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Jan 24, 2012
hi i hit 40 and felt unwell after eating a curry, so just put it down to that i had a bad curry lol,butt as the weeks went on i was in realy bad pain and weight loss. i went to the docs and he said i had ibs but by this time i had lost that much weight i had gone from 36 jeans to 28 in weeks i thought thats it i got the big c. went back to doctor and he tested me for crohns but the bloods came bk ok, by now i was in real bad pain all day every day, i went to a privet doc but he said ibs too i was not happy so went to ae but got out the car and hit the ground, i was rushed in and they got me ready for an op to see what was wrong, as i was going down for the op, a mr ishmail came and cancled it and said he wants me to have mri scan, the next day had the scan i was told i got crohns, and need to have 48cm taken away, by now it had been 3 years after my first visit to the docs and it had taken that long to know what was wrong, i had the op and was told i should not have a problem for at least 10 to 15 years after recovery i was well for about 2 to 3 weeks before that pain came bk i went on prendisalone 8 a day for about a year and half before i was told i got another 18 and half cm come bk, i was given a drug that stems the imune but anasathiaprin [ sorry about the spelling] but it didnt suit me and got rushed into hospital with bad side fx, so they put me on another 6mp but they was not good eather i took one pill and within a few hour my pancras packed up and got rushed in the hospital agian, after this decided to have another op, but when i went to see the gastro team, was told my crohns was active and would just keep comming back and they finding it hard to control, by now im realy worried and i thinking that this is gonna kill me, i got a wife and 2 little girls what am i gonna do. i was then told i could try another drug but they would have to try and get funding so i had to come off the sterides and hit rock bottom before they would concider me, so i did and they said i could have it imaxiflab. i had 1 dose drip for 2 hour and 2 weeks later had another i couldnt beleive how i felt, fab, amazing, and the had another a month after and went down to 1 steride then off, but after a week off felt bad agian, no pain but never left the loo, went back on the sterides 4 aday and went ok again, but gastro team are saying they are gonna give me 3 more doses of imaxiflab and i got to drop steride bu 1 every 10 days, but if not well after that that the imaxiflab will have to stop and back to the drawing board, next dose 8th feb, just hoping that i can come off the sterides and stay well, fingers crssed hey.
Hello Rob and welcome to the forum :bigwave: Really sorry you have had such a tough time of it. Fingers crossed the Infliximab will do the job for you, I should think the Pred will just need to be tapered very slowly because of how long you have been on it, I fojnd this the last time I was on it. Let us know how you get on on the 8th. Just so you know your post has been moved to its own thread in the my story forum so more people can see it :)
Hi Rob

Am sorry that you went through hell - it's awful as we know

I hope that the meds get sorted soon and that you feel so much better too

Shelli x
Welcome rob bcfc,

I am sorry to read that Crohn's has been impacting you so much for the past few years.

I am glad you are finally getting some relief on Infliximab/Remicade. Hopefully the second round of infusions can leave you feeling better for a bit longer period of time.

There is a lot of information on here and I hope you can use it to help find a long-term way to manage your disease.

Welcome once again and I hope to see you on the forum again soon.