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Hello all:
Im Leah 25 years old soon to be 26. I get horrible D, stomach pains, sometimes blood in stool, losing weight. I'm on 5mg of pred right now. sometimes joint pains too. Hope everyone here is well. Write Back Soon,
Take Care

P.S. I am having an upper endoscopy on thursday with bravo. Anyone had this done before?
Thanks for sharing that and welcome to the forum! I am not sure exactly what the procedure you are having is. I have had a colonoscopy and an sigmoidoscopy, but am not sure what you had exactly.
Hello Mike,
How are you? How old are you? My GI did all the test he could do. The only med that I'm on right now is pred. My GI can't find anything wrong with me and this is my second opinion. When i see my this other GI for my test on thursday I will tell him what's been going on and maybe he can help me. What do you think i got? Write Back Soon
Take Care
I am 19 years old, and was diagnosed at 17 (maybe started some of my symptoms at around 16). Your symptoms all sound like they could be Crohn's, including the joint pain. I would not worry about that or anything now, as I can promise you that no matter what it is, stress will not help it. You need to make the decision now to let what will happen happen, and not worry about it. This can actually reduce symptoms from coming up. A lot of people here will agree that stress can worsten a condition, so please do not worry or stress at all.

Common procedures that many people have to see if they have CD or another form of IBD include colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy (but colonoscopy is more thorough compared to this) and small bowel follow through (involves swallowing barium). I am assuming that endoscopy will involve something simular to a colonsoscopy, where a camera is used to actually see what the intestines look like. You can be given something to make this procedure less rememberable, and many people sleep right through it.
I never had the small bowel follow and never had the sigmoidoscopy but I did have two colonsocpies, two upper endoscopy, two camera pill test.I know this is not IBS. Is crohns/colitis hard to dignose? Write Back Soon
hey leah welcome to the site i hope this place is as usefull for you as it is for me
hi Leah
:welcome: to the forum (((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))
Hello & Welcome Leah !! I am sure that you will find lots of folks here willing to help you & to be your friend ... so just remember that. Take care and stay in touch when you can !!

Hi Leah! Thank you for posting!

An upper endoscopy is where they use a camera to view your small intestines going through your mouth. It's a lot like a colonoscopy in the sense that they use the same drugs to help you relax and forget the whole thing. Instead of looking at your colon by going through the "exit port"... they view your upper digestive system and go through the "entrance point" (your mouth).

While it may not be fun, it's certainly not the worst test in the world. Try not to stress about it.

Welcome to the forum here!

Please let us know how the test goes and Best wishes!
Hi all:
Thank you for the welcome. When they do the upper endsocopy and look into the small intestines what are they looking for? Hope everyone here is well. Take Care Write Back Soon,
Leah I recommend asking your questions in new threads in the proper areas of the forum. THis way more people will see them and have a chance to respong to them.
Hi Leah, Welcome!! what a real sweetheart hoping we are well...Thank you for that. We hope you are well also. Good luck with the Endoscopy hun...don't worry ok? If you need any of us...please drop us a line. Very nice to meet you.

Mama Chronie
Hi Leah, welcome to the site! I had that test a few months ago. hope it goes well for you, they are prob looking for any inflamation, and maybe take biopsies to get you diagnosed with UC or CD. or hopefully they find neither one of those things.
good luck!
Thank you all for the welcome. Today I had blood when I wipe myself. blood everytime I wipe myself today. I will be calling my GI in the morninig. What do blood mean? Write Back Soon,
hey Leah, I had blood every day for around 12 years.. for me it meant I was in a flare (meaning my crohns was very active), I think it can also have a lot to do with where your inflimation is located, its good your calling your DR, they will have much more clear answers for you.
hope your well, and let us know how it goes.