Newly Diagnosed

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 25, 2015
My name is Brandon and I'm 31 years old and I was recently diagnosed with "mild" Crohn's after having a colonoscopy. I was finally forced, by my wife love her, to the doctors after having severe stomach pain, constipation and horrible back pain. I should have gone a lot sooner but it took serious pain for me to finally make the decision. Growing up I've always been tall (6'5") and skinny (155lbs) and never though much of it because everyone in my family was the same growing up. I didn't have the best eating habits, my favorite places to eat were ChickFila, Hardees and any pizza place available. Around my mid twenties I started noticing some blood in the water after bowel movements and on the toilet paper. The GI doctor I saw didn't think it was anything serious and I was diagnosed with internal hemorrhoids. After that I always had issues with abdominal pain after certain foods and immediately having to use the restroom. I always figured it was just some foods didn't agree with me or maybe some IBS. I never put it together that my aching joints were linked together to my Crohn's until after I was diagnosed with it. The new Dr. who diagnosed me said I had probably had it for the past ten years and had some scarring which may have caused my latest severe constipation. Now that I've been diagnosed I've cut some things out of my diet that I should have a long time ago but I'm still trying to learn what my trigger foods exactly are. I'm a little bummed out about the diagnosis but I'll get over it and learn to live with it. My Dr has immediately started me on four different medications, Metronidazole, Ciprofloxacin, Anucort-HC and Budesonide. Sorry for the rambling, I've been lurking on the forums the past few weeks trying to learn and finally decided to post. Thanks for reading!

PS - My wife is 20 weeks pregnant with our first child, a girl!
Welcome to the community :) I'm glad you finally got diagnosed and are being treated.

And congratulations on the little one!
Hi Brandon. I'm new here too, and it can take a long time to accept it, I've been symptomatic and only responded to Crohns treatments for over twenty years and only been diagnosed a few months ago. Wasn't a massive shock, but still an official label is tough 😕 Hope you soon see improvement on your meds, and congratulations on your baby news, that's something to really focus on 💕