New to this forum but not to Crohns

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 1, 2010
Hello everyone,

I've signed up with this forum a while back but just been doing the reading as I usually do. I am not new to Crohns, always research information online but never actually put much of the advice, info in practice. Lately I've been behaving quite autodestructive :depressed: Well at least after my last surgery I had last summer.

My first diagnose was in 2003 when I also had my first surgery. Never had any symptoms ever, at least none that I can remember and puf one day surgery. Had a resection of 40cm of my small intestine. Things went fine I recovered fast but life was never the same again, as it isn't probably for most of the crohns sufferers out there.

I always tend to put everything on my lifestyle. I smoke, drink coffee, ocassionally drink alcohol but in very small quantities, even so the effects are devastating. Worst of all I believe is that I never have any kind of diet I just eat mostly anything leaving out milk, fizzy drinks, nuts , raw fruits and veggies. I never eat on scheledule, just eat when I feel a hungry or if I can call it so "when I remember i have to eat", this mostlyu because my appetite isn't too great.

Last summer I had my 2nd surgery witch was just an intestinal occlusion, my intestines were blocked and some kind of fistulas (not sure what they are called) were removed from the outter surface of my intestines, a good amount of them.

I am only 25 at the moment been suffering since 18

This is my crohns story..
Hi Fribourg
and welcome

It is difficult when you're young to change your lifestyle, I know, I was young once!! And even now, I've not changed my diet much, I smoke and drink coffee, rarely alcohol, cos that does really aggravate me. If I flare tho, and have lots of D and pain, I go on the low residue diet, to calm things down and give bowels a rest. I have realised over the years that not eating regularly exacerbates symptoms, even tho I don't feel like eating, and going without for long periods just makes me more fatigued and blood sugar levels hit the deck very quickly!
glad you found us, and we'll see you around the forum
lotsa luv
Joan xx
I'm 28 and was diagnosed when I was 9 so I've lived most of my life with Crohns and would always put it in the back burner and always acted like I was "normal" by eating or doing whatever I wanted. I still do and I always pay the price for it. Its hard to change your lifestyle. I'll probably be mad at myself when I get older for not taking better care of myself during my younger years but at least I started exercising. That's something right? :p
I'm 25 and recently diagnosed with Crohn's. I'm still trying to figure out myself what dietary changes work and which ones don't. It's hard giving up some foods I love! It really does affect your lifestyle and finding a new sense of normal is the biggest challenge. I think what's interesting about this disease is while we're sick it kind of forces us to adapt a more healthy lifestyle - probably one we should be following anyway even if we didn't have Crohn's!
Hello everyone,

I've signed up with this forum a while back but just been doing the reading as I usually do. I am not new to Crohns, always research information online but never actually put much of the advice, info in practice. Lately I've been behaving quite autodestructive :depressed: Well at least after my last surgery I had last summer.

My first diagnose was in 2003 when I also had my first surgery. Never had any symptoms ever, at least none that I can remember and puf one day surgery. Had a resection of 40cm of my small intestine. Things went fine I recovered fast but life was never the same again, as it isn't probably for most of the crohns sufferers out there.

I always tend to put everything on my lifestyle. I smoke, drink coffee, ocassionally drink alcohol but in very small quantities, even so the effects are devastating. Worst of all I believe is that I never have any kind of diet I just eat mostly anything leaving out milk, fizzy drinks, nuts , raw fruits and veggies. I never eat on scheledule, just eat when I feel a hungry or if I can call it so "when I remember i have to eat", this mostlyu because my appetite isn't too great.

Last summer I had my 2nd surgery witch was just an intestinal occlusion, my intestines were blocked and some kind of fistulas (not sure what they are called) were removed from the outter surface of my intestines, a good amount of them.

I am only 25 at the moment been suffering since 18

This is my crohns story..

Welcome to the forum, glad you are here hope you get some relief soon!
Hi fribourg and :welcome:

So sorry to hear you are struggling and you are sounding down. Are you taking anything for your depression?

I don't have CD but my 18 year old daughter does. She seems to travel along OK for a while and then the *normal* thing hits, and it's hard. She's actually been going through a rough patch of late. You have found the right place here, there is plenty of support and info but more importantly people who understand you and what you are dealing with. I hope you stick around 'cause we would love to have you here.

Take care, :)