New to the forum need help interpreting colonoscopy results

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May 7, 2016
Hello! I'm new to the forum but not new to the symptoms of IBD. I am 28 and have had a problem with constipation all of my life however the last few years have became hard to deal with in regard to my tummy issues, I am always bloated, in pain, go days and sometimes weeks without a BM. My GP has only given me laxatives and said I have chronic constipation. I felt like it's more than just chronic constipation so I went to a GI specialist and he gave me a colonoscopy, while waiting for the results to come back he placed me on a laxative regimen as well as prescribed me with linzess and librax. I finally received my results and the nurse said they came back as negative however the actual pathology report says more. I asked for clarification because on the pathology report the diagnosis states: Capillary congestion of colonic mucosa. Also the comments were: Abnormal histological findings in digestive organ, Melena, and Disease of intestine(unspecified). I have no idea what any of that means and my next GI appointment isn't until the 27th.
Welcome to the forum. Can you call the doctor's office and ask someone to explain what that means?
Welcome to the forum. Can you call the doctor's office and ask someone to explain what that means?
Thank you! I asked the nurse for clarification via the patient portal and she only said my results were normal (negative). I also called and left message to ask about the results and she didn't call me back. I understood that my polyps were negative for cancer but I wanted to know what the other comments meant.
I just googled melena and it talked about black, tarry feces associated with gastrointestinal bleeding. It said the most common cause is something to do with peptic ulcers.
Did you test positive for h pylori or gastritis at any point.

We're they specifically doing the scopes for IBD or just an investigatory scope? Did the nurse specify what the scope was negative for?

Hope you get answers soon.
Did you test positive for h pylori or gastritis at any point.

We're they specifically doing the scopes for IBD or just an investigatory scope? Did the nurse specify what the scope was negative for?

Hope you get answers soon.

My doctor just wanted to test to rule out colitis, it was my first colonoscopy. He said he didn't want to do a CT scan just yet. The nurse didn't specify what was negative, which is why I was confused because the results didn't sound normal.

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