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Dec 24, 2011
Hi all!

What a blessing that I have come across this forum -- there are few greater blessings than the ability to share our stories with one another.

My story begins when I was a senior in high school (07-08). It was a period of high stress, and I would have severe stomach aches every single day. The doctors simply wrote it off as a physical outpouring of stress, and told me to relax. After a few months, my stomach aches went away and life seemed to resume as normal. The next year, as a Freshman in college, I experienced some blood (you know what I mean) and was referred to a GI. He performed a sigmoidoscopy and could not find any conclusive evidence that lead to a diagnoses. He suggested I have a colonoscopy, but his lack of urgency and a disappearance once again of my symptoms lead me to forget about it.

As a Senior in college and once again in an incredibly stressful period in my life, I begin to go to the bathroom 5-8x a day. I wasn't able to attend class (I would have to get up every 10 or so minutes to use the bathroom). I could hardly walk to class without getting incredibly tired (have anemia!). I was generally miserable and a sick, sick girl.

I decided it was time to go into the doctor, so I went to my local clinic and after routine blood tests was immediately referred to the ER with an incredibly low blood count.

I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease (Sept 28, 2011) after a colonoscopy, and after my recent endoscopy (last Tuesday) was told that I have ulcers all throughout my GI tract. In addition, I have the C.Dif bacteria that won't seem to go away.

I'm currently taking:

And they treated my C.Dif with 2 rounds of Metronidazole (flagyl) and we're currently battling with the insurance company to get approved for another more potent antibiotic (starts with an X, but I can't remember).

Anyway, just looking for advice, encouragement, or a friendly hello :) GOD BLESS!
Hello there :) I'm very glad you've found us but sorry it's because you are sick. It's very common to have to wait for a while to get the right diagnosis, but hopefully now you have, you'll be on the road to recovery and getting back to your studies. How are you feeling now? Are the meds making a difference?
Greetings and a most hearty welcome to you :) I'm glad you finally have a diagnosis and hope you're feeling better!

If they haven't tested you yet for vitamin D, vitamin B12, and folate levels, I would request they do so. People with Crohn's Disease are very commonly deficient in these and proper supplementation can make a world of difference, not only for you now, but to avoid issues in the future.

I hope you become a regular part of our community here :)
Thanks all for your encouragement!

I'm feeling better -- the iron supplements have really helped me feel better with the anemia. But the C.Dif just kicks my butt. Once we get that taken care of, I should hopefully be feeling much better.

Thanks so much for the advice about checking out my vitamin levels. I did notice that many people on this forum seem to take vitamin supplements or injections, etc. I will definitely talk to my doctor about that as well as do some research myself.

As far as anemia, does that need to be monitored every 3ish months? What steps do you all take to monitor that?

THANKS ALL! So happy to find such an awesome, encouraging community!
Welcome, my story started in the same high school time as yours only 40 years ago. I don't know if I was stressed in high school too much but certainly college did me in.

Hopefully your drug treatments will keep you in remission. I have enjoyed long periods of remission and also equal timeframes of crohns related illness.

I take b12 injections due to inability to absorb because of resections of the bowel.