Newbie, just found out today i have crohn's

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 27, 2010
newbie, just found out today i have crohn's

HI everyone,

My name is lisa and i'm 26 years old from michigan. My doctor told me today that my test results can back with crohn's that are active. I don't know much about crohn's or what i have in store in the future. I thought i had the flu. high fever, sharp stomach pain and diareia (sp). I when to my family dr. to get some meds, because i was heading to vegas in 3 days. the dr. told me to head to the er. I was amitted into the hospital for 5 days for testing. the tests came back with crohn's. i'm on some meds now and it hurts when i eat. hoping i can get a better understanding about whats going on with my body here. any help or information would be great.

welcome to our forum, there are loads of people here who can answer any questions you may have
Welcome Lisa! One of the biggest problems i think with the onset of Crohns for a lot of people is getting that first diagnosis. I am personally still waiting for a diagnosis myself, so i don't have a lot of help i can offer, but i hope you can find some medications that work for you to help minimize your symptoms.
Hi Lisa, Welcome to the forum!! Sorry you are having to seek us out for information. One good thing is, we can help you through our experiences and even tho we are not doctors we can try and be there for you. Lots of good help and friendly people here. Ask any questions, no question is tmi or stupid to us. There are alot of threads about so many different avenues. Hope you get some relief soon. Take care.
Hi Lisa, great to see another Michigander on here. You will get a ton of wonderful information here, but most of all you will get more support than you can imagine.

I'm from Freeland, just west of Saginaw and south of Midland.

Welcome aboard and good luck with everything.
Welcome Lisa!
You found a great resource for lots of good info and support from super-nice people. I was diagnosed with crohn's about 4 weeks ago and I've learned a LOT about various forms of IBDs and what other people are experiencing.

Personally, I'm in the early stages of treatments (remicade/infliximab), so it may be a while to determine how well (or not) it works for me. There are other medical options. I can say that prednisone has worked wonders in giving me a somewhat normal life back, but it's a temporary fix....I need to start tapering off soon. I still have to be very careful of what I eat and how much.

Good Luck!...and don't hesitate to ask questions.
:welcome: Lilninja/ Lisa.......I love your ninja name:)

There are so many different aspects to this disease. Everyone experiences different symptoms. Please just ask any questions you may have. We are happy to answer and share our personal experiences.....Check out the treatment section of the forum. There is a lot of info there.

Good luck
Hi Lisa! One good thing to know about the disease is that you can go into remission. For many that means little to no symptoms but still taking medication. Keep in mind that doesn't mean you'll stay in remission though. It stands up to the word chronic.

Feel free to ask questions, vent away or even look for a sympathetic ear.
Welcome lisa :) Glad you found us. This is a great place for support and information and I hope it will make things a lot easier for you as you figure things out and what works for you!
Hey, welcome to the forum!
Sorry that you have crohns, but it´s a good thing you got diagnosed so quickly.
I´m still not so sure of what I have...
Hope you feel better soon.
Hi Lisa,

Im a new member too. I was diagnosed with Crohns a few months. Mine was actiave and I was constantly ill until I was diagnosed and treated. I had a course of steroids and now I take Mentasa and I've been well since, I dont even know that I've got it, for the time being.

Im sure what the future holds for us isnt good, so try not to think about the future too much and just deal with whats happening now. I try not to think about anything further than this week.

Good luck x
Hi Lisa,

Welcome to the forum. I know you aren't happy to have Crohn's but I'm glad you got it diagnosed and found this forum. People here are very supportive.

Also, I find a lot of hope that we can feel better with treatment and some people even go into remission. One thing I've learned is to take care of my nutrition also, I take many supplements every day but it can be pretty important since you might not be absorbing all you need from food.
Welcome to the forum Lisa! You have a great support group here. Sorry to read about your new diagnosis, but there is a lot of information out there and treatments are getting better every day! Keep your head up! :)