Good morning,
I will start with my daughters recent history. She just turned 13.
October 2011 she began to have severe pain in her ankles. I attributed the pain to her sports activities. Appearance of bug-bite like sores on her shins that worsened through April.
January 2012-April 2012. Five episodes of fever 103+.
February-March. Two episodes of bright red blood with BM's.
April. 1-2 episodes of bright red blood with BM's per week. Pediatrician had stool sample run (negative, no blood in stool) and referred to PedGI.
PedGI suspected Crohn's based on symptoms and immediately hospitalized her for colonoscopy and upper endoscopy. Results were negative. Swollen lymphnodes in colon were present and 'constipation' 'diagnosed' in spite of regular 2x-8x per day BM's. She was put on a Miralax regime 1 1/2 cap per day and increased water.
June. 3 weeks after colonoscopy/endo, blood with BM returned 1-2x per week. Follow up x-ray showed the colon was full. "Clean-out' with Magnesium Citrate until clear was effective.
July. Joint pain spread to hip joints, so severe at time kid can't make it upstairs. Severe nausea, vomiting, and severe hiccups (lasting up to 8 hours). Regular BM's 2x-8x per day.
Follow up and another x-ray last week shows colon still full. Golytely clean out until clear effective. 2 days following this clean out, SEVERE bleeding with BM's 3x in one day and she can't get warm, is weak and exhausted. This is the worst it has ever been.
PedGI has run another series of blood tests for ANA, inflammation and not sure what else. When he first saw her with the leg sores (currently gone) he was 99% sure we were looking at Crohn's. Then he said constipation was the cause of everything due to biopsy from colon/endoscopy results. Now, as her symptoms are so 'text book' Crohn's maybe?
Is this typical? Can biopsy results be negative but the disease still present? How can someone be 'constipated' with regular, perhaps excessive BM's? She feels lousy and really wants to feel better! We have an emergency appointment on Tuesday am and I don't know what questions to ask to advocate for her.
The PedGI is well respected and I do have trust in him. They are not giving me a lot of info, I guess they don't want parents to use the internet to self-diagnose.
Any advice for a parent at the start of an IBD diagnosis will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
I will start with my daughters recent history. She just turned 13.
October 2011 she began to have severe pain in her ankles. I attributed the pain to her sports activities. Appearance of bug-bite like sores on her shins that worsened through April.
January 2012-April 2012. Five episodes of fever 103+.
February-March. Two episodes of bright red blood with BM's.
April. 1-2 episodes of bright red blood with BM's per week. Pediatrician had stool sample run (negative, no blood in stool) and referred to PedGI.
PedGI suspected Crohn's based on symptoms and immediately hospitalized her for colonoscopy and upper endoscopy. Results were negative. Swollen lymphnodes in colon were present and 'constipation' 'diagnosed' in spite of regular 2x-8x per day BM's. She was put on a Miralax regime 1 1/2 cap per day and increased water.
June. 3 weeks after colonoscopy/endo, blood with BM returned 1-2x per week. Follow up x-ray showed the colon was full. "Clean-out' with Magnesium Citrate until clear was effective.
July. Joint pain spread to hip joints, so severe at time kid can't make it upstairs. Severe nausea, vomiting, and severe hiccups (lasting up to 8 hours). Regular BM's 2x-8x per day.
Follow up and another x-ray last week shows colon still full. Golytely clean out until clear effective. 2 days following this clean out, SEVERE bleeding with BM's 3x in one day and she can't get warm, is weak and exhausted. This is the worst it has ever been.
PedGI has run another series of blood tests for ANA, inflammation and not sure what else. When he first saw her with the leg sores (currently gone) he was 99% sure we were looking at Crohn's. Then he said constipation was the cause of everything due to biopsy from colon/endoscopy results. Now, as her symptoms are so 'text book' Crohn's maybe?
Is this typical? Can biopsy results be negative but the disease still present? How can someone be 'constipated' with regular, perhaps excessive BM's? She feels lousy and really wants to feel better! We have an emergency appointment on Tuesday am and I don't know what questions to ask to advocate for her.
The PedGI is well respected and I do have trust in him. They are not giving me a lot of info, I guess they don't want parents to use the internet to self-diagnose.
Any advice for a parent at the start of an IBD diagnosis will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.