Nicole & Marlon

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Jan 21, 2010
Hi Everyone

We haven't heard from Nicole and Marlon (Trinidad) for a while, but I'm in touch via email and MSN.
Nicole is very poorly and they are going to America to the Mayo Clinic on the 25th July to see a specialist on the 28th.
This has wiped them out of all their savings and is their last resort.
Please pray for Nicole and hope that she gets some answers and relief at the Mayo.
Thank you for your support
love always
Joan xxxxx
I haven't met them yet (probably because I haven't been around long enough ... lol... ) but my thoughts and wishes do go out to them.

Hope she finds some relief soon.....
I guess I haven't been around long enough either. I'm really sorry to hear that this is draining them financially but its really for the best and I hope it works out.
i'm so sorry to hear how poorly Nicole is - i truly hope this trip can turn things around for her. please pass on all our best wishes to them both, Joan & thanks for posting this. xx
Oh, wow, that is so sad to hear. Nicole and Marlon are so sweet and always so encouraging to everyone else and so kind.

I'm not much of a praying type, but I will make an exception because I think they are both exceptional people!

Lots of love to them both. I am a little teary as I write this. I really hope Nicole is okay and gets better real soon.

- Amy
My heart and prayers go with them to the Mayo Clinic.
Hopefully they will get some much needed help there.

Thanks for letting us know Joan.
Thank you for the update, Joan. Will send warm thoughts and prayer.
My heart goes out to both of you. Nicole, please get well soon. Marlon, keep being her rock. Many hugs!
Sorry to hear this, thanks for the update Joan. My thoughts are with them.
So sorry to hear you are both going through this. Sending healing thoughts and hugs your way. :hug::hug::hug:

You will both be in my thoughts and prayers.

Take care,
Thank you for the update. I was wondering about how she was doing. I feel bad that she is not doing well but I do wish her the best of luck in getting well with her trip to the Mayo Clinic.
ah what the hell!

I couldn't imagine going through a bad flare, and what not with Crohn's and then to be treated so badly as they state in their other thread!!!!
This makes me really sad. I was just thinking about them the other day and was hoping that Nicole was feeling better after her last hospital stay. I hope the Mayo clinic can help her. Nicole, if you are reading this :hang: and I really, really hope you feel better soon!
I am sorry to hear that there challenges continue to be so brutal. Such kind and gentle people both of them, and seem so strong together. Marlon & Nichole you will be in my thoughts and prayers, I hope that you are treated well and get the medical treatment you need. Please be strong together, it just has to get better for you. Joanie-plz tell Marlon not to be tossing docs out the 6th floor windows- he was wondering in a moment of frustration if they would bounce. :hang:
Joanie, have you heard anything recently as to how Nichole and Marlon are doing? such nice people.
Hiya Jerry

no I haven't! I emailed them 2 weeks ago but I haven't had a reply yet!

I will try again tomorrow
Hi everyone!

update on Nicole

She has had a dx of Crohns, it's not UC. They found tumours in her spleen and stomach, and dx diverticulitis too.
So now it all boils down to cost and insurance, they have spent up going to the Mayo.
I will let you know if I hear anything else
Oh, wow, that is a doozy of a DX. I hope she is able to get all the treatment she needs. She and Marlon are so sweet. Sending love and (((((hugs))))) their way.

- Amy
Please let them know that we are all pulling for them. So sorry she had to go through so very much and then get such a brutal diagnosis.

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