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Feb 20, 2012
Well I've been reading this website for the past several weeks and finally decided to join today.
I'm still undiagnosed but I think I know what I have although I'm not certain.

Here's the story. For what seems like the longest time I would suffer constipation for days and then a weeks worth of loose watery stool. Sometimes as much as going to the RR 7 times a day. I never really had any pain associated with any of this.

About 2 weeks ago I was at work and just started to develope alot of pain in the right side of my stomach area and lower groin. This was accompained by a pain in my navel that felt like someone was taking a knife to it and with every step I took they were moving it up and down. I also had a fever, joint pain and nausia.

I ended up leaving work and getting an appointment at my doctors office. They were not able to diagnosis anything but did set me up an appt with a colon rectal surgeon. The CNP also told me that if I felt any worse to go to the ER.

The next day I didn't feel any better and went to ER and they ran some tests on me, one of which was a CT scan. It showed a thickening of my intestinal track on the R/S of my stomach. They gave me some meds for inflammation and the pain.

I met the Colon and Rectal surgeon and after some questions he got me scheduled for a Colonoscopy, Ultra Sound, Upper GI and a small bowl test. Based on our discussion he prescribed me Asercol (sorry about the spelling).

The colonoscopy was normal as they didn't find the source of my troubles. He did remove a few polyups but that was it.

While in for the Upper GI and lower bowl thing I saw on the "scout x-ray" (their words) a dark area on the r/s of my stomach.

I completed the tests and review this with the doctor this coming friday.

From what I've read and my symptoms I think I have crohn's in my illiem.

Please keep in mind during all of this I have had continued pain that comes and goes. Just as I start to feel better the pain gets to the point that I can't take it. It seems to come around about an hour after I eat and then I'm couch ridden until the next moring.

My questions are as follow's if anyone can help:
1. Is it normal to develop the pain in my side and belly button area that won't go away? Like I said it comes primarily after I eat. I can feel it coming on when I get bloated as it feels like my food just stops moving when it gets to a certain point in my instestines on the right side. Then it's on!
2. This week also starts the 3rd week of me being off work, I feel terrible for missing work and my boss is being super supportive. I just don't have the energy and the pain just kills me. Is it normal,(so to speak) for this to last several weeks?
3. The Ascercol seems to help but then again I keep on having symptoms. I've read what others are taking, should I discuss other meds when I have my appointment on Friday?
4. What meds should I try to get?
5. I've read about the B12 should I just start taking the vitamin? Will it have an adverse reaction to my other med if I do?

Thanks for reading this and if anyone has any suggestions or comments please let me know.
Hello Chaz
Welcome to the forum.You will find lots of friends here and a wealth of information.
Your symptoms could well add up to Crohns and it is interesting that you seem to have a partial response to Asacol.
Usually, pains and symptoms will be around for some time until a drug regime is found to bring you into remission if it is crohns.
Once your diagnosis is made come Friday, you may find a change of medication., if it is crohns.
Surgeons are usually very good diagnosticians but for the longer term IMO if it was me
I would prefer to be followed by a gastroenterologist specialised in crohns., maybe in addition to the surgeon.
It is always a good idea to discuss medication options with the specialist.
I don't think you should self prescribe the B12, wait to see if you really need it.
Blood work should be done to determine your inflammation levels, tests such as CRP, ESR., general blood picture to include iron and B12 levels, for a start.Your surgeon may already have done these tests so ask about them.
Depending on what the investigations reveal,your therapy will be prescribed accordingly., by your specialist(s).
Good luck on Friday please keep in touch and let us know how thing go for you.
It is good that your employer is so supportive of you.
Feel better soon
Hugs and best wishes
I really am sorry you are undergoing such a hard time and wish you only the best and a fast recovery as well as accurate results to your testing. Please keep us updated! I am surprised no one has answered you yet!:O
Anyway, I will try to answer your questions.

1. Yes its quite normal, at least for most IBD or IBS patients to suffer from such pains around the side and belly button. I usually feel pain there after I eat or when I will have stool. I also get really puffy and look like some pregnant girl!
2. Aww, I am glad you have a supportive boss, that is great, but I am sorry you have to miss so much work! The pain can last for a long time if not treated or if you are having a flare of some sort or if you are just having any IBD/IBS.
3. You should see what your doctor has to tell you and see what he/she wants to treat you with. Depending on the problem, you should be treated with the right medication and then decide if they work for you or not. It took me years to figure out the proper treatments for my Crohn's!However definitely tell your doctor about the current supplements you are taking.
4. Same answer as what I wrote to 3., see what the doctor has to say first.
5. I don't know if you should take B-12, but my doctor recommended to me to take a multivitamin and probiotic drinks to get the minerals and vitamins I need. Talk to your doctor about it first!

Take care and best of wishes!! Good luck, please inform us on your app. and how you are doing!

kisses, aya
Hi, I am sorry to not be much help. I just wanted to let you know that I have Crohns and take Asacol as well as Prednisone. Do they have you on any steroids? It has seemed to help me a great deal. My other question regards the pain, have they checked for gall stones or kidney stones? In the beginning of my diagnosis process they scheduled an ultrasound on my abdomen in addition to the colonoscopy. The colonoscopy revealed symptoms of Crohns and and ultrasound gall stones. I have since taken the Asacol and Prednisone and had my gall bladder removed. Having the gall bladder removed has helped me tremendously. Maybe you should ask about that. I would suggest a GI as well. In any case, good luck. Not working is very stressful, I missed a tab over a month during the diagnosis process and am out again (a week today) due to surgery on an abscess/fistula. I am fortunate enough to have an understanding and supportive boss thus far and hope it continues to stay that way. I hope you can soon get to feeling better and welcome to the site!! :)
Back from the Dr's visit and he confirms it is crohn's in my small intestine. He also, did a quick glance at my colon/rectum area and saw the inflamation there this time as well. The inflamation wasn't seen during the colonoscopy, wonder why? He then told me that I also had colitis

So I am off the Asacol and he put me on Prednisone and Lialda. Told me that I should see a tremendous improvement within a few days, (keeping my fingers crossed). He also said that if I didn't see the improvement he would go ahead with the surgery.

Is this the normal course of events? Does surgery happen this fast?

Thanks so much for all of your support and answers.

Thanks for
Hello there,

Thank you for informing us of your visit to to the doctor, though I am greatly sorry to hear that you have Crohn's and colitis.
I assume when he said its colitis, he meant by Crohn's Colitis since its confirmed Crohn's.
I am not familiar with the medications you have been treated with, nor do I find that going so swift to surgery is proper, but the doctor knows best I guess.
My GIs' all try to do different medication therapies first before even considering the surgery, she and all of them agree that its best to keep it as a last resort if all else fails and I understand why plus appreciate it.
I personally would ask your doctor if you can maybe try first a steroid or enema therapy, that helped me a lot through most of my flares and inflammations. Since taking Pentasa and Azapriothin(sp?)-Imuran, getting enemas like Entocort Klizma, or trying a small trial on Metypred and other steroids, it stopped my bleeding for quite some time.
This is up to you though, if you would like to go ahead with surgery if nothing works, which I do hope these three medications will help, or as your doctor wishes, then I wish you the best and good luck!
Please continue to write your progression and journeys! Good luck!! Take care!

kisses, Aya

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