
Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 6, 2012
Hi all,my name is Fiona, Im a 40 yo female usually fit & healthy, married with 3 older children and have been working as a nurse for 16 years . I started delveloping symptoms of GI problems about 10 years ago,after the birth of my third child.. with loads of Dr's visits, scans etc they decided to remove my gall bladder..apparantly diseased, which gave me no releif to my ongoing symptoms, severe reflux, abdo pain, nausea etc.. found myself searching for answers for many years now.. with not alot of support from medical proffesionals & fell into depression due to the constant feelings of pain & unwellness, finally 3 years ago i was referred to a gastro..after a G-Scope & colonoscopy, i was diagnosed with mild crohn's in the terminal illeum & gastritis of the gut, which explains alot of my upper GI symptoms, I havn't really suffered from any loose bowel actions with my crohn's, more constipation, which my Gastro doctor says can happen in some people, and by reading some of these stories i am thankful.. i do suffer from consistent pain in right side & around to my back, & find certain foods trigger my symptoms to become worse, i have just commenced on salfalazine & metronidazole, as he thinks i have a stricture, waiting another scope in 2 weeks .. hope to gain lots of great advice from other sufferers..and any suggestions on good reading material..and find out if others have trigger foods etc?? and maybe a good simple book for family members to read up about living with crohn's, as much as they try to understand, it's difficult unless you are suffering.. :heart:

Thanks for reading :ybiggrin:
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Hello Fiona and welcome :bigwave: Despite having crohns for nearly 10yrs I have never actually read a book about it so I cannot recommend anything but we do have a books, multimedia etc forum that is worth having a look at. Hard to say what my trigger foods are as I even have issues with rice and flare up on the special liquid shakes. The most common culprits though are caffeine, dairy and too much fat and fibre. Too much fruit and veg is not actually that good for us and try to avoid eating skins and things with pips and seeds as they can aggrivate the bowel. We also have a diet and supplement forum that you can look at for further details on this. I really hope the scope just shows some narrowing down to inflammation and not actual scar tissue, it says it all for this disease that I say that but inflammation is usually easier to sort out. Will keep fingers crossed and let us know how you get on.
Welcome to the forum Fiona!

As you know already there is a lot of great material right on the forum, but if you focus ins more on finding a book I suggestion you check out our thread on Recommended books for people with Crohn's Disease. That forum has some other book recommendations (including one my gastroenterologist wrote).

We have a thread on the forum about safe and unsafe foods for people with Crohn's Disease that you might be interested in looking at to see what types foods trigger CD symptoms in others.
Thank-You for your reply, i appreciate hearing other peoples suggestions on what works for them, i have some days off work coming up , so hoping to sit down for a few quiet hours & check out the forum thoroughly, so far what iv'e read through is great, glad to know that there is some people out there that can live relativly normal lives while dealing with CD.
As far as the food goes, i too find it difficult as some times what is a real irritant, can then not cause any symptoms the next time i try it.. oh well keeps me on my toes, forever researching, I'm now trying gluten free, lactose free , & limiting my summer fruits as well as high fibre foods, just started this yesterday, so will see if it makes a difference..

Cheers for now ..Fiona :)