Nicotine & Crohn's

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Login required :( Sometimes, medscape will bypass the login if you access an article VIA a search engine... Can we get the name of the article/author/date?
Nicotine - A Review of its Actions in the Context of GI Disease: Negative Effects of Nicotine on Gastrointestinal Disease

Gareth AO Thomas, John Rhodes, John R Ingram, Department of Gastroenterology, University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff, UK

Or google "nicotine crohn's medscape" and look for the URL I posted earlier in the descriptions through the search results.

Sorry about that :(
No worries :)

To anyone wanting to read, just copypasta this:

Nicotine - A Review of its Actions in the Context of GI Disease: Negative Effects of Nicotine on Gastrointestinal Disease

(minus the "originally posted by jessica") into your preferred search engine (meaning google, because GOOGLE FTW), and click on the link mentioned above. For some reason, Google searches bypass's membership screens. I'd copypasta the whole article here, but I fear that'd open up a can of legal whoop-ass.

Thanks again Jessica :)
Basically, nicotine/smoking/secondhand smoke is terrible for people with Crohn's although strangely therapeutic for people with colitis.
You know... for people who are still undiagnosed I wonder why doctors don't administer nicotine for a week or so and see how it affects them. That should give you a diagnosis no?

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