New Treatment for Molluscum Contagiosum

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Aug 28, 2011
I know quite a few kids seem to get molluscum. I was reading the newspaper today - there was an article about a new treatment which seems to get rid of the spots within a couple of weeks. It's been used successfully by the London Harley Street clinic, not a lot of GP's know about it yet.
It's called MolluDab, it costs £24.30 for a 2ml bottle, but worth it for those whose kids get quite distressed about them.
Thanks so much for sharing!! :D Going to see if it's available here! :thumright:
I read about this treatment too. It has come too late for Josh. He had molluscum when he was about 6 and it covered most of his torso and groin area.
It was horrible and at the time there was nothing doctors could give for it. Josh had it for around 18 months before it went away and it had a big impact on his life as it was so unslightly.

He has been left with deep pitted marks under both his arms which will not go. In some ways he is lucky he is a boy and not a girl as I feel it would have affected a girl more than it does him as they grew up.
We were the same. My son suffered for over a year on the inner thighs which were painful and bleeding because they rubbed when he walked
Pharmacist checked and they don't have MolluDab here. :( S is seeing his GP next week, going to ask him if there is a comparable med - from what I read, there seems to be only one medicinal ingredient... you'd think we'd have that here! :ybatty:

If not, going to try to order it but not sure if there are restrictions on meds crossing borders?? We'll see. :)
Sascot, thanks for that info. Kian has a few on his knee and just found out today what it was. Nurse said it will go aay itself but can take a long time.
Is it linked to lowered immune system you think or meds? x
Is it linked to lowered immune system you think or meds? x

Not really. My daughter's entire swim team has it at one time or another. Maybe our kids are a little more likely to catch it but a lot of non IBD kids get it also.
Yes, but it can take along time. If you can't get your hands on this stuff maybe try a drop or two of Oil of Wild Oregano in some olive oil and dab that on. Oil of Wild Oregano is an anti fungal/anti bacterial agent. We use it for nail fungus (I know! swimmers are gross) and it is awesome. We also take two drops under the tongue. Wipes everything out. She hasn't had a Molluscum outbreak since we discovered Oil of Wild Oregano so haven't tried it on that yet.
Thanks CIC. S is going to see his GP on Thursday. We'd thought his molloscum had gone away and, as it went away so quickly, I'd been leaning towards the other possible diagnosis of folliculitis. But, now he has another 'one'. I didn't think molloscum could disappear and than reappear?? But S said, while he doesn't think so, it is possible it wasn't 100% gone and he didn't notice it.

In any case, I don't imagine there'd be any harm in dabbing oil of wild oregano on it.

Do you recall how soon you began to see improvement - just so we know if it's working??
haha! At one with Folliculitis here also. Fighting it since summer in three of us!

Yeah, Molluscum can disappear and reappear but usually not so fast. WE never tried OWO on Mollluscum as we discovered it after we were done with the Molluscum. But yeah, no harm in trying. Put a drop or two of straight OWO under the tongue but them also a drop in some olive oil and dab on the spot.

Could be Folliculitis you are dealing with. Skin issues are hard to pin down. For the folliculitis our derm says just wash with antibacterial soap like Hibiclens.
Andrews took about a year and a half to go away. Went to a dermatologist and got some liquid put on the bigger ones which blistered then burst.
S says the ones he had grew until they were about 2 millimetres, turned deep/bright red, and then just disappeared (no 'bursting'). Is that what happened with Andrew?

And never any itching or pain.
Dermo put strong stuff on his
It flaked within a week
No scars and it was gone after the second treatment
He had a ton though so it was worth it
Andrew's only blistered and burst after the dermatologist put some really strong liquid stuff on them. Wasn't very nice but worth it in the end

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