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Mar 2, 2012
Ontario Canada.
Hello I am new to this forum. I have had crohns since 2008. Not sure how long before that I had it. I have been on pentassa since 2008. It did put me into remission. Now it has stopped working for me and my doctor is now talking to me about Remicade. I look forward to getting helpful info from this group. E
Jeepin it, check out the Remicade thread in the treatment section. Lots of great info there. I am on Remi and love it. Remember it doesn't work for everyone, but its worth the try if it can give you your life back. It did mine. I can actually go places without the constant worry of having problems. I can even take trips on my Harley again.
Hello and :welcome: to the forum!

Remicade put me into remission. I usually only have 1 BM a day, and I'm feeling great! Have you decided to start on Remicade, or are you still researching your options?

Let us know how things go. :hug:
Hello and :welcome: to the forum!

Remicade put me into remission. I usually only have 1 BM a day, and I'm feeling great! Have you decided to start on Remicade, or are you still researching your options?

Let us know how things go. :hug:

I was just told about Remicade yesterday. I need something to help. Right now I am having BM about 8 times a day. Really starting to effect my work.
Hello and welcome to the forum :) Completely agree about checking out about the Remi in the treatment forum, it has done such a good job for many here - unfortunately not for me but I would still not people off from trying it if other meds are not working.

Good luck and keep us updated.

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