No Period since stoma surgery

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Nov 5, 2012
Hi everyone,
I had an ileostomy 7 weeks ago and I haven't had a period since. In total it has now been 10 weeks since I had any form of bleeding. I have been very poorly for about 10 months now so don't know if that is part of it all too.
What are your thoughts? Is this normal/expected?
Although I have had no personal experience with this...

When your body is put under stress, particularly physical stress, it will put all its energies into resolving what issue is causing it. The fact that you have had major surgery it is not unusual that you will not menstruate until you heal and your body has reserves to put into other things other than healing and likely the need for you gain back nutritional health and ?weight.

As a parent many of us see in our children a failure to grow and develop whilst there is inflammation present as the body is putting all its energies into healing the inflammation. It is not until that is resolved that they then continue to grow and develop.

My daughter had not developed and was in very poor condition prior to her surgery when she 14. She ran at about 80% after about 2-3 months but didn't reach 100% for about 6 months. For her it took about another 3 months on top of that before her body was able to turn its attention to other things, that is growth and development.

Dusty. xxx
To me, this type of reaction is not surprising and part of "normal" process. In fact, I was quite surprised last year when I had my surgery, 3 weeks after I had my periods and I was very surprised I did not go "dormant" for a bit. When I am under lots of physical or psychological stress this is one of the first symptom to let me know my condition is more serious than I think. I can skip 1-2-3 months. Introducing humira caused me this, methotrexate did the same, mid-term and finals often make me skip a month. So I would say, don't worry too much about it but when you feel your body as recuperate enough and it has not come back, it can be a good idea to consult about it.
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Thanks both of you guys :)
That's put my mind at rest. I did think it was probably to be expected considering everything but just wanted to double check.

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