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Mar 4, 2011
Hi all,

I stumbled across your forum around 3am this morning while searching for reasons why I was throwing up, again.

I was diagnosed with crohn's disease in about 1993, I was in my mid 20's. At the time the abdominal pain was pretty bad. I was lucky and found a good doctor right away who was able to diagnose me from the get go (after all the tests/procedures). Once on the meds (i can't remember what i first took) I felt much better and went on with my life. The internet wasn't in full swing yet so I really only knew what the doctor told me; but that was fine as long as the pain was gone. I took the med's for about a year or so, until I didn't have insurance and then stopped. The pain didn't come back so I figured I was in remission. Then, about 7 years ago, the pain was back; so back to a doctor I went. A really good doctor, but he didn't beleive me at first...he thought I was misdiagnosed the first go round. A colonoscopy later and he was proved wrong. He ran all the tests, including the camera pill which did show that my small intestines and ileum are infected as well. Ya me!

All in all I am not bad off at all. The disease is there but I really don't have a lot of pain (knock on wood). But I do throw up more often than I would like to and I know it has to do with the crohns but there is no research to back it up.

I'm also a wife and mom of a girl (11) and a boy (8).
Hi Drea! Welcome to the forum!:)

I was diagnosed in my 20's, as well. Meds have definitely helped me. Do you currently have a gastro and are you taking meds? Throwing up is no fun! I hope you are able to get the medical help you need. As for needing shoulders to lean on, or any other type of support, we at CF are here for you!

Enjoy CF! There is a lot of info in the various subforums!
Yes, this forum is great. I stumbled across it a couple of months ago. Just the right time! :)

Does your doctor have you taking anything? I will tell you that my daughter vomited frequently during her flare. So, it is not your imagination. An unhappy GI tract is an unhappy GI tract!

Hugs & welcome!
Hi Drea,
Welcome to the forum. I can say at least that vomiting is one symptom I never had.
Well, now that I think about it, that is how my Crohn's started - in my duodenum, and i would throw up becuase the food was stuck in my stomach. But that was 20 years ago and has since moved to mostly my colon.

Anyway, I guess your small bowel maybe has a stricture and blocks the path causing you to throwup? I assume you are on some Crohn's medication? I used to think because I had no pain that I could just handle my symptoms - boy was I wrong.
Hi Drea and welcome!

I would guess also that some blockage or obstruction in your small intestine is causing the vomiting. That is never a good sign!

Has your doc given you anything, suggestions or medication, to deal with the vomiting?

Hope you feel better soon! Have fun poking around the forum, you will learn lots here!

- amy
Hi welcome :)

I have developed the throwing up aspect of crohns since the fall. I now have crohns in my ileum where it always was but now also in my duodenum. Can you request from your doctor to do an endocopy to rule out any upper inflammation occuring within your digestive system? It might show some more reasons for throwing up. Hopefully it will show nothing and it can just be the symptoms from the inflammation in the ileum.

I hope it works out for you, and I am glad that you found the forum!
Hey Drea

Just wanted to say welcome. :) I'm pretty new on here too. I was also diagnosed with crohns around the same time as you and around the same age.

It's hard when you're ill and have kids to care for, mine are 7 and 6 year old.

It's good to hear you feel relatively well apart from the vomitting. Can the doctors give you anything for the sickness?

Thanks all. I'm glad I'm not the only one. The throwing up only happens every couple of months and I think it's from things that I've eaten, so I try to figure that out and stop eating it (nuts and salsa). I don't really have any other symptoms, no diarrhea or other pains; heck I can't even lose weight (I'm 40 lbs overweight).

I haven't been to the (only) GI in about 18 months, since moving to Colorado. And having crappy insurance and one income makes me hesitate going to the doctor.
I would still get to the doctor. You need to follow up every now and then in my opinion even if you feel your symptoms are not the worst. Throwing up is not a normal occurance that happens to everyone. To be on the safe side you should get it checked out.

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