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Hiya I am sam, I have had cd for 14 years.
I have had one operation a resection nearly 2 years ago, it didnt work so never again (well to the next time)
I have just had a stay in hospital due to a major flare up.
I am currently taking Pred 10mg a day until next week then I will be a steroid free zone. This is the last ever time I will take the Pred due to the vile side effects and when I taper i loose the movement in my legs and cant walk for a few days and am in total agony!:mad:
I also take pentasa and anti sickness. and have vit b12 every 12 weeks.
At the mo I am feeling pretty bad at nights with my joint pain and being sick through a partial blockage ( i think).
I also have gall and kidney stones as well as the teerrible joint pain which I am thinking it is due to the Pentasa so will find out when i visit GI on 11th may.
Hope everyone is as well as possible.
Sam xx;)
Welcome to the board Sam. Sorry to hear about your surgery. I hate Predisone too. Well I think we all hate the side effects of it.
I never had joint pains while I was on Pantasa. It was all cause by the Predisone.
Well best of luck to you!
Thanks Kossy, also forgot to say i have 2 children boys age 7 and 12, a bloke and a job as a restaurnat supervisor part time which is enough for me even thought I really enjoy it.
Oh and i am from the UK.
I had no idea what a "bloke" was. I went to a website that's called English to Amerian.. this is what it said..

bloke n. pron. "blowk" (English); "bloke" (the rest of us). The closest American equivalent is guy, and it is pretty close. A bloke is a joe public, a random punter - any old guy off the street. Where it differs from guy is that it can't apply to your friends. You can't walk up to a group of your mates and say "Hi blokes, what's up?", as they'd all peer at you as if you'd been reading some strange cross-channel dictionary. The most common usage of the word bloke is almost definitely in the phrase "some bloke in the pub".

Before I found this I was just thinking of what it was... I was no where close to what it means.... It's funny we speak the same language but we have totally different slang terms for almost everything.
Hi sam

Yeah I have to agree the pred sideffects suck so yay to be off them in a week for you. Welcome to the site and all the best


Hi Sam and Welcome! It's so good to have you here and I look forward to seeing you around alot. Maybe you can teach Kossy how to speak British..:D For the record, Kossy, I knew what a bloke was. I'm a BBC fan and watch it all the time! LOVE the Naked Chef on Food Network too.

I think it's safe to say that everybody here hates That is some evil stuff.
Thank you so much for sharing your story with us Samantha. 14 years is a terribly long time to be fighting this disesae, and I am sorry to hear you are having such a hard time with pain. Hopefully getting off the prednisone soon will help though (I will be completley off it myeself in about 2 weeks time).

I hope you are able to stay around here more often, as we would all love to get to know you even better.
Thanks Mike, loving the site as you can prob tell from my huge amount of posts today mainly to the games bit, its fab.
Yeah 14 years is a long time but I can;t even remember not having this damn disese now!
You will def see me about a lot.
Sam x
Hi Samantha!
Welcome to the board! We're going to you hold you to that...we want to see you around here a lot! ;)

Hey Sam!

Glad you found us! Hope you start feeling better soon, and I look forward to seeing you around on the board! :)

I am sure that you will find lots of support here at the CROHN'S FORUM & if U need a friend ... count me in !! Once again WELCOME ABOARD !! :)
Hi there Sam, great to meet you. Happy to hear you will be steroid free soon. That's always cause for celebration. If you need anything, don't be shy. Your amongst a great crowd of people.