No output from stoma after surgery

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Oct 11, 2009
I haven’t had any output from my stoma for several hours (at least 8) even though I had a big lunch and breakfast. This used to happen to me all of the time right after the surgery and it usually meant a painful block and a trip to the ER. I am having no pain right now and my surgery was months ago.

Can you still get a block this long after surgery? I haven’t had one since June (I don’t think) and I kind of thought I was out of the woods. I am trying not to freak out since I am having no pain currently.

Anyone who has had problems with their stomas who have had them for a while? Any advice would be great. Sorry if this is an over reaction. I'm sure it is.
Sorry I couldn't provide any information, I don't have a stoma but I'm so relieved to hear that everything has turned out well, YAY!!!!!!

Dusty. :)
I'm glad things worked out. Sorry, I didn't get home until about an hour ago and just read your post. Did you have a lot of output yesterday? Sometimes it causes you to not have much the next day. Sometimes I get what you got and then all of a sudden the dam opens up and everything gushes out for a while.haha
Yea, I use to have moments like that when I did have a stoma, which was sometimes strange since I took Milk of Magnesia to make the bag cleaning a bit easier. If it happens again I would suggest you take some and then wait an 2-3 hours.
Hi Jer's sorry I did not read your post earlier, but I am glad all things are ok. Like jeff said, if one day you have lots of output, the next day it will slow down considerably, as it takes time to fill up 20 or so feet of ilium. pain is an indicator, but you had no pain.

I am Still using your (husband's) method lol
Dan- I'm so glad that the method is working for you. I haven't had a leak in quite some time (knock on wood). I finally seem to have found my grove.

I really appreciate everyone who commented on this post. It was very helpful. :)

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