No active Crohn's.

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Sep 17, 2010
I have had surgery in June due to full obstructions and I haven't felt well afterwards. I was looking forward to the "honeymoon" stage I was slightly promised by doctors. The good thing is; I haven't gotten worse :ysmile: But I don't feel any better: I still have pain on the right side, vomiting in the morning, and D at night. Sometimes I think it's in my head due to everything I went through last Spring...but then the pain hits 10 fold!

I have had the normal tests to see what's going on, and to even see if it may be my gall bladder, which it's not. So, anyways, I finally had a colonoscopy last Thursday, and it showed No Active Crohn's. Has anyone else had this? I am feeling the same, but I am not showing that there's anything wrong. Is it in my head?
Vomiting and diarrhea, all in your head?? I don't think so!! What does your GI say about it?
Maybe you have inflammation in an area not reached by colonoscopy? Have they tried ct, mri, endoscopy etc? (if you had an obstruction before a pillcam may not be the best idea!)
I've had a CT; and an endoscopy last fall before my surgery. They did a pill cam, but when it got to my stomach it showed an obstruction, but the colonoscopy didn't show that. I am not sure what's wrong...
When did they do the pill cam? Before or after surgery? The reason the colonoscopy didn't show the obstruction is because it only just goes into the bottom end of the small bowel. The endoscopy can only just enter the small bowel from the top. You have many feet of small bowel that can't be explored from either end, only with a pillcam that goes right through, or by imaging (ct etc). But imaging can miss things, as you're looking through skin and muscle and stuff. But if the pillcam showed an obstruction, you probably have an obstruction! Unless of course you mean they did the pillcam pre surgery, and they already removed that bit. (sorry if that was a bit rambly)
Oh forgot to add, with Crohn's if you have surgery the Crohn's can come back next to where the surgery was. So if you had a small bowel resection, you could have active Crohn's up there out of reach of the colonoscopy.
They did the pill cam about three weeks ago. Way after the surgery. It showed an obstruction, than they did an x-ray to see where the cam was, and he said that it had passed. Not sure how that happened; seeing I didn't have a BM before the x-ray, but whatever. And the x-ray showed no obstruction. I have been having really bad joint pain in my hands, so that's why he decided to do the colonoscopy. I am not sure if it even reached the spot I had the surgery at...I wanted to see if it was Crohn's or scar tissue.

I guess my issue is; I want to know if I still have active Crohn's or if it's in my head and I have gotten used to being sick?
Are your labs okay? Are they showing any inflammation? Gosh my heart goes out to you......what a rough time!!:hang:

Claire's Mom
My guess is something is going off in there. Maybe active crohn's, maybe scars from inflammation or surgery. I don't think you just get obstructions if you're 100% healthy. And I don't think vomiting is 'just in your head'. But I would probably ask for a second opinion!

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