So the drugs list possible side effects
All drugs have possible side effects
un controlled crohns Can cause strictures obstructions fistulas and inflammatory cellular changes
My kiddo was dx at age 7
He is now almost 17
So I understand your concern
crohns is tricky
Your doc may offer drug xyz
You might think drug abc is “safer “ or better
But in the end the only drug that matters is the drug your body responds to and stops the inflammation cycle
In kids they use exclusive enteral nutrition -EEN
(Formula only no solid foods )
This is done for 6-9 weeks
Then they are in a maintenance drug
Or some continue with formula at 80-90% and solid food at 10-20-%
It works for some kids
others have used the crohns exclusive diet (formula plus a very restrictive diet ) -has worked for a handful of cases not many
my kiddo has done een and tried a lot of different drugs over the years
he used currently on Stelara/methotrexate combination which is working well
Good luck