
Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 27, 2012
Hello All,

I came across this site, while reseaching a few of my symptoms on line. This seems like a wonderful site to share our experiences with others that "Really do Understand."

I was diagnosed in 2008 with Chrons and started treatment, in 2009 I lost my job and the health benefits stopped, I could not afford to keep up the medications or visits, so off the medications. Long story short, I am now employed and have gotten married and have benefits again. My symptoms was not too bad until this past Fall. I have insurance now and have moved, so I went to the doctors in the new area I live in, and had all my records transferred. I inially went to the doctors and they send me for Gallbladder test, and on to the surgeon to schedule surgery. The Surgeon reviewed my history and sent me to a new general md and stated it thought I had more going on before taking the gallbladder out. The new doctors have me doing all the testing again since its been so long since the last. Well the new GI I do not like at all, he shrugged his shoulders and said " you have Chron's its painful your in a flare up and not been on meds, so what do you expect." Needless to say I understood but still upset and explained to him, yes but I am here for your help and want to get back on the treatment plan. So between him and the general md, I am having all the tests again and back on the meds, but I still feel horrible and some days so much worse than others. I have expressed to the doctors and they schedule another test, the test comes back normal or they say a mild case. They make me feel its all in my head. I been pretty bad the past few days and my husband even said to me, they have to me last night, they have to figure something out. So I read a few threads so far and glad I found you all and hope to share and learn with all of you.
Hey Jeannie

Welcome to the forum :) So glad to hear your are back on your meds and hopefully you'll be feeling much better soon. I know what you mean about tests showing normal when you feel awful, I get that too and feel like the doctors must think I'm a fraud at times. Hang in there hunni and have a good look around the forum, it's a great place to be :) Take care.

Hi Jeannie and welcome to the forum :bigwave: I would say that if you really are not feeling comfortable with your current GI then perhaps look into seeing a new one. You should not be put in the position of having to deal with an igorant git who clearly hasn't had to deal with an illness and then lose his insurance! It's not like you WANTED to stop taking your meds. On this note what meds have they now put you on? What are they doing with regards to your gallbladder? Could some of your current symptoms be put down to this at all? When is your next appt booked for? Lots of questions, sorry! :) I am pleased you hae found us and I hope things will soon get better for you :hug:
Oh, Jeannie... big squishy hugs sent out for you.

It's terrible that your doctor feels the need to lecture and discipline you for going without for so long. I definitely agree with Angrybird above about getting a new doc. You should be treated with respect. You need to know that your docs care about you, so keep looking until you find a good one.

We know this is not in your head. It's in your gut!! And it's for real!!

I'm sorry that you're still feeling horrible, even with new meds. What meds did they put you on?

Welcome to the forum, Jeannie. I look forward to hearing from you again. :hug:

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