Newly pregnant and a nervous wreck!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 3, 2011

I am about 5 weeks pregnant, and I am a nervous wreck. I wasn't diagnosed with Crohns until this year, and do not think I was dealing with the disease during my first pregnancy. I am so scared of not knowing what to expect now, and what impact my meds will make. My OB and GI both said they would be fine, but still makes me nervous. After my first set of labs, the OB said my progesterone levels were just slightly low, so they started me on a progesterone pill once a day for the next 12 weeks. I am really interested to hear stories of other Crohnies who were pregnant, good or bad, so I can know what I can expect. I am planner and hate the unknown more than anything!

Hi Sbailey!

First off, congratulations! Were you trying or was this a surprise? Hubby and I want are going to start trying this year, so I have done a lot of homework on the subject. I have found this article on the CCFA website very informative.

What medication are you currently taking? Most appear to be safe, except methotrexate. This is not to be taken while expecting.

Was your Crohn's active before conceiving? How are you currently feeling? Basically, there's a rule of 1/3's when it comes to pregnancy & IBD. Women either improve, get worse, or stay the same. The chances of improving or staying the same is greater if you were in remission when conceiving. However, some women have seen an improvement after getting pregnant and report no IBD symptoms at all! The theory behind this is the body naturally suppresses the immune system when pregnant to protect the fetus.

I suggest visiting the Parents with IBD subforum. There's a lot of baby talk in there. I wish you luck and hope you have a wonderful pregnancy!
I had my Mirena removed in November, and then we talked about trying for our second baby. Apparently one of us is extremely fertile because we only tried for one month and I got pregnant!! My only real symptoms of Crohns at this point is constipation, I have felt great otherwise. I am on Entecort, Dexilant and Azathioprine. The only one I am really worried about is the Aza. Doctors said it should be fine but a lot of things on the Internet say it isn't. I have seen my OB already, and have an appointment in the morning with my GI. I am just nervous I guess. It was too easy getting pregnant, so like everything else with this disease I am waiting for my " two steps backward". Thanks for the congratulations, and good luck trying this year!!!
I've talked to many new moms who also had crohn's and everyone's story varies. If there is any information I can pass on in, it would be make sure that you keep seeing your GI doctor, even when you see OB doctors regularly. I had a huge flare up after my daughter was born 2 years ago, and I think if I had been more proactive in keeping myself in with the doctors, and seeing to it that I took care of myself, a lot of my issues could have been avoided. When you have a new baby, it can be very hard to make time to even sleep much less have time to see doctors, but it's so much better to be safe than sorry!

Have you had any discussion into what birth method you are hoping to use?

Best wishes on your motherhood adventure. :)