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Dec 16, 2009
I just got diagnosed in November, struggling big time with it, so tired all the time, taking asacol 8 times a day..... thinking about a wheat free diet for a while? i would appreciate any thoughts... thanks guys, this is a great facility for all us cd sufferers..........:)
Welcome! I'm new here too and very newly diagnosed with Crohn's. It seems we're in the right place for advice though! I've been reading through the advice threads on diet and, although everyone is different, there are some great ideas to try there. As far as the tiredness goes - I am right there with you! Sometimes I'll type with just my right hand because it's too much work to use the other one :) I've just made sure to let people know at work that if they see me closing my eyes, I'm just resting for a second and will be twice as productive when I awake :)
I hope you find some good answers here!
Wow, missed this post somehow this morning! :welcome: Cackman!! I think anything you try that you feel might help is a good venture to make! My infusion nurse told me last week that Celiac seems to be on the rise and I think we have a few people on here who have both CD and Celiac - so why not give it a try and see what happens? Glad you found us - let us know any other questions you may have - we are here to help!
:welcome: Cackman....I'm glad you found this site...There are a lot of knowledgeable and supportive people here. Please ask any questions you may have, and someone with experience with gladly help. How are you feeling, and what meds are you on?
Welcome Cackman. I was dx in Oct. It is a pretty crazy thing starting out. Food is pretty different for all people. I can tell you for me it has been. What meds are you on? Are you having issues sleeping?
Firstly guys, thanks for all your kind welcomes and interest, i think this forum will be a great sense of support......

I am currently taking Asacol 400mg 8 times a day, and a load of other supplements such as magnesium, b12 etc Having trouble with the sleep, seem to waken every 2-3 hours and have ended up in the ER twice this month as I have been vommitting!!!
Welcome too the forum... like you Im only newly diagnosed in Sept. Its all a bit scary at first not really knowing where to head and what to do... this site has been fantastic for support and advice.
I have found everyone seems to be different with what they tolerate food wise. For me I have pretty much cut wheat out of my diet as I found I it was sitting too heavy in my gut and cause pain. I have also reduce my diary intake I now have soy milk instead of full cream milk and drink a supplement shake as they gives you heaps of benefits! But Im pretty lucky compared to some on the site as I can pretty much eat anything healthy just can't tolerate fatty, greasy, deep fried or spicy foods. Totally understand the vomitting side of it I had it really bad before being diagnosed it totally suxs and makes it extremely hard to function at all. Well good luck and I hope you find what works for you.
Cackman888 said:
Firstly guys, thanks for all your kind welcomes and interest, i think this forum will be a great sense of support......

I am currently taking Asacol 400mg 8 times a day, and a load of other supplements such as magnesium, b12 etc Having trouble with the sleep, seem to waken every 2-3 hours and have ended up in the ER twice this month as I have been vommitting!!!
That's awful! Have you had any scopes or follow through's to see if you might have a potential blockage somewhere that is causing the vomiting?
Cackman888 said:
I just got diagnosed in November, struggling big time with it, so tired all the time, taking asacol 8 times a day..... thinking about a wheat free diet for a while? i would appreciate any thoughts... thanks guys, this is a great facility for all us cd sufferers..........:)

Just wanted to wish you the best of luck with everything. Having Crohn's or any IBD is pretty stressful and can take a toll on you emotionally. I know from experience. My word of advice is not to let it consume you, instead, make it a part of you. I've gotten to the point where I talk about BM's like they are nothing lol.

As far as the asacol, I've never taken that so I can't help you much there. A wheat free diet may be perfect for you but only if you notice that wheat products set you off. For me, leafy greens are intestinal suicide but wheat and carbs seem to go down fine, so just experiment with different foods.

Good luck, and just remember, the Crohn's forum is always here for you, and we always listen :D
again, thanks guys, just started a food journal today and will try to see what is etting me off.... I'm already feeling alot more positive since i joined this forum, nice to hear from people who KNOW what they are talking about as you have all your own personal experiences..

Thatguy, i totally agree man, i'm going to be positive and face this head on!!!! thanks guys.

Just back from blood tests and was talking to the doc, starting to feel a little better, 1 day at a time, 2mora could be hell!!!!
Welcome. I'm newly diagnosed too (December). For me I can eat anything except vegetables and seedy bread. The tiredness is the worst part for me - it seems such a lame symptom but grinds you down. Keep reading - there are great folks on here who really can and do help.