New Specialist Appt. In 5 Days And I'm Worried!

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Sep 4, 2013
I am starting to get some anxiety over my first appt. with my new specialist. I guess I should be happy but I'm not. I have so many questions running through my mind. What is he going to think after reviewing all my records? Is he going to order a barrage of new testing? Will I have to get it done at the hospital where he practices from ( which is an hour away and not convenient.) will he believe me when I talk about my symptoms? I don't know why I am not happy about this appointment ?
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It's normal to be nervous for anything new. It might be a frustrating appointment but it could be the best doctor you've had. I was bounced around on depression meds for years before I switched to my current doctor. 3 months later I felt better than I had in years.

The most important thing to do, in my opinion, is write ALL your concerns and questions down. No matter how silly they may seem to you. Bring that list along so you dont leave the appointment wishing you said something you didn't. He doesn't need to see. Just bring it and ask what you need to at the time.

Good luck.
I also keep a binder with all relevant medical records and bring it with me to EVERY appointment -- recent bloodwork, reports from any scopes or scans for a reference point... it has amazed me how many times one doctor says they will send to another and then nothing is received. Also keep a one page quick summary that I can hand them to keep -- current meds, most pressing symptoms or most recent findings. Especially helpful with the list of meds -- so much faster and don't have to worry about spelling them correctly or forgetting the dosage.

ps - I really do mean all appointments -- had to go to gyn and because I had my most recent bloodwork, they were able to rule two things our right then and there, avoiding a very painful procedure.

also -- depending on the scope of the appointment, sometimes I bring someone with me to make sure I hear everything
Well I already sent over about 125 pages just from my GI and allergist! The secretary said the specialist has to get through all of this and to hold up on sending anymore :( I do have a quick fact sheet from my GI stating all my conditions, meds, and procedures. I'll take that with me.
Ok tomorrow is the day! I am so nervous. Please pray he doesn't say it's IBS!

I am reading on the web that the first visit may include a rectal exam? Has anyone ever had that done on the very first office visit? Don't know of anyway to make it pretty down there :(
Whatever's wrong down there your specialist has seen worse, don't think about it too much. It's his job to see disgusting things and he's not going to judge you if you're sickly.
I didn't have a rectal exam at my first appointment. She could tell from feeling my belly and from questions that it wasn't IBS. We went right to blood tests and colonoscopy. She thought it was celiac but saw no reason to do a rectal when she already knew something was wrong.

My daughter did on her first exam with a GI but they had no idea what was wrong and it was the very last thing they did.

Most doctors will introduce themselves and chat first before any embarrassing exams so it's not as uncomfortable. They do this for a living though. Nothing that happens in your exam is going to be new for them. Just remember, they choose this specialty. This is what they choose to do.

Good luck.
Thanks so much all. I leave in 30 minutes. I had a dream last night that the doctors" found a new procedure" and weren't doing rectal exams anymore" :) HAHA. It's one thing when your under anesthesia, but to be conversing with a brand new doctor than off for a rectal...:( I'll update my appointment later today.

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