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new to this...

hi-i'm andrea-i'm 43-and was diagnosed with mild crohn's on august 24 06. guess i am still kind of processing this new information..
i have been to a gastroenerologist over the past months-(and once about 6 years ago-for frequent diarrhea)
i had a colonoscopy about 7 years ago because my dad had colon cancer-(he is ok now-had surgery) and the results just said i had evidence of scarring/ adhesions from a myomectomy (surgery to remove fibroids in uterus) a year before this.
for many years i thought my diarrhea was due to having had such large fibroids and then the surgery. my doctors also thought i might have ibs.
4 years ago i had shingles (just a small area of sores along the nerve from my left eye to my scalp)-and at the same time a virus that made my saliva glands swollen-as well as the gland under my left ear.
a few months ago i went to the gastro because of chronic heartburn-it seemed to be at its worst just before i made a stool or whatever--but-was/is bad all the time.
i went on prevaid-it helped for a short time-but then it started up again despite the med-as well as diarrhea becoming more frequent and often watery. my stools were almost always yellow. i didn't lose weight though-..i am pretty much average weight in general..)
i tried nexium-had diarrhea (it seemed ..due to taking it...but now i wonder..) i also tried prilosec(cheaper--but didn't work at all) as well as zantac (also didn't work)
then about 3 weeks ago (or something like that) the heartburn became "very" bad-(no nausea or vomiting--lucky in that way..)and the diarrhea was also even more frequent-and always watery. i had some ab pain-but-i almost have gotten to where i "ignored" that..but-i did have one episode -after going out to lunch one day-where i had what seemed like strong gas pain-but in the stomach area.
so-all this-i went to the gastro my gyn goes to. i was in not even 5 days later for a colonoscopy and an endoscope.
(colonoscopy prep is so horrible..i'm sure everyone here knows...i used the pills instead of the gallon drink--which was better-but-still-the worst prep ever..)
at any rate-i was then diagnosed with mild crohn's -(ileum)
he put me on pentasa (500mg 4 pills 2x day). i had a low grade fever for 3 days..and worried my body wasn't taking to the new med--but-yesterday and today-no fever.
today-in the morning and part of the afternoon-i was actually feeling a bit better--but-this evening (not sure if it was the baked potato with some butter)but-i now have semi-bad heartburn and have been having to go (stools) ..maybe 5 times since eating at about 630 or 7. (it is now 930) also-have anal burning (probably from going a lot today-especially this evening).
i also feel very tired and some ab discomfort.
since the pentasa-i have only had diarrhea one day..the rest-today included-well-formed and brown (man..this is all so gross!..sorry..gotta get the hang of this..!!) the stool has tiny yellow dots scattered through it each time--so-maybe thats from the pentasa..?
i think i will be starting the entocort tuesday. my dr mentioned that (but first see if i can "take" the pentasa. i was going to see if i could talk him out of the entocort..but now..i am beginning to think i may need it. i just feel it is the inflammation (?)--which needs to be dealt with...
so..thats my story..
sorry so long.
i'm just worried that since the burning is still there (tho-i was diagnosed to have mild gastritis as well-and am on aciphex for a month)-but..the frequent bowel movements and ab discomfort..make me think maybe i do need the entocort...:(
i realiaze i need to learn many things...especially about diet. i am not the healiest eater..i eat good stuff..but also eat junk..and i love icecream and pizza-the thought of....oh..well.
i am almost afraid to east now..after tonite-and the zillions of stools and burning...just after eating one potato...yeah..lots to learn..
oddly: ambien seems to help w the burning at night--takes the edge off--maybe that is because i am getting sleepy,,who knows?
does anyone here (esp those who have chronic bad heartburn)take pain relievers (besides tylenol) (like maybe codeine)?
i want to get to read many other stories here tomorrow-i think i am too nutty about it all right now however..and hopefully now can do some regular work.
that's the hardest thing right now--this feeling bad takes all my time-havent been working for a week now-and --i am losing it--well-not really-don't feel well enough to care really. right now-i guess all i can think about is this crohn's.....
anyway..i am glad to be here-and i hope to read/talk with others here who are going through this-at any stage--it is all crohn's....
thanks for reading such a long ramble ;)
Hi xrayzerase!

I'm another newbie. I really could relate to your story. I also have the burning pain in my stomach. I was on nexium for abou 2 months. That helped, but now the pain seems to be back. I just had a upper scope the other day.

I'm struggling with the food just like you as well. I have been able to stay away from dairy products, cause I did get real sick from milk. I put a slice of cheese on my sandwich once and a while, but stay away from milk, ice cream, butter and so on.

Anyway I think it's important for us to think about what makes us feel worse, and to stay away from what ever that might be.

God Bless...
Hey Xray.. Let me just toss in my 2 cents worth.. U really ought to look into diet as it plays a big part in this... It certainly isn't a 'cure', but it can/does moderate flare-ups.
Watch what u eat, give your body a chance to rest up, then try cheating your diet a little... slowly... U'll soon discover what does/doesn't make things better or worse..
hi Andrea! how did I miss this post before? lol.. youve been around a little while now?
well.. welcome anyways! and hope your feeling a bit better about everything.
knowledge is power they say ;)
aloha Andrea! I thought I had also greeted everyone who has wandered in lately, but I seem to have let you slip in. My apoplgies! Hope you'll be comfy here & come back often!

My door is always open if your wanting a NEW FRIEND to chat with so drop me a note anytime ... so have a great time here !! See you around soon !!
Hi, Andrea

I too have crohn's but no burning acid as you describe so sorry can't recomend anything, just wanted to say hello

oh wow..hi everyone..
i guess when i first joined i accidentally put up my story 2x (same one..just-hit it up twice..didnt mean to!)
and the first thing i wrote i was such a "newbie" that i answered everyone --making it a bit nutty! (i have learned though!!)
anyway-all welcomes mean a lot to me.
i already feel VERY comfortable here.
i really like the members-and find i am not only learning huge amounts here--but also feel the support is REAL-and-that is so cool..and-for me-it helps so much-especially on days i feel down about this whole thing (like today..feeling not so well--cramp-s and diarrhea again) :( oh well...guess i may actually need the stronger meds.
i get the pillcam test-probably next week-maybe the end of this week. and frome there..who knows? but my dr did mention remicade and/ore 6 mp. so..that is what i am figuring to be in the cards.
yeah..i am scared. the meds scare me-remicade and 6mp or aza scare me. i can't help it.
but i also know they may help and i'd be able to not feel so yucky all the may be worth it all.
anyway-thansk again for all the welcomes etc.
my door is open for anyone who wants to talk as well :) just email me:
[email protected]
or..i'll just see you around here on the board!


I just wanted to say that I have a lot of the same symptoms as you but have not yet been diagnosed with Crohns. I was on Nexium for the last 7 months for the upper GI discomfort but I am weaning myself off it at the moment. My doctor initially thought I may have celiacs and once I was done my bloodwork and scopes I went on a wheat, dairy and soy free diet as those are the three top inflamotory foods for many people. As well as coffee, and fatty foods. Off those as well. All I can say is that it has been 6 weeks on this diet and I am finally noticing an improvement in my well being. Not the greatest but something. If anything the fatigue is a bit better and certainly the abdominal discomfort. It would be worth while looking into your diet, but you really have to be vigilant and patient. Good luck to you and I hope you feel better soon.


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