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Jun 4, 2012
My son is now off Azathioprine and only doing Remicade infusions, which he has had a total of three so far. While the Remicade has seem to be working well, he is now starting to complain of his stomach hurting. Every once in a while he would take a Lortab for pain and this helped greatly. However the doc and I dont really want him taking that pain med. So yesterday she prescribed Dicyclomine. Are any of your children taking this and are they having luck with it? I hate Crohn's!!
We all hate Crohns, sorry to hear about your son. I have had Crohns since 1988 and just be glad that they know what it is now and can make it a better life for your son. Do they think he has muscle spasms? I thought they used Dicloymine for that. I recommend Ultram for Crohns pain, check it out with your Primary Care physician.
Sorry to hear your son is experiencing stomach pains. I'm afraid no meds I have ever tried worked for my son when he had pains, the only thing that helped a little was a hot water bottle.
I'm so sorry to hear your boy is having pain. :hug:

We have no experience of Dicyclomine here but I hope it works him. Sending loads of luck and well wishes your way.

Dusty. xxx
no advice- we start remicade on Tuesday- but DS has daily stomach cramps-
I was hoping they would go away.
Cramps or aches? My son had tummy aches while on Remicade occasionally, it's a common side effect. We used an antacid which helped, children's pepto-bismal. He had a bad bout as Remicade was failing (before we knew) and his doctor put him on a prescription proton pump inhibitor, omprazole/prilosec for awhile. Good luck and I hope he feels good soon.