newbie, just found out today i have crohn's
HI everyone,
My name is lisa and i'm 26 years old from michigan. My doctor told me today that my test results can back with crohn's that are active. I don't know much about crohn's or what i have in store in the future. I thought i had the flu. high fever, sharp stomach pain and diareia (sp). I when to my family dr. to get some meds, because i was heading to vegas in 3 days. the dr. told me to head to the er. I was amitted into the hospital for 5 days for testing. the tests came back with crohn's. i'm on some meds now and it hurts when i eat. hoping i can get a better understanding about whats going on with my body here. any help or information would be great.
HI everyone,
My name is lisa and i'm 26 years old from michigan. My doctor told me today that my test results can back with crohn's that are active. I don't know much about crohn's or what i have in store in the future. I thought i had the flu. high fever, sharp stomach pain and diareia (sp). I when to my family dr. to get some meds, because i was heading to vegas in 3 days. the dr. told me to head to the er. I was amitted into the hospital for 5 days for testing. the tests came back with crohn's. i'm on some meds now and it hurts when i eat. hoping i can get a better understanding about whats going on with my body here. any help or information would be great.