No period?

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Dec 12, 2010
I was wondering if any other ladies on here are irregular in their periods due to meds? When I was on prednisone back in June I missed a period and now this time around the same. I'm usually pretty regular too. I feel like I have all the pms symptoms...moody, hungry, crampy (always get colitis cramps before I get period cramps, ugh!), fatigue...etc...BUT I know these can all also be prednisone side effects.
Normally I am pretty regular, but with this latest steroid overload I am all messed up to, spotting and going early, so I assume it could make you miss one.
Thanks Nica, it was the only thing I could think of that could be messing things up. I know I'm not pregnant again that's for sure! Between having our 3rd almost 1 year ago to my UC being freakin nutty this whole year, I've been off limits, lol. My poor hubby!
I didn't get my period for almost a year. I was on pred that whole time. I also lost a tons of weight last year, then gained most of it back, then I added in Humira.... I think all that screwed everything up.

My GYN gave me something to bring on my period, which it did. It was then another six weeks until I got it again.

I wish I still wasnt' getting it. I am severely anemic and don't need anything else draining my blood!

- Amy
I lost my P for just about 2 years due to med changes/additions (pred. included) and lost way too much weight. When your BMI is low then your body tends to lose it's P anyhow. But, I do agree that meds play a factor on your mestrual cycle as does stress and health. My docs had told me that my body wasn't healthy enough to conceive therefore it stopped making that an option.

Thank you both for responding! I still haven't gotten my peroid and have been off pred for 2 weeks now. I'm not under weight so I don't think that's a factor. I did lose about 15lbs but have gained a few lbs back now (not that I want to, lol..I'm just so happy to eat again I think it's hard to stop, lol!). I keep feeling pms symptoms but nothing ever happens. Does getting off pred cause u to have weird reactions? Like, fatigue, moodiness, hunger, bloating, etc....or did I just describe IBD symptoms!!!
I've always been irreg but since crohn's more so. Between meds, weight gain and loss, stress, sickness I thing my body just decides when it wants to do what with my control..
I believe it's all connected and unless you concerned with a pregnancy scare or something, blame it on CD.. why not? :) Unfortunately if it's just that you want to be reg and arent, the only thing I know of is birth control but even then some meds may interfere? Sorry not much help.
Op: i have been wondering the same thing because my periods are extremely irregular. i tracked them using one of the period tracker iphone apps.. to give you an idea mine are like 36, 25, 27, 38 etc recently it was 69 days late.. and when i got it it was very weak.. i am on preds atm and have lost weight. i def think has played a role..
I've never been regular in that way. The most regular I've been was when I was on Prednisone(every month for 5 months). Then when I stopped it I had another attack and got put on Entocort and haven't had it for 3 months now. I get all the symptoms like I'm about to get it but then I just don't and they go away. I was diagnosed with PCOS(Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) about two years ago because of the pain which I have now come to find out is just Crohn's pain. So I was taking meds that I didn't have to be for years which were probably the cause of the major attack that led to me being diagnosed in September....
I didn't have a period for almost 3 years, from 15-18 ish. Same time I first noticed symptoms from crohns and ultimately got diagnosed! I went for all sorts of tests but nothing was coming back, everything appeared normal (apart from (unknown at the time) Crohn's symptoms). When finally diagnosed with Crohns I asked my doctor and he said that sometimes when the body is dealing with something as dominant as Crohn's, other bodily functions take a back seat because the body can't deal with both. Anyway, when my Crohn's finally became under control and I started to feel healthy again and put on weight, my periods returned. Although I know we 'need' them and all that jazz, I personally preferred life without them...but what can you do!
:) Hope this helps!
remember that crohnies are usually heavily malnourished, regardless of weight. that alone will cause your period to run to the hills and then you factor in other meds. our poor bodies really take a beating.
personally, i have had mine once in the last 8 months. i believe it's because i'm really malnourished and very anemic, but i was irregular before as well.
good luck.