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Aug 31, 2010
My Crohn’s story begins more than 20 years ago when I was a young woman in college. I suffered from intermittent abdominal pain, vomiting, constipation and anal fissures. Visits to various docs led to several interesting theories – I was drinking too much coffee, I was under too much stress, I wasn’t eating enough fibre, and of course the “it could be psychological” cop out.
My diagnosis came in 1990 from unexpected surgery. I finally conceded to the pain and for the first time, paid a visit to the E/R. The E/R docs thought acute appendicitis and off to surgery I went, expecting to come out with a tiny keyhole surgical incision and get on with my life. Instead I woke up with my abdomen cut from one side to the other, 45 cm of ilium and my ascending colon gone and a firm diagnosis of Crohn’s Disease confirmed by biopsy.
I recovered well after the surgery and maintained a fairly normal life for many years, with only occasional flare ups. I graduated from college, got a good job, got married, had 2 beautiful children and at times forgot I even had a “disease”.
About 2 years ago the Crohn’s took a turn for the worse. Pain returned with a vengeance. Horrible heartburn. A merry go round between constipation and diarrhoea with bloody stools. I was constantly fatigued and dropped 35 pounds. My GP referred me to a GI, as I had not been followed for almost 20 years. Results from my colonoscopy and endoscopy shows Crohn’s in a skip pattern all through my digestive tract including my duodenum – which I’m told is fairly unusual. (But explains the heartburn).
I’m currently on Pentasa, Imuran, folic acid and Tridural. Compared to where I was a year ago, I’m doing much, much better. I have had a couple of wonderful stretches where I’ve been pain and symptom free for a couple of weeks at a time – glorious!! I’m hopeful that, in time, the good stretches will outnumber the bad stretches and I’ll once again be able to (almost) forget about the disease.
Your stories here have been an inspiration to me. Knowing that I’m not alone is therapy in itself. I’ve learned more in my visits here over the last 3 months than I’ve learned in the previous 20 years of having Crohn’s. Thank you for your wonderful community, I’m excited to be a part of it.
Hello Medic and another Canadian Crohnie :bigwave: Sorry your have had to join us but we are a community that is caring and supportive to help anyone in a time of need and questions. I have had 2 resections and total 2 ft out, the Ileum.

I had horrible heartburn too finally and Endoscopy showed a Hiatus hernia, so small meals more often keeps it away and of course risky or heavy foods.

I have taken my life one day at a time and have had my ups and downs, the good days I go go go. Rest if I need to and have a supportive husband as well.

I have had Tramadol but not crazy about it, but I will use them in a pinch, my choice is half a T3 if I need it. Glad you are here, so wonderful to see you are excited!!! We are happy to have you here!!!:banana:...btw I love bananas LOL
Oh no!! Not another Canadian, eh! JK. Had to throw that in because of my good friend Jetta.
Really, Welcome aboard and we're glad to have ya here.
I aslo started with CD in the Doudenum. My GI said that surgery was pretty much out because being there meant that there wasn't really any where to any resection. I also had a skip pattern that involved 4 differant areas in the first 3 ft of my intestine. Ended up with gangrene in my stomach. Put on antibiotics and prednosone and had my stomach pumped for 7 days. (hate ng tubes). My GI saved my life. He told my wife that if she had waited till the next morning to bring me in that he believed he would not have gotten things opened back up and it would be touch and go if I survived a surgery. I do owe him my life. That was 24 yrs ago. I'm doing great know with a few spells here and there.
Good luck
:welcome: Medic8,
Glad to have you here. Until recently have had a mild case of Crohn's, but 3 months ago I took a deep dip into a severe flare, so I know about wanting to get back to "forgetting I have the disease". But, for me I don't think that's what's going to happen. I hope you find what you're looking for here, it sure has helped me dealing with this turn in my life......
Hi Medic, welcome!! Were you on any maintenance drugs during the 18 yrs of relative remission? I hope you can get back there again soon!! Good luck!
Hi medic8 and :welcome:

Good to see you here! I too would be interested to know if you were taking anything to maintain remission all those years. My daughter was 14 when she had her resection and is now 4 years in remission, hopefully she will remain so for many years as you were. This is a safe and friendly place with heaps of info and I hope you stick around so we can also benefit from your experiences and knowledge.

Welcome aboard!

Take care, :)
Hi Medic
and welcome

glad you're feeling well, hope it stays that way!
I've had a good remission, lapsed back in Jan, on Pred, Entocort etc in hospital, have been feeling good for a while, now flaring a bit, and back on Pred! such a bloody roller coaster, great fun isn't it?
glad you found us, lots of friends here for you
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hello medic8,

Your story is virtually identical to mine. Diagnosed on the operating table in 1990. Tough introduction to a disease I had never heard of!

Many years of remission until three years ago.

My resection involved both the ileum and the duodenum (as well as other innards like gall bladder and appendix).

Right now I'm on imuran and entocort. The Crohn's is pretty much under control. Arthritis not so much.

Glad to have you aboard.
Thanks for all your warm welcomes. In answer to Dexky and DustyKat's question on how I maintained relative remission for all those years.....just plain old luck. The surgeon seemed confident that he had removed all of the diseased areas, then I was on 5-ASA (Salofalk I think) for a couple of years. After the initial Rx ran out further meds were never recommended. Whenever I had a flare up I would put myself on a clear fluid diet for a few days to rest my gut and I always seemed to just bounce back to normal. I wish I had some magic formula to offer up, but I was really just fortunate.
Meic8 welcome and glad you're here. We are happy to hear your story, and equally as glad your doing better. Sounds like you have a lot of neighbors on here. Hope you enjoy the forum as much as I have.

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