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Mar 14, 2011
Hi! Just starting to get this site figured out. I am the mom of an 11 year old boy with Crohns. Diagnosed a year ago. We were in remission, I guess you call it for awhile last fall until we fought a C Diff infection for three months. Remikade infusions were helping wonderfully! The last one didn't take because of the C Diff. He is now in acute pain and Remikade isn't until next week. We are in a full flare which is complicated by him having strep throat. Any suggestions for pain besides Tylenol and heating pad??! Thanks! TuneMom
Hi TuneMom :) Welcome to the forum.

Once you get more comfortable with the site, you will have to check out the Parents with Kids subforum. You can get to it through the Support forum. Lots of people there that will have advice on how to help your child with IBD. :) Good network of friends to be found there too!

As far as what you can do for your son with strep throat. I have not had it myself (thank goodness!), but anytime I've felt a sore throat coming on, I will do an apple cider vinegar gargle. Add about 1-2 tablespoons of the apple cider vinegar to 16 ounces of water and gargle for 30 seconds. I usually do 3-4 good gargles (no swallowing) per glass and save the remainder of liquid for the next time. Repeat the process about every hour. Make sure you rinse the teeth (without letting any water to the back of your throa). You just want to rinse away the vinegar from your teeth so it doesn't damage the enamel, but don't want to flush the vinegar from your throat. The acidity is killing off any bacteria in the throat. I did that on the first signs of a sore throat and by the next day my throat wasn't sore, but I continued the process maybe every 3-4 hours instead of every hour. This should help hopefully!

As far as dealing with a flare...if he isn't on a special diet already, keep him on a low residue (lo-res) diet for now. It's not the best nutritiously, but it gives the gut a break. Stay away from too much fiber, no skins or seeds on any foods, no beef. Think bland diet. The forum has a lot of info on this diet. He should also drink protein drinks like Boost, Ensure, or Carnation Instant breakfast to supplement his vitamin and protein intake.

Hope this helps :) Glad you found us!
Hi TuneMom and welcome! I am so sorry your little boy has Crohn's, but I am happy Remicade seems to be doing the trick. How often does he get his infusions? I ask because if he starting to see symptoms before his next infusion, would it be possible to reduced the gap between? I know some people go every 6 weeks rather than 8 weeks. Also, I hope his strep throat clears up soon!
Sorry about your little guy. Why is life so unfair? No little boy or girl should have this dreadful disease. After my surgery, I lived on tylenol for months, so I don't have any other suggestion.

Good luck to you and your son.
Hi welcome

I do not have any great suggestions other than what was mentioned above, but I did want to say welcome.
Hi TuneMOM - We are so glad you are here. Poor little guy and poor Mom - you have your hands full! My daughter had a round with C Diff a couple of months before her Crohn's got diagnosed. Nasty critters!

Definitely come on the parents forum too when you have time. I'm going to try to give you a link here to use:

We'll see if that works!

In the meantime we'll be thinking of you all.......


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