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Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 11, 2012
Soo here it goes:

I'm not sure what my diagnosis is other than DESPERATE!!! That I can tell you for sure. I came across this ugly demon 4 yr.s ago after being on a double dose of antibiotics for a month. Same as a lot of you, I thought I just had a bout of the flu with my immune system being so run downed from the pneumonia, sinus infection etc... So I went back to my family Dr. to have them put me through a ton of tests,blood, stool, upper & lower GI, colonoscopy, ct scans, MRI's etc... you know the works. Lot's of med's that made my condition worse. So I took myself off the meds & went to a natural, homeopathic, Dr. who put me on oils & probiotics then told me to get my fillings in my mouth (all 2 of them) changed from silver to white. Needless to say being in my desperate state I begged my dentist to do so. All while waiting to see a specialist. 9 months into this: an alien living in my stomach, 20 - 30 trips to the washroom throughout the day & night. Cramps & unbelievable pain, mucus & blood, not to mention just plain exhaustion. My specialist office called to reschedule my appointment telling me the dr. would be away. I cried on the phone pleeding with them not to reschedule my appt. obviously I did not win that battle & they rescheduled it for 3 months down the road. With nothing short of a miracle my problem disappeared at the 10 month mark leading me to never make it to my appt. I was never so HAPPY.

So you say to yourself why are you here then posting on this site??? My UGLY DEMON has reared it's head again 4 yr.s later. I was in a horrible accident with my horse on October 17th & had to be put on a quite a cocktail of drugs one of them being heavy duty antibiotics & within 2 weeks I was right back where I had left off. I've tried probiotics which I thought saved the day last time, gluten free, dairy free, etc... I've read so much info that I don't know what to eat? I've since read about natural healing for this (WHATEVER THIS IS) IBS, colitis. It calls for a vegan diet??? If someone has any suggestions, advice, kind words or otherwise I would Greatly appreciate it. Like the rest of you I too had a busy life but, a good busy on a farm with 2 amazing chittlins & a wonderful hubby that supports me 100% a Great business & lot's of friends that keep me social. However, I can't stop crying a lil everyday wanting my life back & this to go away. It's soo hard to stay positive & I try to keep things normal as far as the cooking & baking goes. I'm huge into cooking & baking so that's another avenue of this that's killing my spirit. Soo sorry, for the novel... Not that you know a lil bit about me hopefully I can keep my post to short stories from now on. Thanks, again for listening & any advice you may have. From diet to how you keep from curling up in a ball & crying! would be Greatly appreciated :(
Hi Magnolia,

I too live on a farm and have two beautiful children ones 4 & 6 and a wonderful husband.. We do cereal cropping here in SA..What do you guys do?
I was diagnosed last week, but had syptoms for the past 3 years..
I have been on the verge of tears, angry and latley lash out at my kids and husband.. I know this is not fair to them but I can't help it at the moment..Such a rollercoaster of emotions.. But I refuse to let this beat me..talking to others who understand helps :)
I hope things get better for you soon.
Good morning!

Thanks! Soo much for your reply!
I too think it helps soo much to talk to other people. We have a community supported agriculture farm, plus cash crop, horses & chickens lots & lots of chickens. Lol during the winter months my Hubby delivers eggs every Sunday. I have my own business so let's say that's taking a backseat right now so I opened a shop on etsy to put some of my stuff in hoping to be able to still make some money. Now, what's involved in your farming & what do you do when it's off season! I soo understand the being short thing & the emotional rollercoaster. I feel so bad everyday my kids & Hubby ask how I am & everyday it's the same resoponse. Well, today wasn't a good day. Hopefully tomorro will be better. I'm crying on & off all the time not to mention spending endless amounts of time trying to figure this out & changing my diet constantly! No magic yet! R u on meds? I found the last time they made me worse so I'm staying away! What were u diagnosed with? They told me ibs last time but, not so sure that's right. I have alot of mucus & a lil blood this time. So I'm a lil afraid to know what it is! Pretty sure if I had to guess it's colitis. :( well, I have a hair appt today. Wish me luck. Lol lol hope u have a great day! Hope to hear from u soon... Thanks again! Magnolia xo
Hi Magnolia and welcome to the forum :bigwave: Just wondering where things are currently with regards to whether you have had any appts yet about the recurrance of your symptoms? If so what is being done test/medication wise? You have definetly come to the right place for lots of help and support so I am glad you have found us. I hope your hair appt went well today :)
Hi Magnolia

I'm SO sorry to hear about the hell you're going through - and believe me we've all ridden that rollercoaster many times.
Unfortunately there will be tears, anger and frustration but your family love you and they'll support you no matter what. They know you don't mean to be like you are.
I turn into the Bitch Queen from Hell when I relapse and anyone who's really close to me knows I don't mean to be like that - it's just cos I'm feeling really ill.
All I can say is hang in there petal - we've all been there and we know how you feel.
Lots of gentle hugs :hug: for you and a one for your family :ghug:
Keep us posted flower xxxxx
yuckieeee week!


For all the support. I've had a terrible week needless to say. Which I'm sure all of you can relate. : ( Went to the naturopathic Dr. yesterday & had my first set of testing done. She put me on a stronger probiotic & I go back tomorrow for my results & first treatment. Keeping my fingers crossed. You would think there's only so much of your insides you can purge. However, mine just keeps going & going & going. : ( Talk to you all soon.
Thanks again for the warm welcome! It's amazing how much talking to others helps. IIf nothing else I don't feel so scared. <3
Welcome Magnolia from anothre horse-lover and owner! Sorry to hear you had a wreck (been there too!)....wonder if the cocktail of drugs they had you on messed everything up and now your body needs to get back to its' 'normal' levels/limits of everything?.....

Stinks that you have to wait so long for an appointment!
Hi Magnolia,

Sorry you've had as terrible week.. Hope you get some results from your tests..
I just does your head in knowing that something's not right with your body but no one can tell you what it is.. This was so frustrating!!
I went undiagnosed for about 3 years but since April last year I started to get colds, flu's, sore throats etc every couple weeks, cramps, headaches, always blocked sinuses, dreaded diarrhoea, mucus and extreme fatigue and the list goes on..
I was diagnosed with crohns on the 5th Jan, placed on Prednisolone 40mg and Pantoprazole 40mg. I have noticed improvements without to many side affects which has been a blessing.

We have sheep and chickens on our farm, 2 dogs, 3 cats.. I love my chickens, I take an interest in different breeds so I have a mixture :)
Generally in between seasons we try to keep up with maitinance on machinery, fencing and all that fun stuff..

I know it's hard but keep your chin up Magnolia, I hope you liked your hairdo..
Sharyn xx