welcome,

First off, don't bother going back to the GI that has you labeled as "Severe IBS". IBS does not cause rectal bleeding OR inflammation; that GI is... uh... *tries to be diplomatic* ... not very good. There are SO MANY good gastroenterologists out there, please find a good one!

It could be Crohn's, it could be Celiac disease, it could be intestinal tuberculosis, or any other number of things, but in the end, they need to figure out what is going on for you.

Have you ever had a capsule endoscopy?

It's time for you to get a proper diagnosis.

We're here for you :) All my best to you!
I know people might disagree with me but the rectal bleeding is not the most common symptom in Crohns it happens more with Ulcerative Colitis. But at the end of the day as David says you need a better diagnosis as rectal bleeding while not the biggest deal ever is still not something that should be allowed to continue.

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