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Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 9, 2011
Well Hello,

I have been lurking here long enough that I thought I should finally join. Of all the forums I have looked at, this seems to be he most active and current.

I suspect I have had Crohn's for a long time. I remember having lower right quadrant pain since highschool. I went many years suffering from pain so bad I though I was having appendicitis. I had my gallbladder out in 96. The pain never really stopped, so I was treated for H. Pylori(bug that causes ulcers). Still had issues, so was diagnosed with IBS. THyroid quit in there sometime as well.
Went many years dealing with almost chronic constipation. About 9 years ago, I started having pain and vomiting episodes that would last all night. They were far enough apart that I didn't really connect them- just thought I must have had the flu or food poisoning.
In 2009, I developed a dermoid cyst. The pain and episodes increased in frequency and intensity. I ended up in the hospital having an emergency hysterectomy. It was a long surgery. I had many complications - loss of blood, etc.
Turns out I was having repetitive partial small obstructions because of the bowel being adhered to my uterus and wrapped around the cyst. Digestive track never really settled down and I was unable to eat very much at all. For the first time, I had the awful diarrhea that goes along with this. I lost 50+ lbs from Aug 2009 to Jan 2010. I knew I had not been able to loose the weight for some reason before this!! I can't imagine how much worse off I would have been had I not been carrying around an extra 100 pds.
I had a colonoscopy and a biopsy which confirmed Crohn's in the terminal ileum. I was put on Pentasa 4000mg.
The repetitive partial small bowel obstructions continued and I was hospitalized for them many times. I convinced the GI to give me pain meds to have at home as getting treated in time at an ER was awful. I am in almost constant abdominal pain. I tend towards the more constipated side of Crohn's.
Recently things have gotten worse, as I have developed all over body pain. Its so bad that I can't walk without each step hurting. I managed to get two weeks off for medical leave to see if I could rest - I am not sleeping well either - night sweats and pain.
Stress in my life has been bad for about 7 years(bad divorce and kid issues) and I can feel myself finally running out of reserves and my health declining.

So I am here to see if I can find useful advice, tips and support. The Gi has only given meds and "see if you can find out what foods bother you". There doesn't seem to be any more help than that. My guy is very supportive, my sister has it too, and my mom thinks I should not let it get the better of me and just get on with life no matter how much pain I am in.

Hoping to meet people and make contacts with others.
You've had a terrible time. I'm so sorry. Any chance you're dealing with a partial blockage at the moment? You'll still have bowel movements yet you'll also still have the symptoms you mentioned. Any other GI docs where you are? I wouldn't be able to stand one that told me to figure out what foods bothered me as if that's all it was. Then my grandparents would be right and I should really just watch what I eat. :p Glad you found us! Welcome to the forum! :D
Yes, I am pretty sure I've got a partial obstruction that is worsening. BM's have gotten smaller widthwise over the last couple of months and consistently that. I have a Gi appt soon and will be bringing this up.
The hardest part about my Crohn's so far is that I look well, so no one seems to believe I am as ill as I really am.
Hello and welcome to the forum!!
We have family in Edmonton....beautiful city!! :ysmile:
I really get upset when I keep hearing from well meaning
friends, and yes, family members as well...
"But you look don't look sick at all!"
I feel so furious inside.

Stress plays a big factor in the course of Crohn's so
your problems with your family life are not of any help either.

I hope you stick around and get some answers to your questions...
and make a few friends along the way who totally understand.

Heart Hugs~Nancy
I am hoping to make friends as I can't seem to find a local support group.

Nice that a couple of people have responded to my post so soon!

Welcome Kelley! Is Pentasa the only med you've been pxed? No mention of a Pred taper to get your Crohns in check?? When were you officially dxed?? I hope your GI begins to treat you with a little more urgency now!! Good luck!!
Hi Kelley and :welcome:

Wow, you have certainly been through the wringer! I'm glad you have found your way here 'cause it is a fab place for support and info.

When is your next visit to the GI? Are you able to get a second opinion?

Have you had any further testing aside from the colonoscopy?

I think you need to have established what is causing the pain and obstructions. If it is inflammation perhaps a change of medication may be helpful in reducing those symptoms. You certainly have a large amount room for movement on those.
If it is scar tissue then perhaps surgery should be considered as a way of relieving your symptoms and putting you into remission.

Are you having regular blood work done?

Do you know what your blood inflammatory markers are?

Sorry for all the questions hun. I hope you find relief soon. Good luck and keep us posted!

Take care, :hug:
Dusty. xxx
The hardest part about my Crohn's so far is that I look well, so no one seems to believe I am as ill as I really am.

Hi kllyeve

Many people on here will relate to this problem.
My Dr's said that to me a few times over the years (one was very sarcastic).
They were wrong every time which is why i faced the knife 9 times in two decades.
I hope things improve for you & you find treatment which gives you better health.
Best Wishes
Pentasa is the only med I've tried. I do think I will have to try something else. Also prob time for something to deal with the all over body aches- I think I'm either going down the RA or Fibromyalgia route.
I'm starting to be jealous of those who've had their ileum surgically removed - sounds like heaven to have no more RLQ pain.
I saw a naturopath while on medical leave and am trying some digestive enzymes, adrenal support and a natural anti-inflammatory.
I don't know what my CRP is - only that my GI said it went down when I started the Pentasa, just had it done again 2 weeks ago - but haven't heard yet what it is.
I had a colonoscopy, a barium x ray thing(sorry mindfart), an MRI( next time I WILL need sedation as apparently didn't know I was claustrophobic)
I am at my wits end with the pain - and I've been through labor twice but at least that ended at some point.
An MRI, what a fun way to find out you're claustrophobic. :p Meds are all through trial and error even if they worked well in the past. I hope you find something that works for you soon. Surgery was anything but fun. If you can avoid it, please do! lol.
Ok saw GI - have scheduled a colonoscopy in 2 weeks. CRP is normal, all other bloodwork normal. She thinks its indigestion and has given me Nexium to try. She doesn't believe it is a stricture??? They said I had scar tissue and adhesions when I was diagnosed. I was really bad off when I saw her - started crying I was in so much discomfort. She couldn't get out of the room fast enough. She will see what the colonoscopy shows and may bump me up to a steroid - one that only affects the intestinal tract. So no relief yet, maybe it is all due to stress as my mom and sister keep saying...

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