Hi all,my name is Fiona, Im a 40 yo female usually fit & healthy, married with 3 older children and have been working as a nurse for 16 years . I started delveloping symptoms of GI problems about 10 years ago,after the birth of my third child.. with loads of Dr's visits, scans etc they decided to remove my gall bladder..apparantly diseased, which gave me no releif to my ongoing symptoms, severe reflux, abdo pain, nausea etc.. found myself searching for answers for many years now.. with not alot of support from medical proffesionals & fell into depression due to the constant feelings of pain & unwellness, finally 3 years ago i was referred to a gastro..after a G-Scope & colonoscopy, i was diagnosed with mild crohn's in the terminal illeum & gastritis of the gut, which explains alot of my upper GI symptoms, I havn't really suffered from any loose bowel actions with my crohn's, more constipation, which my Gastro doctor says can happen in some people, and by reading some of these stories i am thankful.. i do suffer from consistent pain in right side & around to my back, & find certain foods trigger my symptoms to become worse, i have just commenced on salfalazine & metronidazole, as he thinks i have a stricture, waiting another scope in 2 weeks .. hope to gain lots of great advice from other sufferers..and any suggestions on good reading material..and find out if others have trigger foods etc?? and maybe a good simple book for family members to read up about living with crohn's, as much as they try to understand, it's difficult unless you are suffering.. :heart:
Thanks for reading :ybiggrin:
Thanks for reading :ybiggrin:
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