Since she was about 12 her Pediatrician told me she had irritable bowel syndrome and to give her Imodium. And she also was what we call spitting up after she ate or drank certain things. The ped. doc put her on Zantac. Doing as told, i did so. It never helped all this time Emilee had diarrhea and some stomach discomfort and she complained about her back hurting. I just thought the back pain was something to do with something she did that day or something at school.
So October 2012 she was vomiting and diarrhea. I thought ok she has a stomach virus & off to urgent care we go thinking they would check to see if she had the flu that had been going around. The dr. there said yes a stomach virus. Well Emilee kept vomiting & the as usual diarrhea for over a week. I am like gosh this has lasted a long time!! I take her to her pediatrician and she ordered an ultrasound of her gall bladder. Which only showed some sludge in it and so she ordered Zofran for the vomiting but said not to give to her every day. So ugh didn't know what to say to that. :ybatty: Emilee continued vomiting & all for another week we are on 3 weeks and no relief. And still no referral to a doc to see if the gall bladder needed taken out or what. I take her to the ER. They do a CT Scan & just tell me she has a cyst on her ovary that she will be fine. SMH I was very upset then because the ER doc never came in to explain anything to me sent a nurse in that had no manners at all. That afternoon after many calls i was scheduled with a dr to check the gall bladder out. So gall bladder comes out & Emilee has lost 11 pounds. I take her to all her follow ups & keep reporting vomiting and diarrhea is still bad what is causing this. My answer was i don't know. It should stop in time her body needs to adjust. UUMM weight is still coming off. As of today she has lost 58 pounds from October 2012 to 1 week ago when we finally was able to see a GI doc.
Blood test have been done. And we done the gastric emptying test 2 days ago.
I call today for blood work results. Her inflammation was 39 which is not supposed to be higher than 20 the nurse said. And a couple test weren't back yet but as far as they can tell she has some type of Colitis. Won't know a positive answer on colitis or crohn's until all test come back. From a family member that has crohn's and lost a massive amount of weight bc unable to keep food in or even water i fear she has crohn's. She will eat and about 10 minutes later she is saying she feels like she is choking starts coughing & then vomits all the food or what ever that she has ingested. I am beside myself not knowing and we don't go back to the doctor until May.. I need answers or how to adjust her diet or something now not May.. She has lost so much weight & I fear that losing more by not keeping food in she is going to lack vitamins & tear up her throat and stomach or something..
I am praying i find answers soon.. Thanks for reading :ybiggrin: