No Blood - Good/Bad?

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Jul 17, 2011
So I got some more results back and I was informed that I do NOT have blood in my stools.
I'm assuming this is a good thing! I don't know what baring it has on my unofficialy crohns diagnosis though.
I think part of me was hoping there was as this would have been a trigger to speed up my GI appointment. I felt the same way when they though it was my appendix and it wasn't ;)
Is the lack of blood presence a bad thing?
It looks good for you, did you have any other symptoms??

I have had several "flare ups" or "episodes" as I call them. The typical symptoms of extremely cramp/contraction like pain, frequent bathroom visits, lack of sleep, eating issues. Typically I have constant dull achy/pain in lower abdomen area, back pain, bloating etc.
I have typical crohns/colitis type symptoms with no blood in my stool.
As of late I have had a constant ache/pain in my lower right side (close to hip) they suspected it was my appendix but it wasn't. I see my GP on Thursday to get more answers.
U/S showed a blockage on right side but nothing has been said further.
I guess I'm still in the "unknown" phase!
Obviously not bleeding internally is a good thing!

I understand you wanting to get a diagnosis though......not everyone bleeds with Crohn's
Hi ellipse22 My son go dx with crohns last month and he never had any blood his symptoms we weight loss loose watery bm about 10 times a day temp and severe pain but the pain was only there when he needed to go to the bathroom He did complain a lot of pain in his legs I really hope they get to the bottom of it for you soon and you start feeling better it's so hard for people when they are having all the symptoms of crohns or colitis and still cannot get a dx I really feel for yous xx
I have had several "flare ups" or "episodes" as I call them. The typical symptoms of extremely cramp/contraction like pain, frequent bathroom visits, lack of sleep, eating issues. Typically I have constant dull achy/pain in lower abdomen area, back pain, bloating etc.
I have typical crohns/colitis type symptoms with no blood in my stool.
As of late I have had a constant ache/pain in my lower right side (close to hip) they suspected it was my appendix but it wasn't. I see my GP on Thursday to get more answers.
U/S showed a blockage on right side but nothing has been said further.
I guess I'm still in the "unknown" phase!

Im also at the unknown stage and ive had it for 5 years, they just call mine 'Colitis' but id say it is more Ulcerative Colitis than Crohns, but they think its More Crohns so thats where i am lol

It sounds to me you have Ulcerative Colitis, Are you tired alot during the day and cant sleep at night??
For about 3-4 months before my diagnosis I would pass a bit of blood every now and again, and get the odd bout of D, everytime I went to my GP he told me not to worry, chances were that my diet was bad, it was, it was very bad haha, and the straining from going the toilet constantly most likely causing the bleeding.

I mentioned to him "What about Crohn's?" He looked at me and giggled a bit a said "I highly doubt that" so I went on my way.

3 months later I went back to him, around the start of January 09, with really bad D, blood, weight loss, a perianal abscess, a rash on my shins, little sores on my eyes (ouch) joint pain, no appetite, and said to him "You blame diet now?" : )

He sent for a referral to see a GI, I said, "No thanks, I'm going to the hospital" :), went there got admitted straight away (Thank God! Hate sitting in A&E) got abscess surgically drained (Oh, the relief) :O and was diagnosed with 3 days.

So in other words, don't be surprised if it is some form of IBD, but then again it's probably nothing.

Good luck, buddy. :)

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