Hi, i am new to this site and new to the disease if i do have it. I never thought i would need a forum or support but now im in a situation i cant get out of. On friday i started having pain in my lower right abdomen and i just thought it was from working. I had a bowel movement that had red in it and i was confused but still thought it was a tomato that i had eaten although i know that not possible i eat tomatoes all the time and never have this issue. Well we went on a mini vacation and i had pain saturday night and sunday night was the worse. It had me doubled over. On monday when i was still in pain i went to the doctors and they said possible stones so they sent me to have a CT scan and when i got the results back it that there was minimal dilatation of the terminal ileum with thickening of the wall and few prominent lymph nodes along the ileocecal area and early stage of crohns disease cannot be excluded and should be considered.
this was a shock to me i was expecting stones or my gallbladder but this is shocking. so now i have to get a colonoscopy. I think this sounds right for me. Twice this year and once at the end of last year i had what i thought was food poisoning, sever abdominal cramps with diarrhea and if i am diagnosed with crohns disease then i wasnt having food poisoning i was having flare ups. Im scared and kind of alone as my hubby is supportive but he doesnt know how this feels. This week i have been gassy alot and i am having bowel movements that are slightly loose at least three to five times a day and my sides hurt. i constantly feel like i have to poop and the gas is horrible.
Did anyone have these issues when they were first diagnosed or does this sound like crohns to you. i know i will have to have the final diagnosis from my doctor but i could use some piece of mind.
Hi, i am new to this site and new to the disease if i do have it. I never thought i would need a forum or support but now im in a situation i cant get out of. On friday i started having pain in my lower right abdomen and i just thought it was from working. I had a bowel movement that had red in it and i was confused but still thought it was a tomato that i had eaten although i know that not possible i eat tomatoes all the time and never have this issue. Well we went on a mini vacation and i had pain saturday night and sunday night was the worse. It had me doubled over. On monday when i was still in pain i went to the doctors and they said possible stones so they sent me to have a CT scan and when i got the results back it that there was minimal dilatation of the terminal ileum with thickening of the wall and few prominent lymph nodes along the ileocecal area and early stage of crohns disease cannot be excluded and should be considered.
this was a shock to me i was expecting stones or my gallbladder but this is shocking. so now i have to get a colonoscopy. I think this sounds right for me. Twice this year and once at the end of last year i had what i thought was food poisoning, sever abdominal cramps with diarrhea and if i am diagnosed with crohns disease then i wasnt having food poisoning i was having flare ups. Im scared and kind of alone as my hubby is supportive but he doesnt know how this feels. This week i have been gassy alot and i am having bowel movements that are slightly loose at least three to five times a day and my sides hurt. i constantly feel like i have to poop and the gas is horrible.
Did anyone have these issues when they were first diagnosed or does this sound like crohns to you. i know i will have to have the final diagnosis from my doctor but i could use some piece of mind.