My head is spinning and I don't know where to start. My some is almost four and we have been dealing with GI issues for about two years now. We first noticed that he was chronically having diarrhea. He was also waking up through the night, at times up for an hour or so. He never complained of anything, so we thought he was just the devil child. Saw a GI doc has a bit of a workup sending blood and stool of for various things. EGD and sigmoidoscopy unremarkable. I tried a gluten free diet and the diarrhea went away pretty much and he started sleeping through the night. Yeah problem solved. Not celiac but maybe an allergy. His height and started to drop off before and then picked back up on the diet.
Fast forward to last month, after accidentally getting gluten here and there (because he is three and it's impossible!) I noticed some blood when I wiped him. I ignored it for a while. I thought it was a fluke. But then it go worse. And it would see it on the stool. The GI doc thought it was a fissure so we did mineral oil (although he is never constipated). Just never went away. Finally had a scope last week, full colonoscopy. They didn't do another EGD, but I do now wish they would have. They didn't see anything. I called today for the pathology and of course his doc is away until Monday. I had to speak with another doc. His path report came back as "focal active colitis" in the cecum and ascending colon. He was bleeding pretty bad this morning. She said she wants to work him up for infectious disease which I don't honk it could be but an willing to do whatever. But she said she thinks it may be an IBD. I have family history which I guess makes it more likely. My husband and I are pretty upset and shaken. I know he will be OK and WE will be OK, but it's scary. Especially now that we have to go down a long road of diagnosis befor anything even starts.
Question - what was diagnosis like for your little ones?
Also, anyone else have Focal active colitis on the path report.
She did say the good news if it is IBD its in really really early stage.
One more thing - he is constantly clearing his throat. I thought it was maybe a tic. Now he says he feels like there is something in there. Could it be related?
Fast forward to last month, after accidentally getting gluten here and there (because he is three and it's impossible!) I noticed some blood when I wiped him. I ignored it for a while. I thought it was a fluke. But then it go worse. And it would see it on the stool. The GI doc thought it was a fissure so we did mineral oil (although he is never constipated). Just never went away. Finally had a scope last week, full colonoscopy. They didn't do another EGD, but I do now wish they would have. They didn't see anything. I called today for the pathology and of course his doc is away until Monday. I had to speak with another doc. His path report came back as "focal active colitis" in the cecum and ascending colon. He was bleeding pretty bad this morning. She said she wants to work him up for infectious disease which I don't honk it could be but an willing to do whatever. But she said she thinks it may be an IBD. I have family history which I guess makes it more likely. My husband and I are pretty upset and shaken. I know he will be OK and WE will be OK, but it's scary. Especially now that we have to go down a long road of diagnosis befor anything even starts.
Question - what was diagnosis like for your little ones?
Also, anyone else have Focal active colitis on the path report.
She did say the good news if it is IBD its in really really early stage.
One more thing - he is constantly clearing his throat. I thought it was maybe a tic. Now he says he feels like there is something in there. Could it be related?