I have lived with some of the symptoms of Crohns disease for most of my life, but dismissed them as allergies. After mostly clear allergist results, I was referred to a GI specialist. I finally had a colonoscopy last month, and the results showed that I likely have Crohns. This came as a bit of a surprise to me. I have lived with pretty much daily diarrhea (between 2-7 times a day) for as long as I can remember (if not daily, at least 5 days of the week). I will get horrible stomach aches after eating, then go to the washroom and have a BM and my stomach will be fine. Sometimes it lasts a little longer, but not often. I will also occasionally have these issues early in the morning or right before bed (regardless of whether I have eaten).
Those are pretty much my only symptoms though. I have never in my life experienced constipation. I may have fatigue, but I don't know how you would really identify that (I also have hypothyroidism, which would also lead to that). My weight has been pretty steady, even when I wish it would decrease. I have had blood in my stool only once or twice in my life.
I guess what I would like to ask is if anyone else has experienced anything similar. I have been reading a lot of people's stories, and they all seem so much more extreme, so it is still a little hard for me to believe that I have the same thing. It has been hard with this being completely undiagnosed, so I appreciate having answers from him, but it was not the answer I expected.
I am also curious about 'flare ups'. These symptoms have been a complete constant in my life (except maybe 2 months as a teenager). Do they usually get better/worse at different points in time? Is this something that will probably happen with medication?
Thanks :smile:
Those are pretty much my only symptoms though. I have never in my life experienced constipation. I may have fatigue, but I don't know how you would really identify that (I also have hypothyroidism, which would also lead to that). My weight has been pretty steady, even when I wish it would decrease. I have had blood in my stool only once or twice in my life.
I guess what I would like to ask is if anyone else has experienced anything similar. I have been reading a lot of people's stories, and they all seem so much more extreme, so it is still a little hard for me to believe that I have the same thing. It has been hard with this being completely undiagnosed, so I appreciate having answers from him, but it was not the answer I expected.
I am also curious about 'flare ups'. These symptoms have been a complete constant in my life (except maybe 2 months as a teenager). Do they usually get better/worse at different points in time? Is this something that will probably happen with medication?
Thanks :smile: